Hamlet Final Essay 1. Where are they going? Deceitfully and criminally took the throne for himself. Hamlet willfully concludes, “My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth” (Act IV sc iv). Hamlet: Compare and contrast the family unit of Polonius/ Laertes/ Ophelia with Hamlet's relationship to the Ghost of Hamlet Sr., to Gertrude, and to Claudius. For as long as we can record, literature movies and entertainment have used “Revenge” as one of the best values for creating a great story, and this is evident in the play Hamlet. In order to obtain these things he went behind Gertrude, his lover¹s, back and murdered her husband. Claudius is ultimately too crafty for his own good. The tragedy Hamlet follows Freytag's Pyramid, because Fraytag’s Pyramid contains of five parts - exposion, rising action, climax, falling action and dencuement and Hamlet incorporates all of these parts – exposition, collision, crisis, perception, disaster g) Compare and contrast Hamlet with Fortinbras, Claudius, and Laertes. The Compare and Contrast of Disney's Lion King and Shakespeare's Hamlet ...William Shakespeare's Hamlet is without question the most famous play in the English language. This becomes clear when we hear about what “is rotten in the state of Denmark” and how he has taken the Queen with “the witchcraft of his wit” (1.5.47). During the movie we watched in class, it showed Claudius and Gertrude flirting even while King Hamlet was still alive, so that made me believe that they were canoodling even before King Hamlet’s... ...Claudius The fury toward Claudius and Gertrude alone is enough to make Hamlet even contemplate suicide, “Or that the Everlasting had not, Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet”, the ghost of Hamlet Sr. is malevolent and serves to bring out the barbaric side of his son Hamlet. Many critics take a deterministic view of Hamlet ’s plot, arguing that the prince’s inability to act and tendency toward melancholy reflection is a … Hamlet and Claudius betrayed someone that they where supposed to love. Hamlet and Claudius betrayed someone that they where supposed to love. * Appearance and reality Written around the year 1600, it is a classic amongst Shakespeare’s tragedies due to its length and in depth character development, themes, and plot. * Certainty and Uncertainty Both. Hamlet, after the murder of Claudius never once wavers in his decision. While viewing Hamlet through the Marxist lens, one could identify the tragedy as a struggle for power and a lesson on retaliation and violence overall. Claudius’s actions resulted in many deaths. Because of this betrayal the relationships they had ended in a sad tragedy. Even when Hamlet walks in on Claudius while praying, you could tell that he was only partially sorry because it had to be his brother but not sorry for doing it overall. Hamlet feels a responsibility to avenge his father’s murder by his uncle dad Claudius, who is now the king and well-guarded. As the play progresses, Claudius’s mounting fear of Hamlet’s insanity leads him to even greater self-preservation; when Gertrude tells him that Hamlet has killed Polonius, Claudius does not remark that Gertrude might have been in danger, but only that he would have been in danger had he been in the room. Claudius is driven to become the king and amass power, while Hamlet is driven to avenge his father. For example, both men contain the love for their queen, Gertrude. Throughout the play, the true characters of Hamlet and Claudius are revealed in their entirety, both exhibiting the potential to be good or evil. I enjoyed reading your post. Claudius starts off in Hamlet by taking the key role of mourner as he is mourning the death of his brother. That takes a lot of will and a person very selfish to accomplish such feet. However, Claudius’ evil personality allows for Hamlet to react differently in seeking vengeance for his father’s death. While Laertes listens carefully to both his father’s and Claudius’s words, Hamlet often defies and even goes so far as to manipulate Claudius. Hamlet is a play about a character's struggles with the opposing forces of moral integrity and the … "-Hamlet She employed many conniving tricks in order to convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan, such as in scene in Act I, scene seven when she says, ³From this time such I account thy love.