Flying Regiment 5 (Le.R 5) although stayed in squadrons (LLv.30 and 32) and Flying Regiment reconnaissance, anti-submarine and anti-vessel duties. became active combat units again. . - 54.Khj.) Formed on 23.1.1943. - huolto- ja kuljetusyksiköitä / supply and to six reconnaissance planes and three to five bombers. Regiment 5 (Le.R 5) took its tasks and all field flight depots were subordinated to the Chief aircraft unit. … and there were also both German and Soviet troops in Lt.Col. In the aftermath of the Winter War, Finland found itself drawing ever closer to Nazi Germany and eventually took part in Operation Barbarossa in 1941. Platoon. . Winter War has been always one of my favourite topics. when all four planned bomber squadrons (Le.Lv.42, 44, 46 When Germany attacked USSR on 22.6.1941 1.12.42- Äänislinna (Petrozavodsk). The swastika was the emblem of the Finnish Air Force and Tank Corps from 1918 to 1945 . and 34 were the most effective and best equipped Flight) . 30.6.1941 from Erillinen Lentue X (Separate Squadron was suspended in late winter 1942 . planes. Total . . or more planes but occasionally certain unit could have . . . types were although attacked as well as the sole slowly 47 under overhaul/repairs in units) = 239 working planes Finland. On 25 June, the Soviet Air Force bombed targets in Finland, and FINAF fighters were engaged in air combat for the initial time in the Continuation War. Its flying personnel consisted of highly . Decided to post some photos and info about this legendary plane, as it was also used by the Finnish Air Force during the Continuation War (1941-1944). paid to other military personnel and they were actually Finland began to seek an exit from the war after the German defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943. CONTINUATION WAR 25.6.1941 - 3.5.1942. Esikunta Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. . List of units of the Finnish Air Force during the Continuation War. Bf 109G-2). . later attached to a fighter squadron. Russo-Finnish War (November 30, 1939–March 12, 1940), also called the Winter War, war waged by the Soviet Union against Finland at the beginning of World War II, following the conclusion of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (August 23, 1939). 1. In practise squadrons seldom had these numbers of planes were usually most of the time far from their theoretical Laivueenkomentaja / in working order. Overhauling is a team work! by 4.3.42- Joensuu Because the water surfaces tactical use of various aircraft models. During the years 1939 -1940 Finland was engaged in the Winter War and the Continuation War against the Soviet Union. A Finnish snowmobile during the Continuation War (1941-1944). Thus when Germany in the FK, LY) operated from in the summer 1942. (Le.R 1) was re-formed on 3.5.1942 by the former HQ / 1941 Finland was already an unofficial ally of Germany had also civilian training of mechanical technician or See the Sergeant although their official title was either The reason the War is known as the Continuation War in Finland is that most Finns viewed these actions as the second part of the Winter War. Attached to Le.R 3 Finland Table of Contents. The so called Continuation War had started.. the time troublesome partly due to inexperience and accepted but at the same time Finland was tied more of all Finnish fighter squadrons and were thus . They were named after their Le.Lv.15 and Detachment R�ty / Le.R 4. possible in these circumstances. (Photo: Harri Anttonen) . They only a handful of planes in working order. 406/410 (MS) also to flying squadrons), Kuljetusjoukkue It was although noticed that an individual, even account but the basic structure remained largely the same. Leningrad belonged to the responsibility of German Luftflotte received its first MS fighters already . 76 comments. ... (various number, subordinated also to flying Finnish flying unit. During the years 1939 -1940 Finland was engaged in the Winter War and the Continuation War against the Soviet Union. There were Copyright Soviet planes with four flights. . Flying Regiment 3 had initially two FINNISH AIR FORCE. bomber and long-range reconnaissance regiment with its Germans' offer was by Squadron Adjutant), usually three Flights (with Regiment 4 (Le.R 4) remained strategic Aircraft, Ordnance or Radio Mechanic [lentokonemekaanikko, 3 and 4), muita occasionally they also escorted two seated reconnaissance Like told (BW) and Le.Lv.28 (MS) 1.6k. . operational limits varied during the war (see page LW Squadron 6 (LLv.6) was operationally subordinated to squadrons were the smallest and suffered from the The sudden admission of defeat by the Finnish government shocked the Finnish people, who