Candidates for the Galactic Senate may be nominated by any player in good standing, and self-nominations are also considered. [12] After the issue of the bombing was cleared up, the Senate Hall was gutted and new architects swept into the building and reworked the interior, so much so that many considered it a new complex all together. In turn, the Jedi began taking up the mantle of Supreme Chancellor, an unprecedented move by the Order as the Jedi tried to keep the increasingly shrinking Republic intact. How many official “Republics” are there in the Star Wars universe? While debate rang out in the Grand Convocation Chamber, protesters from across the galaxy gathered in the Plaza in support of Corellia. Work Search: tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title that's 21 systems. [23] Below the Senate Rotunda was the Senate Commercial District, wherein the Senate Commerce Hall|Commerce Hall and Galactic Trade Center were located. At the end of the war, the chancellor—secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who had manipulated the entire conflict … Kuras system, I talk about topics such as senatorial procedures, structures, and powers. Having been stripped of all remnants of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the complex was reopened and the Senate quickly went into session discussing the second Corellian insurrection with vigor. Halbara system, The Galactic Senate serves as the legislative branch in the Galactic Republic; governing from the Senate Building located on Coruscant.Every member world in the Galactic Republic is entitled to a seat in the Galactic Senate and the right to vote on legislation. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This would mean about 10,000 sectors and senators (assuming each sector had only one senator) in the imperial senate and likely over 100,000 in the galactic senate. ed. [16], Over the following months Jedi Jacen Solo, Colonel of the Galactic Alliance Guard and the secret Sith apprentice of Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya, quickly amassed power in the Senate, eventually attaining the rank of Chief of State alongside Admiral Cha Niathal running a dictatorial campaign and leading the fight in the Second Galactic Civil War. Although the Senate chamber in The New Jedi Order: Traitor (28 ABY) is clearly intended to be the same space used in the prequels, references in several novels, including Specter of the Past (dated 19 ABY) and The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught (26 ABY), suggest that the old Senate building had been irreparably damaged in the attack in The New Rebellion (17 ABY), and subsequently demolished. The Senate convened, beginning in 1790, in a second-floor chamber in Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania until moving into the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the Capitol building in 1800. The Senate Building following the Great Galactic War, circa 3,653 BBY. which give you a small empire-wide bonus to your fleet); added Imperial Advisor voice; added droid foundry on Geonosis. Senate Guards protected the Senate Chamber as well as delegation offices throughout the building,[4] while members of the Coruscant Security Force patrolled the halls which were otherwise open to the public. Mistake #1: Building an organization around particular people, rather than institutions. The Galactic Constitution invested the Senate with the power to regulate trade, maintain maps of the galaxy's hyperspace routes, and to maintain the Republic's military. Updating you on all the latest Star Wars things happening. 16 comments. Why does resonance occur at only standing wave frequencies in a fixed string? From my perspective, the average number of systems per sector is a lot more than you think. Each platform in the senate represents a "sector" of the galaxy. As the New Republic settled into its role as leader of the galaxy, the Senate Building was repaired and the New Republic Senate convened with its halls. The Galactic Senate was a place where all the Republic's elected and appointed senators and representatives from the farthest reaches of the galaxy would discuss major problems and come to decisions. This is where the Galactic Senate convenes for their meetings and it cuts a massive, rounded silhouette in the Coruscant skyline, visible for kilometers all around. The Senate Hall after the bombing by Kueller. The Senate itself was made up of thousands of Senators who lobbied and spoke out for their respective sectors. The number is probably based on the number of sectors that made up the Republic at the time of the Ruusan Reformation (Legends). Symbol adorning the Senate Building 3996 BBY. One of these structures contained the primary office of the Supreme Chancellor during the Galactic Republic. How these numbers correlate to the actual number of planets/sectors/Senators represented I do not dare to guess. This dome shaped building located in the heart of Coruscant’s senate district is the home of the Galactic Senate chamber. the chamber. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The holding office below was transformed into a secret bunker, where a single escape craft was preserved for Nom Anor.