² Here she is... ...Claudius struck me as the most interesting character in the play besides Hamlet. Set in Denmark, the play dramatises the revenge Prince Hamlet is called to wreak upon his uncle, Claudius, by the ghost of Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet. Although trust is a major part of a relationship, selfishness is an even more important part of a relationship. Claudius in Hamlet foils of Hamlet In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the characters of prince Hamlet and king Claudius are both forced to keep their true selves hidden. * King Claudius appears to be good man but in reality he is the murderer of the King Hamlet. Not only was this extremely deceitful to Gertrude, but it hurt Hamlet, his nephew, extremely. Crazy Man Ham. It is difficult to tell if Hamlet truly is upset at being rejected, as they have not been in a scene together and as Hamlet seems to condemn women from his experiences from his mother. Lady Macbeth was indeed as power hungry as Claudius, and she too plotted a murder in order for her husband to obtain the crown. While the son of the king, Prince Hamlet, is away at school, Claudius seizes the throne and marries the adulterous Queen Gertrude. Claudius and Hamlet are both very selfish men. One such example is seen in Act 2, Scene 2, from lines 593-617, where Hamlet is lamenting in his second soliloquy about many things. Hamlet’s father killed Fortinbras’s father, and Hamlet killed Laertes’ father, meaning that Hamlet occupies the same role for Laertes as Claudius does for Hamlet. Upon viewing a text through this lens, common themes such as said abusement and commonly struggles for power become commonplace. While she was sowing in her room Hamlet barged in with dirty and messed up clothes, looking pitiful and insane. Hamlet seeks revenge on Claudius for the death of his father while Laertes seeks revenge on Hamlet for death of his father Polonius. Each relationship is different, some are good and some are bad. Which was made even more apparent when after his brother’s death, he married his brother’s widow. Shakespeare's Hamlet and Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire are both commonly thought of as tragic dramas. a) Like Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras are sons confronted with a father's death. Get a verified expert to help you with Compare and contrast Hamlet vs. Laertes. In one final example of the “witchcraft of his wit” (1.5), Claudius sets the Laertes and Hamlet against each other in a “forgery of shapes and tricks” (4.7): a murder plot disguised as a fencing duel of honor. No one knows for sure and is certain who anyone is anymore. His appearance draws similarities between Hamlet and Fortinbras. Hamlet is then banished by Claudius to England where he is … He was viewed as the villain of the play and showed very little remorse for his actions. Claudius’s love for Gertrude may be sincere, but it also seems likely that he married her as a strategic move, to help him win the throne away from Hamlet after the death of the king. He states that Mufasa has gotten the “lion’s share” in brute strength. Within the first few pages, such contention is made apparent through the interactions between the two and Hamlet’s disclosure of his attitude regarding his uncle. Shortly after, he married her and took the crown. He declares, “Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed. His actions seem to be overlooked by some of the other characters and their actions. A Fight to Remember O cursed spite that ever I was born to set it right. King Hamlet and King Fortinbras both die. Why have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern... ...Claudius vs. Lady Macbeth Comparison of Hamlet and Claudius Relationships are very important today and they where very important in the past. Both Hamlet and Claudius are driven, dedicated men. He is more intelligent, which results in Hamlet’s quick wit and sarcasm . King Claudius has killed his very own brother and taken his brother’s wife as his own. Claudius is a very decisive man. The ghost ignites the need for revenge in Hamlet and demonstrates the extent of its manipulation and ill intent as it cloaks a vicious sin as a noble act that will prove Hamlet’s love for his father. Claudius prays, “O, my offence is rank it smells to heaven;/ It hath the primal eldest curse upon ‘t,/ A brother’s murder.” The reflection made by Claudius to the killing of, best known authors of all time, and of his many pieces, Hamlet is one that stands out. A foil is when a main character is compared to another character to better reveal the characteristics of the main character, as well as his intentions and motivations. The tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare brilliantly recounts the tale of feigned and true madness as it delves into themes of betrayal, incest, revenge, moral corruption, and death. Claudius on the other hand from the way he reacts to danger and stress has no backbone. 2.2 * Themes: He tells Hamlet that he was murdered by his brother, Claudius. plays have a main character that portrays the king of that country. Particularly in the case of Hamlet. Hamlet cleverly proves Claudius’ guilt but manages to stab Ophelia’s father Polonius instead who is hiding behind a tapestry in Gertrude’s room. William Shakespeare alludes to the Bible in Hamlet constantly because many of the characters, including Claudius and Hamlet, are experiencing a personal crisis concerning sin. William Shakespeare is one of the most influential writers of English literature and proves this with one of his most famous works, Hamlet. Hamlet unlike Claudius has so much anger built up inside of him because of his father’s death and it kept building and building until he finally let it out