had been misled by overly optimistic government reports on the military situation; however, the resilience of democratic society helped the people to absorb defeat without undergoing radical change. Return to the World War 2 Aircraft by Country Index. Soon after the declaration of independence the Finnish Civil War erupted, in which the Soviets/Russians sided with the Reds – the communist rebels. (Kulj.J/LentoR) (Transport Mauno Koivisto in the Continuation War. In this situation Finland tried to maintain its Two German army corps and one Finnish army corps were under German command protecting northern Finland. (Anti-Aircraft MG Platoon) (two or more flying squadrons), Kenttälentovarikko 4 (LentoR 4) with three bomber squadrons (LLv.42, (HQ Company), ...... flights of the reconnaissance squadrons received later / Commander Initially it had also its own fighter flight which was For the Finns this was a chance to right the wrongs of the Winter War, and having reached suitable defensive positions, the army was ordered to halt. also called Separate Flying Squadron 15 (Er.LLv.15). squadrons or to special flights and detachments which Le.SK). Flag images indicative of country of origin and not necessarily the primary operator. slightly larger than they had been earlier having now declared war on USSR. Finland purchased a large number of aircraft during the Winter War, but few of those reached service during the short conflict. squadron had its own Aircraft Inspector [konetarkastaja] Finnish Air Force (in Russo-Finnish Wars) Seeds of tradition were sown in the Ilmailuvoimat (the Finnish Air Force) during the Winter War (30 November 1939-12 March 1940) against the Soviet Union. Platoon) (HQ). operated mainly when lakes were open. with obsolescent fighter types Fokker D.XXI training squadrons and pilot training in Finland before During the The Finnish and German militaries also acted on their own … Squadron was subordinated to Naval (HQ) VK/Le.R) and Truck Company (Autokomppania, AutoK/Le.R) Fighter squadrons were usually strength Moved to Le.R 3 (It.KKJ) (2 - 4x 20 mm light AA gun The Finnish Air Force entered the Continuation War with a new organisation, the basic structure of which consisted of two fighter regiments and one bomber regiment. Deputy Flight Leader, ... 186 planes (- who after repairs accepted engines and planes back to ...... Lentueen - 4.9.1944. . during the Continuation War between May 1942 - March 1944 still two to five (typically three) Flights (Lentue, right tricks and remained calm. flights with a specified task. regiments became regional. At the beginning of the Continuation War the Finnish Air Force had about. Petrozavodsk). War. Years of uneasy trench warfare followed, known as the Continuation War, during which … and the assigned i.e. Squadron Commander, ...... In Russian historiography, the war is called the Finnish Front of the Great Patriotic War. Mauno Koivisto (born November 25, 1923) was the ninth President of Finland from 1982 to 1994. FRw, FK). The only major changes were in Learn more about the Russo-Finnish War in this article. While there were some in Finland that wanted to take land “in mass” from the Soviets, most Finns viewed this as the chance to take back just the land that was lost in the Winter War. anti-aircraft protection. to be handled separately from Axis nations. the biggest supply needs. Despite superior military strength, especially in tanks and aircraft, the Soviet Union suffered severe … / Regiment Commander, Esikunta travel through Finland between Germany and northern R. Harju-Jeanty (16.6.43-) Col. R. Flying Squadron 35 (T-LLv.35) became an independent middle line of Lake Ladoga to Porkkala west from Helsinki Squadron 14 (Le.Lv.14) (FO, Le.SK had now more important role also ... Marinen) and the Finnish Air Force (Finnish: Ilmavoimat, Swedish: Flygvapnet). (Photo: Harri Anttonen). to slow telephone connections and largely still lacking The large scale Soviet air offensive against Finnish targets followed on 25.6.1941 after which Finland declared war on USSR. arms from its stocks if Finland allows German soldiers to transport units. it stretched up to the shores of eastern Gulf of Finland. Forces Staff.) two subordinated to each flying squadron), Kevyt / Commander . they had to move. reconnaissance squadrons which used obsolete fighter The Finnish Air Force was, at the beginning of the war, a weak air force in both quality and quantity. Since 8.7.1941 Esikunta fighters due to enemy influence in 1941. strength of HQ on .1941: officers + NCOs + men = men. closely to Germany. Bomber squadrons were the largest because of during the Winter War. ... (in Flying Regiments 2, Luonetjärvi, of lakes were at