[14]. Since the Jedi allege Palpatine has control of the Senate, these 2,000 senators are likely in the minority -- meaning there are possibly 10,000 senators in total. Inside the Senate Building, there is an area in which the Senate debates, casts votes, and makes or passes bills. The chamber contained a total of 1024 repulsorpods, which could be used by delegations from member systems and large voting blocs. The entire structure is fitted with voice-amplifying It can be assumed other systems might have similar divisions. Hurling over a dozen repulsorpods with the Force and damaging countless others during the confrontation, the newly christened Emperor Palpatine emerged victorious and Yoda fled into exile. Bodrin system, Was memory corruption a common problem in large programs written in assembly language? The Galactic Senate was the lawmaking body of the Republic composed of Senators who were representatives of all the planets and sectors in Republic space. The news he was just delivered could not have come at a more awkward time. We don't know. Pinett system, … There is more than likely somewhere around 100,000 sectors because we know under the Empire that there was a dramatic decrease in sectors, and by the dissolution of the Imperial Senate, the average sector had about 1000 planets in it. From there, their address would echo throughout the room, translated into hundreds of different languages instantaneously and piped into the other pods for ease of understanding. It was within this room that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker made his plea before the assembly to allow him to reform the Jedi Order and begin searching for new recruits. See below the most zoomed-out scene I could find (0:21 in this Youtube video), and my calculations: So with 24 rows of 36 disks each, that's a minimum of 864 'flying disks' in the Senate chamber, with 36 more for every row not shown in the image. How does one defend against supply chain attacks? [19] Communications throughout the complex were handled by the Senate Communications Center, which was responsible not only for broadcasting the Senate proceedings throughout the building and the galaxy, but for screening all incoming transmissions to Senators and representatives. When did the Separatist Movement start within the Galactic Republic? [Source]. By visual inspection, there do appear to be hundreds (perhaps thousands) of repulsorpods (I count about 20 in the part of the lowest row that is visible): Moving to a pseudo-canon source, the Episode III novelization mentions the Delegation of 2,000, which was a group of senators who opposed Palpatine (the Delegation was also shown in a deleted scene from Episode III). Dispatching a team of Jedi to the Senate Building, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn attempted to end Solo's reign. The How many stormtroopers are in the First Order military? As Republic heroes Han and Leia Solo entered the former Atrium with defected Yuuzhan Vong Harrar, a band of Shamed Ones, the lower class of the alien invaders, stormed the building as part of a heretical movement to overthrow the Yuuzhan Vong caste system. Location Referred to as the Well by the Yuuzhan Vong, the Senate Building ruins were hollowed out while the exterior was quickly digested by yorik coral and hardened into an impenetrable substance. When the Recess ends the proposed Resolution with the highest Diplomatic Support will be put in Session. The Galactic Senate first served as the legislative body of the Galactic Republic, where it became hampered by the bureaucracies and special interests that entangled the Galactic Republic in its final few years. Note that the number of pods only slightly reflects the number of senators since each pod contains a delegation. This grand, circular chamber was lined with statues of the Republic's greatest heroes and politicians, as well as members of the Jedi Order, the atrium continued on deeper into the building where a long, two-story hall granted access to several first level embassies and conference rooms. As mass evacuations ensued following a crushing victory by the invaders, the Senate Building was left relatively intact if abandoned. The designers claimed that any weapon capable of destroying the Chamber would also have to be powerful enough to destroy the entire planet, making the facility invulnerable against sabotage or orbital bombardment. Elrood system, Perhaps the biggest mistake of the Galactic Empire made … Is cycling on this 35mph road too dangerous? As membership in the New Republic grew, new balconies were added to the existing clusters to accommodate the growth; rumors about reincorporating the repulsorpods spread during Borsk Fey'lya's administration, but never came to fruition under the New Republic. Per the (canon) Ultimate Star Wars factbook. The Galactic Senate Chamber is the nerve The Senate Building, also known as the Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome, was the building on Coruscant in the center of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate from the end of the Great Sith War until the end of the Old Republic, also serving as the seat of the Imperial Senate during the Galactic Empire, with the Grand Convocation Chamber at its heart. Press, 2004. Because sessions tended to grow long and last into the night, natural light and air was not used to fill the room. Need ideas on galactic senate topics, member worlds, and alien species. Following the death of the Emperor in 4 ABY, warring factions within the quickly collapsing Empire waged destruction upon Coruscant. And of course not every habitable star system is a member of the Republic -- the Republic didn't even know about the, @Omegacron The Trade Federation point is a good one and another source of inconsistency. use, giving the chancellor access to a suite of rooms where business After repairs were made, the newly appointed Imperial Senate began meeting in an advisory fashion, holding what amounted to largely elaborate meetings with the Grand Vizier, who would later report back to the Emperor on the result of the deliberation. Declaring that the Senate Building may have been penetrated by the Rebels by the use of spies and defectors, the Emperor shut the doors to the rotunda and barred all from entering. source: Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook, page 107, Within the cavernous Senate rotunda, hundreds of politicians[...]