Ouranos's remains caused seafoam, which turned into Aphrodite. List of Gods and Goddesses From Antiquity. The role they played on earth varies greatly, from none at all to direct one-on-one meddling. Gods-and-Goddesses.com is a user-friendly resource for information about Egyptian, Roman and Norse gods found in mythology. The Hindu religion is the majority religion in India, and Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer represent the most significant cluster of Hindu gods. The religion was remarkably stable throughout that time, made up of gods who controlled the sky (the sun god Re) and the underworld (Osiris, god of the dead), with one brief adventure into monotheism under the New Kingdom reign of Akhenaten. The creation myths of ancient Egypt were complex, with several versions, but they all start with the god Atum who creates order from chaos. The Norse creation myth is that the god Surt both creates and destroys the world. In some accounts she is Odin's wife, making her foremost among the Aesir goddesses. While some traditions of Wicca and Paganism honor an all-encompassing "The God" or "The Goddess", others worship specific deities. Gill, N.S. Here are 13 of the most important gods and goddesses … Brahman has no form and no limits; it is Reality and Truth. Gill is a Latinist, writer, and teacher of ancient history and Latin. ; Mazu, goddess of the sea and protector of seafarers. Luckily, after the Roman advance into Britain, first the Romans and then the early Christian monks copied down the druidic oral histories, including stories of the shape-shifting goddess Ceridwen and the horned fertility god Cernunnos. The gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt were a complex group of beings and ideas. Wicca, like any other religion, has myth and folklore galore. Apollo: God of the Sun, Light, Knowledge, Music, Poetry, Prophecy, Diseases and Healing. Egypt had one of the largest and most complex pantheons of gods of any civilization in the ancient world. The Olympian gods and goddesses of Greek mythology were the principal deities of Ancient Greece, and each was thought to have a home on Mount Olympus. He was the awe-inspiring ruler of Asgard, and most revered immortal, who was on an unrelenting quest for knowledge with … Monuments, texts, and even public offices bear the marks of Egypt's myriad gods. In human religious experience, manifestations of sacred power (hierophanies) provide centers of meaning, order, worship, and ethics. Some believe the Vanir gods represent an older pantheon of the indigenous people whom the invading Indo-Europeans encountered. Later, after the gods won, they had children who would also be gods. Woden - God of royalty, healing and magic Nature Gods: Galawain, god of the hunt, Hylea, goddess of birds and the sky, and Ondra, goddess of water and the moon. N.S. Usually wears a mechanic’s uniform with his name embroidered on the pocket so he doesn’t forget who he is. Gods and Goddesses of War Deities of Death, Destruction and Valor from Around the World. ; Longmu, goddess of the Xijiang River in the Lingnan area. ; Gonggong, red-haired dragon with the head of a man and water god who, together with his associate Xiang Yao, is responsible for the great floods. Goddess names are found in all of our ancient cultures. Friday is named for her. Versions of gods And Nephthys is a chaotic good goddess … The list contains Goddess names from many different areas of mythology including: Celtic, Egyptian, Nordic, Hindu, Roman and Sumerian Goddesses. Friday is named for her. Important gods in the Maya pantheon include the creator god Itzamna and the moon goddess Ix Chel, as well as Ah Puch, Akan, Huracan, Camazotz, Zipacna, Xmucane and Xpiacoc, Chac, Kinich Ahau, Chac Chel, and Moan Chan. Ehuang & Nuying, goddesses of the Xiang River. ; Basilisk - A legendary lizard who could kill a man with its stare. Modern-day moviegoers know of the likes of Thor and Odin and Loki, but becoming familiar with 15 of the classic Norse gods (Andvari, Balder, Freya, Frigg, Loki, Njord, the Norns, Odin, Thor, and Tyr) will better illuminate their pantheon. Share Flipboard Email Print Dinodia Photo / Getty Images Hinduism. Thunor - God of Thunder. ; Hebo, god of the Yellow River. Shef- God of the corn harvest. O n this site the elemental Goddesses of the earth are represented by the Harvest Goddesses.This is because the earth element includes not only the physical qualities of the land but also its fertile nature. Gods-and-Goddesses.com is a user-friendly resource for information about Egyptian, Roman and Norse gods found in mythology. Mythologies and legends of the Celts survive as oral tradition in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, and Germany. Brahman is the universe and everything in it. This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through one of those links, I will … Maeve (Celtic) – A great, Irish, warrior queen. The most universal of the Japanese gods and goddesses include Izanami and Izanagi; Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi no Mikoto, and Susanoh; Ukemochi, Uzume, Ninigi, Hoderi, Inari; and the seven Shinto gods of Good Fortune. Some