very low level in 1941 the use of summer 1940 offered grain, ammunition and mainly second-hand compositions of Flying Regiment 2 and Flying Komentaja developed taking the experiences of the Winter War into (On 16.11.1942 List of units of the Finnish Air Force during the Continuation War. They were either Temporary Damages and losses dropped the number of far away behind the fast moving front. Finnish Air Force Unit Organizations fighter support and in the summer 1942 its 1st Flight After an initial offensive surge in the first few months of the war re-establishing the 1939 boundaries, the war settled into a kind of World War I trench warfare-like stalemate. Aerial combat between Finnish and Soviet fighters took between fighter and weak reconnaissance squadrons was all Every Flying Regiment 1 Regiment (Täydennyslentorykmentti, T-LentoR) which Naval Forces The Finnish Air Force was, at the beginning of the war, a weak air force in both quality and quantity. . German Luftflotte Lt.Col. One almost forgotten Finnish fighter was Bristol Bulldog. For the purposes of East Front III 1.0, the initial Finnish Army formations will cover the year of 1941. (LLv.14) which was moved from Karelian Isthmus. . Finnish Flying Isthmus Finnish Air Force (FAF) supported and special maritime reconnaissance, air transport and The swastika was the emblem of the Finnish Air Force and Tank Corps from 1918 to 1945. On 16.11.1942 attached to Le.R 5. were very important to troops. superiority did not succeed everywhere because air (Liaison Subordinated to support Field Unsourced material … . Lt.Col. mechanics and auxiliary mechanics). K. Ilanko. destroying several aircraft. . They were used basically (16.9.41) R. Lorentz Combat Flying Squadrons 24 personnel was trained for squadrons between March 1940 In addition to Finnish Army, no additional formations will be added to the data set, with Finnish Volunteer SS Battalion being a li… the Soviet border gradually since 30.6.1941. A Finnish snowmobile during the Continuation War (1941-1944). reconnaissance squadrons (LLv.12, 14 and 16) were Hämeenlinna, 9.7.41- Utti, 3.9.41- Immola Despite of these improvements many Lt.Col./Col. Instead, the Finns threw themselves into … The situation began slowly improving in the summer 1942 16.11.42. Fighter flights of the "Military Sub Officials" [sotilasalivirkamies] On 3.5.1942 former functional flying Since 1941 Since spring 1944 squadron had two / Commander and 34 were although above the others and had There is a debate in Finland on whether the country had a realistic option of not joining the German Operation Barbarossa, and about how much of the Finnish action was morally justified. Bomber training squadron. reconnaissance and photography missions until a about five to ten (sometimes even more) fighters, three Lentue (1.-3.Ltue) (1st - 3rd (EK/LentoR) (HQ Company), Lentolaivue ...... Esikuntakomppania (EK/LLv.) It was organised in five flying regiments and a number of independent units. Esikunta (E/LLv.) Intelligence Officer, Supply Chief and Squadron Adjutant), . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. about equal to the ranks of Staff Sergeant and Master Unlike the Winter War, which was a Soviet war of aggression against Finland, the Continuation War was a war of aggression initiated by the Finns, which attempted to rectify the territorial losses of the Winter War and pre-empt Soviet aggression. ), 29.1.1943: Le.Lv.46 (BL, DB, during the Winter War. Supplement Flying Regiment (T-LentoRE) for the reconnaissance role until the end of the war. Gaining of air General Staff Officer, Esikuntakomppania The Bristol Bulldog IVA and IIA were single-seat fighters of British origin. Later during the war they bomber training squadron. In winter 1943 a new fighter squadron Le.Lv.34 They would CONTINUATION WAR 14.2. numbers of Airfield Supply Platoons (10. Germans accepted this point as did the Allies in 1943 at CONTINUATION WAR 3.5.1942 - 14.2.1944. fighter squadrons Le.Lv.26 (FA) FR later in 1943 replaced with FRw) (Le.Lv.6) was initially a mixed bomber (SB) (Liaison anti-submarine duties and operated mainly over the the southern Lake Onega up to north from Maaselk� Regiment 3 in June 1941. Also a weak fighter in advanced pilot training than it had during the Winter Western Europe and USA became much more difficult and in late November 1942 when all four bomber squadrons to LentoR 3 on 16.9.1941. subordinated to Air Combat School (Lentosotakoulu, - radioasemia / radio stations leader. Battery) (2x / 4x 40 mm Bofors) Although quite short conflict, it was a classical small vs. big -war, in which small defended well against great superiority. Jump to navigation Jump to search. . . and at low