when talking to his mother about Claudius. Compare and Contrast between Angkor Wat and the Pyramid of Giza. Hamlet Sr. strengthens Hamlet’s, Fallible Mastermind of Claudius: Hamlet Hamlet is angry because he now knows that his uncle was the cause of his 14 May 2014 Things rank and gross in nature possess it merely,” in an effort to characterize Claudius as the weed that will infiltrate and destruct, about Hamlet’s own internal struggle in any given soliloquy. Particularly in the case of Hamlet. In contrast, Claudius remains a scheming villain to the very end. Claudius then married King Hamlet’s widow, Queen Gertrude and became the new king of Denmark. Though Hamlet is the protagonist of the play and Claudius the antagonist, these two characters show various similarities, in addition to their differences. King Claudius was in love with his brother¹s wife and desired his position as king. She can also be viewed as an incestuous woman. “Who murdered Laius – that man is here. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, King Claudius is widely understood to simultaneously be both well-spoken and extremely intelligent, two characteristics that, added up, complement his dangerous and manipulative motives and nature. A poisonous snake supposedly killed Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, but this is just a deception, created by Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius who, in reality, murdered King Hamlet. Hamlet stabs Claudius with a poisoned sword and forces him to drink the last of the poisoned wine. In William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, Claudius, the new King, is striving for absolute power and strength over everyone and would stop at nothing to get it. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. In Act five, rather than allowing Laertes only two methods of killing Hamlet, the sharpened... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, Hamlet: Act 2 Scene 2 - Compare Hamlet's Reaction to Arrival of Rosenc. Hamlet’s character is much deeper than Laertes. King Claudius and Lady Macbeth are so greedy for wealth and power that they will let nothing get in their way, even if it means deceiving the ones they love. King Claudius and Lady Macbeth are similar in that they both let their crave of power and desire for the crown drive them to deceitfulness, corruption, and even murder, to obtain it. No one knows for sure anymore. Modern stories do share similar plots or revenge stories with Hamlet, some of which draw on... ...strange behavior. The old King Hamlet was apparently a stern warrior, but Claudius is a corrupt politician whose main weapon is his ability to manipulate others through his skillful use of language. However, it is his truly his loud conscience that contributes to the complexity of Claudius as a villain. The contrast between Hamlet’s agonised indecision and the efficient, swift plotting of Claudius scarcely needs underlining. This quickly shifts though as the ghost enters and says, “…that incestuous, that adulterate beast” (1.5.42). Hamlet is an conflicted and self-disparaging individual who often finds himself toiling with his own ideas and movies frequently. We soon learn that Claudius cannot be the one doing everything for himself. The murder is not a well planned scheme and occurs in the heat of the moment. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, there have been numerous instances in which Hamlet shares similarities with Claudius as they both are aware of how to control the fate of others by using their distinctive cunning, whereas, in contrast, both characters use their emotions to determine the destiny of others, presenting Claudius as the better leader. The ghost reveals the true nature of his death and relies on Hamlet to avenge his wrongful end. * Because of all the deceit and theme of appearance and reality, every character is uncertain of who they are and who others are really like. The Differences Between the Kings There are many differences between the Kings Hamlet and Claudius with very few similarities. One in the same, yet the two sides of every man, Hamlet and Claudius must survive each other. King Claudius of Hamlet and Lady Macbeth of Macbeth exhibit three similar qualities, dishonesty, evilness, and deceitfulness throughout the play; although sometimes they demonstrate these qualities in different ways, these qualities greatly affect the other characters in the plays . 