of the main gods are Zeus, god of lightning; Poseidon, god of the sea; Ares, god of war; Apollo, god of the sun; Hermes, messenger of the gods; Hephaestus, god of the forge, fire and smithing; Dionysus, god of wine; Hades, god of the dead; Artemis, goddess of the hunt; Aphrodite, goddess of love; Hera, goddess of marriage; Demeter, goddess of the harvest; and Hestia, goddess of the hearth. But early druids didn't commit their religious texts to paper or stone, so much of Celtic antiquity is lost to modern-day students. Typically, this is a Sabbat to celebrate gods of the hunt or of the forest, and goddesses of passion and motherhood, as well as agricultural deities. A handy table of equivalents between 15 similar Greek and Roman gods—Venus is Aphrodite in Roman clothing, while Mars is the Roman version of Ares—shows just how similar they were. 8. By using Learn Religions, you accept our. The Aztec cosmos was tripartite: a visible world of humans and nature lay suspended between supernatural levels above (illustrated by Tlaloc, god of thunderstorms and rain) and below (Tlaltechutli, the monstrous earth goddess). Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/list-of-gods-and-goddesses-by-culture-118503. Elves - local spirits of the land. The Gods and Goddesses were a family, with the core being brothers and sisters, and the rest being their firstborn offspring. Saxnot- God of the English. Gill, N.S. Some are depicted as humanoid, some as part animal, and some personifications are not readily visualized. "List of Gods and Goddesses From Antiquity." Here are some of the best-known Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Modern-day moviegoers know of the likes of Thor and Odin and Loki, but becoming familiar with 15 of the classic Norse gods (Andvari, Balder, Freya, Frigg, Loki, Njord, the Norns, Odin, Thor, and Tyr) will better illuminate their pantheon. Ὠκεανός (Ōceanós) Oceanus: God of the all-encircling river Oceans around the earth, the fount of all the Earth's fresh-water. Poseidon: God of the sea. The characteristics of individual gods could be hard to pin down. Maia (Greek) - Spring Goddess and the eldest and considered … GODS AND GODDESSES GODS AND GODDESSES . Commonalities are widespread. She is seen as a benevolent mother among the Hindus. The Making of the Gods Mνημοσύνη (Mnēmosýnē) Mnemosyne: Goddess of memory and remembrance, and mother of the Nine Muses. Weyland- God of smiths. Humans have always felt that real life is in close contact with sacred power, and that sacred power is often encountered in the form of divine beings. Literally, thousands of gods are named in Sumerian and Akkadian, some of the oldest writing on the planet. Most had a principle association (for example, with the sun or the underworld) and form. Tir - God of war 9. 7. The main god and goddesses in Roman culture were … The Greek creation myth begins with the god of love, Eros, who creates the sky and the earth and makes them fall in love. The Celtic culture refers to an Iron Age European people (1200–15 BCE) who interacted with the Romans, and it is that interaction that provided much of what we know of their religion. Frigg Frigg is a Norse goddess of love and fertility. It combines a traditional pantheon of gods, including a creator couple Izanami ("He who invites") and Izanagi ("She who invites"), while borrowing from Japan's neighbors and ancient homegrown animism. The Norse Gods & Goddesses Odin. In Norse mythology, the giants came first, and then the Old Gods (the Vanir) who were later supplanted by the New Gods (the Aesir). Ancient China worshiped a vast network of local and regional mythological deities, nature spirits, and ancestors, and reverence for those gods persisted well into the modern era. God of blacksmiths and fire (Huh-fess’-tus) Distinguishing Features: Ugly face, scraggly beard, massive powerful hands. The gods and goddesses of Mt. For centuries, the gods and goddesses of witchcraft have had their tales spread far and wide by their worshipers. The table is ordered by the Greek god's name. But in the scriptures, in certain instances, she has taken the form of Kali and Durga, who are chastisers. Among the most ancient of cultures, the people of Babylon developed a diverse melting pot of deities, derived from the older Mesopotamian cultures. They are found in almost all villages in Tamil, Kannada and Telugu-speaking areas.These deities, mainly goddesses, are intimately associated with the well-being of the village and can have either benevolent or violent tendencies. [1] The various types of Gods are Protogenoi, Gigantes, Titans, Olympians, Okeaniks, and Khthonics. 3. Hades: The misunderstood god of the underworld. Despite their immortality and similarities to modern day superheroes, they are still plagued with personal flaws and negative emotions which caused destruction in their lives and the lives of other gods and mortals. Lance David LeClaire. This website also explores some of the origins of mythology and includes appearances of familiar mythological characters in popular culture. 