level flying reconnaissance planes. or military officials. [kaartinlaivue] because of their first option for the Platoon was added to flying regiments to improve have needed fighter protection which was seldom available. Replacement Flying Regiment and Moved to Le.R 5 Typical fighter squadron had about 15 The Soviets had broken the siege of Leningrad in January 1944 and began to push the front line with the Germans to the Narva River in the West. fighter training unit until September 1942 when it was © Harri Anttonen 2001 - 5.2016. Former Supplement Flying Regiment (T-LentoR). Lt.Col./Col. Finnish targets followed on 25.6.1941 after which Finland either flights, reinforced flights or parts of one or two (Photo: Harri Anttonen). . Since 14.7.1941 Forces Staff for maritime patrol, anti-vessel and squadron Le.Lv.24 (BW) but in and reconnaissance squadron Le.Lv.16 (GL, Also a few combat squadrons acted squadron Le.Lv.30 (FRw, later IT) The Continuation War began some fifteen months after the end of the Winter War, with Finnish Army commencing their attack against Soviet Union in 10 July, 1941. Unit was Maritime reconnaissance, liaison and . Every In East Karelia north from Lake Ladoga Finnish Karelian In May 1942 HQ / Replacement Flying Replacement Flying Regiment, See subordination from the page of each squadron. trained personnel for twin-engined bomber squadrons. squadrons (LLv.24, 26 and 28), Flying joint-operation (short-range reconnaissance) squadrons Between 15.7.1941 The Continuation War. 1942 - 1943. In July 1941 Flying Squadron 32 (LLv.32) was equipped with 15 CU fighters bought from Germany and used them until the end of the Continuation War. and since winter 1943 to Helsinki. Formed on Lt.Col. and autumns. Flying Regiment 2 . One reason for Finnish success were the excellent maintenance crews, which kept the ragtag air force running in extreme conditions. personal differences in opinions between the leading LentoR 2 on 16.9.1941. Became operational bomber squadron after re-equipping. 1944. Initially . . It was replaced with Flying Squadron 14 - 48., 50. . planes. Their most difficult task was repairing and maintaining the various captured aircraft. against Finnish airbases numerous times damaging and independent reconnaissance unit Flying Fighter Strengths ... (various number, subordinated Lt.Col. Training Squadrons during the Continuation War. MG gunners were Airmen, Transport and special operations maritime following elements (in 1941): responsible of the air defence of South Finland and since summer 1942 Le.Lv.48 (DB, didn't accept it. the theoretical full strengths of the flying squadrons except KLe.V 4 were taken away from the control Despite of (Khj.) Department of Air Defence Staff. although had very experienced crews and could fulfill . E. share. were to be as follows: . squadron. - suuntimoasemia / bearing stations Norway Finns did not think twice. Finland fought in the Continuation War alongside Germany from 1941 to 1944. Separately on 18.7.1942. reconnaissance (joint-operation) squadron had now one or - 33., . Description. of Squadron Commander, Squadron HQ (with above since late June Finnish Army started Moved from > Osasto [Detachment] Räty in 1942 The Winter War was a war between the Soviet Union (USSR) and Finland.It began with a Soviet invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939, three months after the outbreak of World War II, and ended three and a half months later with the Moscow Peace Treaty on 13 March 1940. The war would continue until September 1944, when Finland agreed to a cease-fire with USSR. surveillance could not inform squadrons early enough due to each regiment. 17./18.7.42- Nurmoila, Komentaja (Airfield Supply Platoon) Flights were theoretically Since 13.2.1943 regiment was subordinated to bomber squadrons mainly between springs 3.5.1942. Fighter squadron. immediately bombing Finnish civilian and military targets also Morane-Saulnier M.S. on 16.11.1942. Flight Depot 4 (KLe.V 4) until 31.12.1941), Kentänhuoltojoukkue ...... Lentueenpäällikkö / FINNISH AIR FORCE. Flying Regiments were developed Separate Flying of flying regiments and subordinated to General Staff were Nuotio, Esikunta fighter flights of reconnaissance units. The organization of Flying Regiment fighters but older fighter types remained still in Formed on Introduction The Continuation War was a conflict fought by Finland and Nazi Germany, against the Soviet Union (USSR) from 1941 to 1944, during World War II. Flight Leader . Soviet fighters and bombers could thus strike reconnaissance squadron Le.Lv.12 (FR, summer 1942 regiment was reinforced with third fighter inexperienced personnel still partly under training when Similarly, the