. I'd say about 120,000 seats in total in the senate of the Galactic Republic, considering the Galaxy has over a billion planets, and at least 1% (10 million) are habitable. How many systems are there in the Galaxy far far away? [14], Following the Battle of Coruscant during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, both the exterior and interior of the building were digested by yorik coral, giving the building the appearance of a Yuuzhan Vong skull. What powers did the Imperial Senate have? In 17 ABY during a full session of the Senate, several detonations rocked the tower, hurling rubble onto the Plaza outside and collapsing the central speaking podium. In the corridors of the ever expansive Galactic Senate building, Palpatine angrily crushed the comms droid that made the mistake of getting in way with a simple grasp of the force. The most recent large structure within the Capitol complex is the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building… Concept art by Ryan Church of one of the Senate Building's hallways. So, governments are complex, and I was bored, so I just decided to go ahead and count the things. [13], While the Republic struggled to establish itself, the galaxy was invaded by an alien race called the Yuuzhan Vong. The Galactic Senate Armed Services Committee was a committee in the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic tasked with overseeing the armed services of the Galactic Republic. Following the highly-destructive duel between Emperor Palpatine and Grand Master Yoda, the Emperor instructed the architects to install an extensive, crystal ceiling, replacing the old holomonitors and casting a shimmering light on the central podium. From 2:41 in this Youtube video where you can see the roof, it looks like 24 is pretty spot-on, or at least within one or two rows. Width Peace reigned in the Republic until the devastating battle at Mizra between the Republic and a new breed of Sith. Providing The Galactic Republic was dominant, 1000 or 10000 seats couldn't handle the Galaxy.. @SS-3.1415926535897932384626433 The Republic is divided into sectors, with each sector comprising multiple star systems. However, in reality, that number is far too low. Assuming (at a guess) ten senators per sector, there are potentially 10,000+ senators in total and possibly many more. Young Adult Fantasy about children living with an elderly woman and learning magic related to their skills. Gone were statues of the Jedi Order, as were certain privacy buffers in the Senate pods and offices. A third building for the Library of Congress, the James Madison Memorial Building, opened in 1980 and the Senate's third building, the Hart Senate Office Building, was occupied in 1982. During his term, the Separatist Crisis tore the Republic apart; as more worlds broke away, tensions rose. Why was Naboo important enough to have a seat in the Senate? about to record the proceedings for the official record. short teaching demo on logs; but by someone who uses active learning. Lanthrym system, Among the room's tower pillars senators and diplomats gathered and conversed with one another before proceeding on into the Grand Convocation Chamber just beyond the chamber's far door. These senators represented large voting blocs in the Senate or held long tenures in the Republic, such as the representatives of the Core Worlds. Small hovercams constantly hovered around the chamber, recording the words of the speakers and broadcasting them onto the ceiling-mounted vidscreens to allow the congregation to view up close visuals of the orator. Sep 21, 2013 - Explore All Things Star Wars's board "Galactic Senate", followed by 1903 people on Pinterest. On Capitol Hill : The Struggle to Reform Congress and its Consequences, 1948–2000 (2006) Julian E. Zelizer. Nelfrus system, It contains 1,024 floating platforms, each of which contain a senator and his or her aides. GALACTIC SENATE CHAMBER. share. Senate District, Galactic City, Coruscant[3] Affiliation At the centremost point of the Galactic Senate Chamber is the podium The summit chamber's design was antiquate by the administration of Chancellor Finis Valorum and offered a wide view of the capital. This area was lined with tall, impressionistic humanoid statues, each representing a founder from each of the Core Worlds. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Sources are conflicted as to how many there were. The facility was extensively redecorated; no longer would the leader of the Senate, now known as the Chief of State, stand at the center of the room, but on a dais at the room's ground level. While recognized as the legislative branch of the Republic government and deferred … The war was ended and the Brotherhood of Darkness routed, and the Senate passed the Ruusan Reformation to bring the Republic back in line. I googled, but without luck. [9], In 0 BBY, nearly two decades after the rise of the Empire, the Imperial Senate was dissolved after Senator Leia Organa of the Alderaan sector was revealed as a member of the Rebel Alliance. To expedite the legal processes of the Republic, the Senate was led by a Supreme Chancellor who, like the individual … As the Senate continued to debate how best to deal with the new threat to the Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Coruscant in force, breaking through its orbital defenses and smashing through into the skylanes of the city world. The Chief's podium was not recreated however; instead they would occupy their own floating platform to make addresses to the Senate.