10 Witch Gods And Goddesses From Around The World. The Roman Empire was a primarily polytheistic civilization, which meant that people recognized and worshiped multiple gods and goddesses.Despite the presence of monotheistic religions within the empire, such as Judaism and early Christianity, Romans honored multiple deities.They believed that these deities served a role in founding the Roman … Over the millennia, China has embraced and developed three major religions, all established first in the 5th or 6th century BCE: Confucianism (led by Confucius 551-479 BC), Buddhism (led by Siddhartha Gautama), and Taoism (led by Lao Tzu, d. 533 BCE). The Japanese religion is Shinto, first documented in the 8th century CE. Important and lingering figures in the historical texts on Chinese gods and goddesses include the "Eight Immortals," the "Two Heavenly Bureaucrats," and "Two Mother Goddesses.". The Romans sustained a religion that adopted most of the Greek gods for their own with different names and slightly different myths. https://www.learnreligions.com/list-of-gods-and-goddesses-by-culture-118503 (accessed January 22, 2021). In Roman mythology, Chaos itself created Gaia, the Earth, and Ouranos, the Heavens. Types of Gods . Later, Zeus, the last child who was not eaten, fed a mixture of wine and honey to Kronus, vomiting his brothers and sisters. The gods in general A101. Nearly two dozen Celtic deities remain of interest today: Alator, Albiorix, Belenus, Borvo, Bres, Brigantia, Brigit, Ceridwen, Cernunnos, Epona, Esus, Latobius, Lenus, Lugh, Maponus, Medb, Morrigan, Nehalennia, Nemausicae, Nerthus, Nuada, and Saitama. In addition to Venus and Mars, the most significant Roman gods are Diana, Minerva, Ceres, Pluto, Vulcan, Juno, Mercury, Vesta, Saturn, Proserpina, Neptune, and Jupiter. The Hindu tradition counts thousands of major and minor gods within its ranks, who are celebrated and honored under a wide variety of names and avatars. She is the mother of Balder. Φοίβη (Phoíbē) Phoebe From mother goddesses and architects of the Earth to deities of crocodiles and cats, ancient Egyptian religion lasted, and adapted, for over 3,000 years. But ancient people configured their pantheon of gods whether they were all powerful or part human, or stuck to their own realm or visited on earth, meddling directly in the affairs of humans. Gods and Goddesses. The cross-cultural study is a fascinating one. Eostre- Goddess of April. The Norse creation myth is that the god Surt both creates and destroys the world. Despite the vast number of individual gods in the various sub-cultures labeled as "Babylonian," these deities retain historical significance: among the Old Gods are Apsu, Tiamat, Lahmu and Lahamu, Anshar and Kishar, Antu, Ninhursag, Mammetum, Nammu; and the Young Gods are Ellil, Ea, Sin, Ishtar, Shamash, Ninlil, Ninurta, Ninsun, Marduk, Bel, and Ashur. These gods are classified by their Pantheons: Arthurian, Babylonian, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Great Old Ones, Greek, Hindu, Japanese, Mayan, Norse, Polynesian, Roman, Slavic, Voodoo and Yoruba. 1 Greek and Roman 2 Norse 3 Egyptian 4 Chinese 5 Japanese 6 Celtic 7 Hindu 8 Persian 9 Native American 10 Inuit 11 Aztec 12 Mayan 13 Inca 14 Hawaiian 15 Aboriginal 16 Filipino 17 Mongolian 18 Slavic 19 African 20 Mesopotamian 21 Finnish 22 Korean 23 Arabian 24 Brazilian 25 Hebrew Zeus: King of the Greek Gods. The Ultimate List of Gods and Goddesses for Creative Writers. In the end, the Aesir, the newcomers, overcame and assimilated the Vanir. 2. Many people can name at least some of the major Greek deities, but the list of gods in ancient Greece runs into the thousands. Now: The god likes to hang out in … She is the mother of Balder. In other myths, Gaea wrapped a rock with baby clothes and a blanket with Kronus thinking it was Zeus. Supreme God; A104. Set is a chaotic evil god of murder, perhaps best known for killing his brother Osiris. Hod Hod is a son of Odin. Hindus acknowledge that, at the most fundamental level, God is the One without a second — the absolute, formless, and only Reality known as Brahman, the Supreme, Universal Soul. The Shinto creation myth has an agricultural bent to it: The world of chaos was changed when a germ of life created a muddy sea, and the first plant eventually became the first god. Like with most mythologies, including Mesopotamian and Egyptian, the Norse pantheon had its primeval entity in the form of Ymir, the ancestor of all jötnar (mythic entities that ranged from giants to other fantastical creatures). In some accounts she is Odin's wife, making her foremost among the Aesir goddesses. She has been featured by NPR and National Geographic for her ancient history expertise. This list includes Etruscan, Greek, Roman and Norse versions of similar gods and goddesses. Village deities are the numerous spirits and other beings venerated as part of the folk tradition in villages throughout South India. Learn Religions. There are many types of immortal beings in Greek mythology. Frigg - Goddess of the Earth. List of Mythical Creatures A-C. Alicorn - The name for a winged unicorn. 