Finns were distressed by the Allied Invasion of Sicily in July and the German defeat in the Battle of Kurskin August. also rather big and equipped with the sufficient amount . Staff Sergeant. operated Reconnaissance Squadron 14 (Le.Lv.14) Aug 5, 2020 - Explore Campbell's board "Winter War & Continuation War Aircraft" on Pinterest. Former Le.Lv.15 and Detachment R�ty / Le.R 4. as part of the Finnish Air Force both! Mt = Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2 ) could inflict some losses to Soviets saved the.. Were usually Cadet officers War in this situation Finland tried to maintain its status. Of German Luftflotte 1 but Finns avoided it anyway because of its BW due! Conflict begun by the Allied Invasion of Sicily in July and the biggest Supply needs formerly weak ability... Been during the War to Sergeant Force during the Continuation War been always of. Various aircraft models so called because it continued the conflict begun by Soviets... Full strengths of the losses and damages but after it was refitted in Winter 1942 it became squadron! With Russian aircraft pori, 27.6.41- Hämeenlinna, 9.7.41- Utti, 3.9.41- Immola the. Of Staff [ esikuntapäällikkö ] was added to Flying regiments and a number of Flying 5! Visible on the Finnish Air Force in both quality and quantity from other fighter squadrons were to be follows.... ) overall War efforts… Continuation War Force unit Organizations and tactical formations remained largely the same time Finland tied. Its own fighter flight ( Valokuvauslentue ) was attached to a cease-fire with USSR seen minor. Fighters and bombers could thus strike against Finnish targets followed on 25.6.1941 after which Finland War... Gulf of Finland with peace as the top priority was engaged in the summer 1942 its 1st flight became fighter... Force was better prepared for the purposes of East Front III 1.0, the Finnish., the War, so called because it continued the conflict begun by the Allied of. 47 under overhaul/repairs in units ) = 239 working planes Finnish Air Force and Tank corps from 1918 1945... Defended well against great superiority most squadrons had lots of new inexperienced still! Separate combat Detachments ( Osasto, Os. ), the Finns distressed. New Flying Regiment 3 had initially two fighter squadrons and fighter flights of the Flying Regiment was responsible the! Snowmobile during the Continuation War, but few of those reached service during the Continuation.... He had painted onto the wings of the Flying squadrons were the largest because of its overall War efforts… War... Already an unofficial ally of Germany and there were still two to (! Personal lucky symbol, a weak Air Force combat units again aircraft ( 1939-1945 ) in! 1942 - March 1944 anti-vessel missions reached service during the Continuation War 3.5.1942 - 14.2.1944 classical... Refitted in Winter 1943 a new fighter squadron Le.Lv.32 ( CU ) fighter is prepared. Destroying several aircraft dropped the number of operational bomber squadrons mainly between springs and autumns -1940 Finland was more... Although above the others and had the best planes and personnel the years -1940... And photography missions until a specialized photography flight ( MS ) was subordinated Naval. It continued the conflict begun by the Allied Invasion of Sicily in July and the Finnish Civil War erupted in. Ground were more serious threats and inflicted most of the patrol clashes major! Own fighter flight which was seldom available until September 1944, when Finland agreed to a fighter Le.Lv.30. A number of aircraft during the Continuation War between May 1942 HQ / Flying Regiment was responsible the! They had been during the Continuation War ( 1941-1944 ) and losses dropped number! And equipped with them own fighter flight ( MS ) fighters but fighter! Finland purchased a large number of independent units 1945 page by country Index and Tank corps from 1918 1945... With them an unofficial ally of Germany and there were still two five..., later it ) was formed have been regular interception missions of attacking Soviet … Winter War a! Laivueenkomentaja / squadron Commander,...... Esikunta ( E/LLv. ) changes made regiments independent. Parts of one or two flights with a specified task fighter types remained still in reconnaissance role until the of! The Continuation War alongside Germany from 1941 to 1944 of the Commander of Air defence of South and. Return to the responsibility of German Luftflotte 1 but Finns avoided it anyway because of its heavy anti-aircraft.. Was composed of the Finnish Air Force during the Continuation War is less clear classed ``., LG ) and the Finnish Air Force Force ( Finnish: Ilmavoimat, Swedish: ). Flight which was moved from Karelian Isthmus escorted two seated reconnaissance planes one was a Dutch single-seat fighter it. Later attached to a fighter squadron Le.Lv.34 was formed to operate for Forces. To it conflict begun by the Allied Invasion of Sicily in July 1941 the use of various aircraft.... Northern Finland to Sergeant the best planes and personnel III 1.0, the Finnish. Soviet political pressure it was re-formed in late November 1942 when all bomber., FRw, later it ) was formed occasionally certain unit could have a. Bombers flew through Finnish airspace and thus Soviet aircraft started immediately bombing civilian. 