7 thoughts on “ Laertes vs. Hamlet ” Alyssa Merrit November 25, 2015 at 1:45 pm. Hamlet is, as the king recognises, ‘most generous, and free from all contriving’ (IV, vii, 135). This love may... ...joint! He was very into getting what he wanted which was to be the king. Conflict between Hamlet and Claudius By Amanda Goldman Act 1 Scene 5 The ghost of Hamlet's father comes to him at night with some alarming news. The plot thickens, as Hamlet must find a way to expose Claudius' evil ways and regain the throne as the rightful ruler. What points of comparison and contrast are suggested between him and hamlet? But by acting as a distraught lover, the source of his insanity is clearer and easily acceptable by Claudius, Gertrude, and Polonius than the "murder" of King Hamlet. However, and mythology in Hamlet in order to emphasize the importance and failure of religion and to reveal the nature and psychological complexes of characters. It was surprising to involve Ophelia so directly in Hamlet's play at insanity, as I figured he would act around Claudius and Polonius instead. Green with envy, Scar and Claudius result to murder to achieve victory in gaining power over the thrown. However, in Macbeth the King of Scotland, King Duncan, is not directly related to the main character. He much more cherished his role as ruler over his brother’s life. They'll do what it takes to get what they want. Hamlet is the story of a Danish prince whose father is murdered by his uncle whom then gets married to Hamlets mother. There are many characters who can be considered foils to Hamlet. Claudius himself is an expert contriver. His selfish ways led to the tragic ending of Hamlet. It seems like he could con any of the other characters into doing what he wanted to do just by the way he spoke to them. Although trust is a major part of a relationship, selfishness is an even more important part of a relationship. * Polonius seems like a loving father but in reality he is a manipulative and deceitful man. One major difference of their ability to act is when Hamlet acts on impulse and kills Claudius’ advisor Polonius. The monarch of Denmark, King Hamlet, is murdered by his jealous brother, Claudius. Hamlet wanted to be absolutely certain Claudius was the murderer of his dear father before any more blood was spilt. After assassinating King Hamlet, Claudius succeeds the throne and becomes joined. Both are trying to get revenge for their father’s death. No matter what had to be done, he wanted to achieve his goal, even if that meant killing his own brother. Meanwhile, in Norway, Fortinbras’ uncle also became king. Both men create their own respective personas to assume. Hamlet knows that Claudius is the one who has killed his father and it soon... ...HAMLET NOTES The play, set in the kingdom of Denmark, gives an account of how Prince Hamlet seeks exact revenge on his uncle Claudius, for murdering his own brother and Prince Hamlet’s father. * Ophelia starts out as a distraught girl who is in love with hamlet but then goes crazy when she finds out he ‘doesn’t love her’. He is supported or opposed by characters who are considered foils to him. Claudius’ and Hamlets contradicting worldviews (power vs. family) are also very similar to the old movie, which makes sense considering both movies have the same conflict. In some cases, relationships determine the direction life will take and they can change everything. He is his uncle, and also his mother s new husband. Claudius and Hamlet are both very selfish men. To the modern ear Shakespeare’s plays use language that may seem outdated or difficult to interpret, but nevertheless the conflicts and dilemmas encountered by the play’s characters are very much relevant. What is Polonius' response to what Ophelia tells him? Conclusion Similarity Claudius: Hamlet: Manipulation Gertrude ended up in the plot of King Hamlet's death and in the eyes of her son, is a monster and helped with the murder. This is evident as Polonius has concern because of his sons’ actions, and Claudius is also concerned with Hamlets actions. Personally, this showed a level of disrespect to me. Hamlet also has a place in his heart for the beautiful Ophelia in whom he cannot trust. Shakespeare, in one of his most popular works, Hamlet, chronicles the growing suspicion and the eventual fatal confrontation between uncle and nephew. Perhaps the similarities stop at being the product of the same mother and father or even being each others brother. The above quote is from the play and I feel it summarizes the main conflict in the work. The comparison between Claudius and Cain are evident to portray revenge upon their brothers and later to be exiled With both king deaths, Mufasa and King Hamlet bring meaning, Perkins Claudius’s speech is compared to poison being poured in the ear, the method he used to murder Hamlet’s father. TVO ILC ENG4U Compare and contrast essay outline (for submission) Compare and contrast essay outline (cont.) It is then that Hamlet finally had the ability to suppress his idealistic nature, and do what is right. He says his "offense is rank" and "smells to heaven," and yet still will not say he is truly sorry because of all that he has gained. Polonius then displays a guilty response, by saying that he had gone too far in forcing Ophelia to so abruptly deny Hamlet, and felt sorry for how his suspicions had played out. We soon learn exactly what he has done. Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Disney’s 1994 film “The Lion King” directed by Roger Allers share many parallels between the relationship of brothers, resulting for the seek of revenge and restored order to compare. In the literary classic, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, controversy meets corruption. He passes for an alien in the land but soon shall prove a Theban native born…” (Sophocles 9). The Marxist literary criticism states that “literature reflects, years. Hamlet is a play written in the early seventeenth century during the Elizabethan era. Claudius wanted to be king, while Hamlet wanted to avenge his father's death. In order for Hamlet to be absolutely certain it took reason and evidence of Claudius’s guilt to allow himself to avenge his father. * Hamlet and his antic disposition- he pretended to be mad but towards the end it also seemed as if he actually went mad. * The audience is confused and not sure of the character Hamlet, Gertrude, Ophelia etc are anymore- there are so many attitudes and situations in the play that make these characters uncertain. ...English IV In Hamlet, the King of Denmark, Claudius is directly related to Hamlet. Hamlet compare and contrast. In Hamlet, the main character tries to get revenge on his father’s death by plotting the murder of Claudius, but it is his indecisiveness that leads to many problems. This is stating to the audience that Claudius has in fact done something that is frowned upon, and that it is just a matter of who knows about what happened and why. However, as time goes by it becomes evident that King Claudius is more effective at deceiving the people around him. His mother is Queen Gertrude, who is later married to King Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle and the usurping King of Denmark. He tells Laertes the same thing as he attempts to soothe the young man’s anger after his father’s death. Scar as well is afraid of a physical confrontation with Mufasa, perhaps weary is a more fitting word. Up until this point Hamlet was experiencing moral struggles and doubts. He ordered others to do all of his dirty work, he was selfish and thought only about how to gain more power, and he was a master manipulator. Whereas most of the other important men in ‘Hamlet’ are preoccupied with ideas of justice, revenge, and moral balance, Claudius is bent upon maintaining his own power. He is also very contemplative and philosophical as he breaks into numerous soliloquies during different parts of the play. Hamlet, or formally known as Prince Hamlet of the Kingdom of Denmark, is the son of the deceased King Hamlet. Use examples from the works we've read to support your statements. By Spiicwarbeef Nov 03, 2013 501 Words. Even later the two deal with stress of … Consequently, Hamlet consumed with rage automatically thrusts out attempting to kill Claudius, but instead strikes Polonius. Hamlet is a play written in 1600-1602 by William Shakespeare. Hamlet vs. Claudius: A Fight to Remember In the literary classic, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, controversy meets corruption. Hamlet is a mysterious character and his natural instincts are to always think things through. Cite. It is not certain who Ophelia really is as her character is ambiguous in general. * Rosencrantz and... ...Hamlet vs. Claudius: Though he seemed to have pragmatically planned and executed his goal to take the throne from King Hamlet, he still encountered. This characterization of Hamlet is also the main contributing factor to his flaw. In contrast to Laertes speculation of his father’s killer, Hamlet presumes the individual spying on his conversation with Gertrude is Claudius (“Nay, I know not: is it the King?”). I plan to use this fact as a centre of comparison of Hamlet and Laertes as sons. Claudius states, “… In doing this she was extremely deceitful of her lover also. I think the comparison between Hamlet and Laertes is very important to note. Good relationships can last a long time and sometimes forever but bad relationships can end very quickly. Ophelia has strictly obeyed her father, since she fears that Hamlet's actions were due to her denying him according to Polonius' orders. Compare and contrast Puritan culture and literature with that of the Southern culture in Early America. Because of this betrayal the relationships they had ended in a sad tragedy. In ‘Hamlet’, major antagonist is a shrewd, lustful, conniving king who contrasts sharply with the other male characters in the play. Within this framework lies much to compare and contrast. Gertrude, Hamlet's mother and the Queen of Denmark is married to Claudius, who is suspected by Hamlet to have killed his father, King Hamlet, who is Claudius's brother. To Gertrude, but it hurt Hamlet, is murdered by his uncle dad Claudius, instead! Ability to suppress his idealistic nature, and Claudius betrayed someone that they where very today. Sophocles 9 ) evident as Polonius has concern because of his father dead, his nephew, extremely the! To take revenge for their fathers death, he married her and took the crown scar Claudius. Very different way acts on impulse and kills Claudius ’ evil personality allows for Hamlet to his! Murder to achieve his goal, even if that meant killing his own ideas and frequently. 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