5. Each god is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses, and their own playstyle. War God: Magran, goddess of fire and war, whose priests frequently employ firearms and created the Godhammer Bomb that … (2020, August 25). Macha (Celtic) – A wild goddess who battles on behalf of woman and children against injustice. Hretha- Goddess of March. Earth Goddesses. Eight gods (Apollo, Areas, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus) are arguably the most important of the Greek gods. This area of my site is dedicated to unravelling the origins and meanings behind these ancient names. These beings could be called on in times of trouble, or to pray to for good harvests, or to support the people in wars. I have also included pages dedicated to some of the most well-known Goddesses including: Ceres (the Goddess we derive the word cereal from), Demeter … Many of the demigods were warriors who walked and fought alongside humans in the stories written down in the Iliad and Odyssey. Parvati is the wife of Shiva and his eternal consort. Versions of gods; Greek Version Roman Version Etruscan Version Norse Version Adonis … They had six children, five of which were eaten by Kronus. Over the course of Egyptian history hundreds of gods and goddesses were worshipped. … They also incorporated without too much discrimination the gods of particular interest to a newly conquered group, the better to foster assimilation in their imperialistic ventures. List of deities by classification; Lists of deities by cultural sphere; List of goddesses; List of deities in fiction; List of people who have been considered deities; see also Apotheosis, Imperial cult and sacred king; Names of God (epithets of gods of monotheistic religions) Here is a list of gods and goddesses that can be honored as part of your tradition's Beltane rituals. 10. Now as opposed to a strict categorization as one of the Norse gods, Ymir was perceived more as the ‘first being’ who was created by the ice of Niflheim combined with the heat of Muspelheim, long before t… All ancient civilizations on our planet have gods and goddesses, or at least important, mythical leaders who brought the world into existence. All ancient civilizations have creation myths, explaining how the world was created from chaos. God of mortality and father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius, and Atlas. The Maya predate the Aztec, and like the Aztec, based some of their theology on the existing pan-Mesoamerican religions. The pantheon of Egyptian gods and goddesses is complex and confusing. Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Learn Religions, Aug. 25, 2020, learnreligions.com/list-of-gods-and-goddesses-by-culture-118503. 1. Learning about mythology can be a wonderful adventure, so whether you’re learning more to complete a class … He … The table is ordered by the Greek god's name. Familiarity with 10 of the most widely known Hindu gods—Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Hanuman, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Saraswati— offers an insight into the rich tapestry of ancient Hindu belief. The first gods Olympians born to Titans Kronus and Rhea. Anubis is the lawful neutral god of the afterlife, who judges the souls of the dead. Hod is the blind god of winter who kills his brother Balder and is in turn killed by his brother Vali. The Norse gods are divided into 2 major groups, the Aesir and Vanir, plus the giants, who came first. This is an index of lists of deities of the different religions, cultures and mythologies of the world. Mabb (Celtic) – As Queen Mabb, she was midwife to the fairfolk. From their perch on Mount Olympus, the major gods such as Apollo and Aphrodite acted like and even associated with, humans, leading to god/human hybrids called demigods. The Egyptian pantheon is unusual in having three gods with the Death domain of different alignments. This website also explores some of the origins of mythology and includes appearances of familiar mythological characters in popular culture. A basic classification of the types of gods as based on the Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, by Stith Thompson:. Hod is the blind god of winter who kills his … Gill, N.S. Olympus can walk among mortals undetected. Some pantheons have demi-gods, beings who are the children of gods and humans. ; Bigfoot - A type of Sasquatch native to North American forests. Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology, are immortals who are referred to as "deathless ones" in Theogony. https://greekmythology.wikia.org/wiki/Gods?oldid=78962. Greek goddesses are good archetypal figures because of their exaggerated personalities. This is a list of Egyptian Gods and goddesses from Egyptian mythology.The old Egyptians worshipped a few gods at different times and in different places. Ancient Egyptian gods are recorded on tombs and manuscripts beginning in the Old Kingdom of about 2600 BCE and lasting until the Romans conquered Egypt in 33 BCE. GOD TITLES. ; Black Dog - An evil spirit dog that stalks city streets at night. Frigg Frigg is a Norse goddess of love and fertility. "List of Gods and Goddesses From Antiquity." The Norse myths were written down in fragments until The Prose Edda, compiled in the 13th century, and they include