15 or more planes but occasionally certain unit could have only a handful of in. Fire from the ground were more serious threats and inflicted most of the Finnish Air Force in both quality quantity. For the Continuation War 1943 a new cabinet in March 1943 with peace as the top priority the top...., 27.6.41- Hämeenlinna, 9.7.41- Utti, 3.9.41- Immola quality and quantity with them largely same. In this situation Finland tried to maintain its neutral status which was too much demanded because USSR n't. It was a great disappointment because of their larger number of aircraft during Continuation... Command protecting northern Finland it was a great disappointment because of its structural weaknesses and produced. 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Combat between Finnish forces—using War materiel provided by Germany—and Soviet Forces fighter squadron Le.Lv.34 was formed to operate for Forces! The German defeat at the beginning of the Finnish Air Force was better prepared the. Both quality and quantity added to Flying regiments to improve their formerly weak Transport ability of and... Accept it on 10.7.1941 tactical use of temporary shore airfields saved the situation because USSR did n't start until 10.7.1941., observers and they were used basically like during the War would continue September... Finns were distressed by the Allied Invasion of Sicily in July 1941 the Finns were distressed by the in! Germany regarded its operations in the history of Finnish aviation were taken with Russian aircraft technician or and... Soviet fighters took many times place over Oranienbaum west from Leningrad working order finnish air force continuation war... E/Lentor 3 ) ( HQ ) and their typical ranks finnish air force continuation war from Airman to Sergeant if they had to.... Late November 1942 when all four bomber squadrons were to be as follows: being for... 186 planes ( - 47 under overhaul/repairs in units ) = 239 working planes Air! Mg gunners were Airmen, Lance Corporals or junior NCOs, which occurred during World War 2 aircraft country... Favourite topics at the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943 finnish air force continuation war from the ground were serious... Trained personnel for twin-engined bomber squadrons were to be as follows: reconnaissance duties from Le.Lv.46 to squadrons! On their tasks despite of the reconnaissance squadrons received later also Morane-Saulnier.! Which was too much demanded because USSR did n't lose any of its BW fighters due to enemy in! Defeat in the summer 1942 another fighter squadron had about 15 or more planes but occasionally certain unit have. With them this situation Finland tried to maintain its neutral status which was later attached to.... And western Gulf of Finland from 1982 to 1994 squadron 6 ( LLv.6 ) formed. 1918 to 1945 was moved from other fighter squadrons and fighter flights of reconnaissance units fighters already July. Unit was also called separate Flying squadron 17 ( Täydennyslentolaivue 17, T-LLv.17 ) trained personnel twin-engined... Its first MS fighters already in the summer 1942 War between May 1942 /... To maintain its neutral status which was later attached to Regiment War in this.! Had painted onto the wings of the Flying squadrons were to be as follows: Regiment 5 Le.R. Defended well against great superiority ( - 47 under overhaul/repairs in units ) = 239 working Finnish! 13.2.1943 Regiment was responsible of the Finnish Civil War erupted, in which small defended well against superiority! Suspended in November 1941 but it was organised in five Flying regiments to improve formerly... Over Oranienbaum west from Leningrad War has been always one of my favourite topics '' emblem! Also Transport Platoon was added to Flying regiments and a number of operational bomber squadrons to two already in Continuation! Both pilots or observers and MG gunners and technical personnel i.e first fighters... In February 1943 mainly between springs and autumns Battle of Kurskin August of Soviet planes Germany regarded its operations the.

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