[17]. Neither source points to a source with that number -- Wikipedia links to the Databank article mentioned above, but that Databank article does not include the exact number. Torina system, See more ideas about galactic, galactic republic, senate. The podium retracts into the floor when not in What is the standard practice for animating motion -- move character or not move character? - Palpatine. Which is better: "Interaction of x with y" or "Interaction between x and y". It's still possible that there are 1,000-10,000 senators. [8] Eventually the conflict in the Senate evolved into the Clone Wars. The First Galactic Empire is a fictional autocracy featured in the Star Wars franchise. added new deposit modifiers for Anaxes War College and Galactic Senate Building ; added naval cap size to defense platforms; added various manufacturers (deposits on special shipyard planets like Kuat, Mon Cala, Rothana, Raxus, Bothawui, etc. Well, we know that each system had its own delegation - and therefore pod - but some systems may have had more than one delegation. As attacks against Republic worlds increased, Yuuzhan Vong representative Nom Anor addressed the Senate and encouraged the assembly to denounce the Jedi and hand them over to the invaders. After four centuries of Jedi rule, Tarsus Valorum was elected Chancellor. The number that is often floated by Wookieepedia is 1,024 sectors and a similar number of repulsorpods if each senator has their own pod. Were the Beacons of Gondor real or animated? As the Republic thrived, more worlds joined the Republic following the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. Within the Well, Jedi Rhysode sacrificed himself while protecting Solo as he consulted with the World Brain, convincing it to subtly sabotage the Yuuzhan Vong's terraforming of the planet. Shop Galactic Senate Building (Trading Card) 2013 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files Series 2 - [Base] #640 and more music, movie, and TV memorabilia at Amazon's Entertainment Collectibles Store. Free download in one click. Over the course of the next week, an enraged Jedi Master called Dar'Nala orchestrated a bombing at the Senate building, blasting apart the upper levels from the inside and killing targeted senators who backed the treaty with the Sith. microphones and automatic translators, and hovercams constantly flit The Galactic Senate of the Republic, which was also known as the Galactic Congress, was the administration which ruled over the Galactic Republic. Most strikingly of all, in place of the former geometric arrangement of repulsorpods, the seating for delegates was organized into clusters of differing size and shape arranged around the rotunda, connected to each other by ramps and stairways, and capable of holding more than 2,000 delegates. hide. Senate Building on Coruscant, Senate Office Building on Coruscant, Old Republic Senate Building on Lothal "I am the Senate!" Surrounded by the Senate Plaza, several parks such as the Gardens of Equality and Justice served as meeting places near to the Rotunda. However, Anor was successful in increasing the anti-Jedi sentiment among the senators and many Jedi were turned over to the Yuuzhan Vong across the galaxy. Can an open canal loop transmit net positive power over a distance effectively? Adorned with the Great Seal of the Republic and the sigils of the Thousand Worlds, the doors were open to all who might enter, as symbolic of the Republic as the iconography emblazoning the durasteel. When the senate is in Recess no Resolution is voted on. centre of political activity on Coruscant. Meris system, A large mushroom-shaped complex, the new Senate building was one of many prominent sites on the city-planet, ranked as one of the largest tourist sites there. With the security-command center in the Temple crippled, Sith forces swept through the Senate and Supreme Chancellor Berooken was executed by Darth Angral. Presumably, each of these senators had their own repulsorpod. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught, The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 1: Treaty of Coruscant, The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 2: New Galactic Order, The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 3: Uncertain Surrender, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell 1, Star Wars 36: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 1, Star Wars 39: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 4, The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Tethan Battle Adventure, Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:10:03, Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:3:02, Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:3:29, Star Wars: Republic: Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Dark Times 1: The Path to Nowhere, Part 1, The Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception, The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual, On Coruscant net positive power over a distance effectively protesters from across the galaxy space faring population in Star universe... 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