pre-Christian stories of the great deeds of old Scandinavia and the myths of its creation. … Their creation myth is narrated in the Popul Vuh: six deities lie in the primordial waters and eventually create the world for us. The Late Postclassic period Aztec culture of Mesoamerica (1110–1521 CE) worshiped more than 200 different deities spanning three broad classes of Aztec life—the heavens, fertility and agriculture, and war. 4. Thus Hinduism is a … This is an index of lists of deities of the different religions, cultures and mythologies of the world.. Child God – Title used for Gods in the form of infants, such as Gopala, Baby Jesus, Horus (also Son God).. Father God – Title used for Pagan patriarchs, such as Zeus, Dagda, Odin.. Green Man – Title used for the Earth Gods, such as Tammuz, Herne, Dionysus (also Green God).. Horned God – Title used for Wiccan Gods of the animals or the hunt, … Meet some of the gods and goddesses found in contemporary traditions. M.A., Linguistics, University of Minnesota. This started the Titanomachy. The supreme deity of Norse mythology and the greatest among the Norse gods was Odin, the Allfather of the Aesir. Many of the Babylonian gods and myths appear in the Judeo-Christian bible, early versions of Noah and the flood, and Moses in the bullrushes, and of course the tower of Babylon. Thus, you have the god of thunder or grain or the hearth. To the Aztecs, religion, science and the arts were interconnected and meshed almost seamlessly. Different cities and pharaohs each favored their own specific set of gods. Ideas and experiences of these goddesses and gods … She is considered to be the ‘Adi Shakti’ or the primordial force that keeps the universe together. All ancient societies included gods and goddesses in their mythologies. Learning about mythology can be a wonderful adventure, so whether you’re learning more to complete a class assignment, to […] ; Banshee - A spirit appearing as a frenzied old woman whose high pitched shriek prophesied a death soon to come. Hindu Gods India Past and Present Important Texts Temples and Organizations Indian Arts and Culture Hindu Gurus and Saints By. As the culture evolved, so did many of the deities and what they represented. A0 Creator (not a god); A100—A199. This is a list of Roman gods and goddesses that are in Roman mythology.. Apollo- The god of light, music, and healing; Aurora- The goddess of dawn; Bacchus- The god of agriculture and wine; Bellona- The goddess of war; Caelus- The primal god of the sky and theology, iconography, and literature; Ceres- The goddess of agriculture and grain; Cupid- The god of love; Cybele- The goddess … Fifteen gods (Anubis, Bastet, Bes, Geb, Hathor, Horus, Neith, Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Ra, Set, Shu, and Tefnut) stand out as being the most significant religiously or the most prominent in terms of the political power of their priesthoods. The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Rome The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Rome The Roman Empire was primarily a polytheistic civilization, which meant that people recognized and worshiped multiple gods and goddess. Ancient Egypt's gods and goddesses looked at least partly like humans and behaved a bit like us, too.Some deities had animal features--typically their heads--on top of humanoid bodies. Hod Hod is a son of Odin. Some gods changed in importance over time or were nonexistent until later eras. Mayan deities rule over a tripartite cosmos and were applied to for assistance in war or childbirth; they also ruled over specific periods of time, having feast days and months built into the calendar. They each tend to have a special area they control. 6. Many of the gods in the Aztec pantheon are much older than the Aztec culture, called pan-Mesoamerican; learning about these ten deities—Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloc, Tonatiuh, Tezcatlipoca, Chalchiuhtlicue, Centeotl, Quetzalcoatl, Xipe Totec, Mayahuel, and Tlaltechutli—will introduce you to the Aztec cosmos. The souls of the Celts survive as oral tradition in villages throughout South India ( Greek -... 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Turned into Aphrodite the Celts survive as oral tradition in villages throughout South India were a complex of. Association ( for example, with different names and slightly different myths and personifications! Flipboard Email Print Dinodia Photo / Getty Images Hinduism appearances of familiar mythological characters in popular culture represent an pantheon. Earth, the gods and goddesses of witchcraft have had their tales spread and! Norse creation myth is narrated in the Lingnan area Norse mythology and the eldest and considered … pantheon. Being brothers and sisters, and their own specific set of gods are Protogenoi,,... Here is a List of gods as based on the Motif-Index of Folk-Literature by... The making of the Sun or the types of gods and goddesses waters and eventually create the world us. Site is dedicated to unravelling the origins of mythology and includes appearances of familiar mythological characters popular. 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