Soon the drumroll of events, even difficulties, resumes. Read Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s full article, “But for a Small Moment.” Source: BYU Speeches —Breanna Simmons, Mormon Insights. His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, has asked you, “Come, follow me.” Thus, in a real and majestic sense, each of us here tonight has been “called to serve”. This is intended to be a comprehensive collection of all of Neal Ash Maxwell's published works, as well as related documents from various authors. Some live rich and marvelous lives. Originally Broadcast on November 2, 2014. Table of Contents. What is it that we are we to deny ourselves? : when he is come, he will tell us all things.”, And Jesus said, “I that speak unto thee am he.”, And she went back to her village all excited and said she’d found the Messiah, and then, significantly, she said to the villagers, “He told me all that ever I did.” (See John 4:25–26, 39–42.). How we handle these is so crucial. Even so, Jesus prayed for us and for all of his followers not to be taken “out of the world.” But instead, he desires that we might be kept from evil (see John 17:15). See Also. Neal A. Maxwell was a President of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when this devotional address was given at Brigham Young University on 10 October 1978. Text Settings. Dr. Spencer Fluhman, the Maxwell Institute Director, gave a BYU Devotional speech titled “The University and the Kingdom of God” July 30, 2019. LDS General Conference Archive of Neal A Maxwell. Patience is not indifference. The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism & The Soul's Center | Jeffrey R. and Patricia T. Holland . Of necessity, of course, we are to teach and learn the doctrines. He was resurrected as we will be. BYU Speeches BYU Speeches Cristianesimo 5.0 • 1 valutazione; Ascolta su Apple Podcasts. All intellect and no heart! Cover image: Moroni greets a dying Mormon after the final Nephite battles. Their family grew to include four children and twenty-four grandchildren. He further served the university as an administrator, working as the director of public relations, the assistant to the president, the secretary to the Board of Trustees, the dean of students, the vice president for planning and public affairs, and an executive vice president. Likewise, the world steadily tempts us. Thank you so much President. She has been called home to preach the gospel to those who have not yet received it. The celestial attributes—such as love, patience, mercy, meekness, and submissiveness—embody what we are to become. Jul 19, 2019 - Explore BYU Speeches's board "Classic Speeches", followed by 2228 people on Pinterest. Now, having described for you that defining moment, I want to certify to many subsequent and subtle moments that are at least as important. Send Us a Message. Though most of you are young, I continue to be heartened by how far along so many of you already are in your discipleship for your age. Maxwell's mix of educated and everyday diction is also evident in the many comparisons, analogies, metaphors, and similies that he employs. Considering what we are, compared with what we have the power to become, should give us great spiritual hope. They will not. As eternal beings living very temporarily in time, it is often much more than a whisper that tells us we are strangers here and that our ultimate home is someplace else (see “O My Father,”Hymns, 1985, no. BYU’s podcast of acclaimed devotional speakers is here to help! Joseph Smith: “A Choice Seer” - Neal A. Maxwell - BYU Speeches 2006. I’m Popeye, the sailor man.” We are beckoned by a very different call—by the Master who asks us to become “even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). Ponder that, brothers and sisters. He loves you perfectly. I think you ought to know what happened today. If you're aware of any talks available online that aren't listed here, please let me know. The median age of participants in BYU-Pathway is 33 years old. Elder Donald L. Hallstrom. I have found with experience what I think you will find: The Lord gives more instructions than he gives explanations. I have a testimony of this Church, and Jennifer has a testimony of this Church which she bore with me, that Jesus is the Christ. These moments are as real for me as what happened on Okinawa. By denying the desires of the natural man (to the degree that these exist in each of us), we avoid this diversion, making it easier for us to take up the cross of discipleship. He will remind you. Several days later, another letter came from the MTC from the same earnest companion who had written me before, saying in effect. I mingle with you, hear about you, and sometimes counsel you. October 23, 1971. We then have much less concern, for instance, with things of the moment. in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest. BYU Devotionals is a non-profit organization. What was God’s will? Of necessity, this process requires the cross of discipleship to be taken up daily—not occasionally or seasonally. Only a few of you here will remember the old Popeye cartoons in which he proclaimed self-contentedly, “I yam what I yam, and that’s all I yam. Alas, William didn’t do it, just as some of us fail to overcome our passions and thereby fail to “please God.” We are too busy pleasing ourselves. He marveled over God’s vast creations, but when deeply reassured, he fervently exclaimed, “Yet thou art there.” God is ever “there”! Other important doctrines, like dispensationalism, for instance, inform and instruct us, but these do not necessarily develop us personally. So many different things can overcome and capture us. In a long ago May, in 1945, there was such a moment for me on the island of Okinawa at age eighteen. Elder Neal A. Maxwell “If Thou Endure It Well” BYU Fireside, December 4, 1984. Perhaps this latter condition is the flip side of “Look, the emperor has no clothes,” in which one would say, “Look, the clothes have no emperor!” People have so many trappings that cover the absence of substance of a spiritual nature—it’s all about us in the world’s passing parade: “Princes come and princes go; an hour of pomp, an hour of show” (lyrics from Kismet). Diagnosed with leukemia in 1996, Elder Maxwell inspired many with his resilient and patient endurance during his eight-year battle with cancer. by BYU Speeches Don’t, however, expect the world to understand or to value your discipleship. We would be spiritually stranded without them, and, likewise, without the saving and exalting gospel ordinances, because. Somehow, brothers and sisters, God is providing these individual tutorials for us while, at the same time, he is overseeing cosmic funerals and births—as one earth passes away, so another is born (see Moses 1:38). This self-denial is especially challenging in a world filled with so many sensual and secular stimuli. Fixated on pleasing self with little concern for neighbors. Spiritual Ecology. There is so much to get done in the brief time we have in this mortal classroom. This podcast is specially curated by our team at BYU Speeches, and each week will bring you a different speech to improve your Come, Follow Me experience. “Both men and women are to have the same broad range of educational, social, vocational, and spiritual opportunities . Elder Neal A. Maxwell bears powerful testimony of the choice seer Joseph Smith and his role in revealing essential truth about our Savior Jesus Christ. There may even be, more than we now know, some literalness in his assertion “When ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40). Paul warns those of us on the path of discipleship to be diligent, “lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you” (Hebrews 12:15). Maxwell, Jan 1974. Sometimes our outward selves are no better indicators of what we’re really like than the mortal résumés that are feverishly circulated in the academic and business worlds. It has been accepted for inclusion in Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. He passed away on July 21, 2004, in Salt Lake City. Of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy. May 12, 2020 - Explore BYU Speeches's board "Inspiring Quotes", followed by 2302 people on Pinterest. Now, what if I had waited a day? Contact 525 South Center St. Rexburg, ID, 83460 TEXT: (208) 496-1411 CALL: (208) 496-1411 Feedback; Follow Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube LinkedIn; Popular . We would also be much less concerned with our public image and with what “they” think, being, instead, much more concerned with having Jesus’ image in our countenance. I hope we realize that. Sometimes, as we commence taking up the cross, we ignore or neglect the first part of Jesus’ instruction. They underscore the importance of our accepting his invitation to discipleship. This emulation directly enhances our adoration of Jesus. Footnotes. There are even some noticeable and helpful tuggings—you and I feel them at times—to remind us who we really are. The relevant experiences are required, even when you and I would try to avoid them. Here’s an illustration. Inspiring insights. I can have a flair for the dramatic, but I really think this might be the most important LDS talk I’ve ever heard on the topic of the modern faith challenges […] Think of it this way. J. Spencer Fluhman is the executive director of Brigham Young University’s Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. Many here have had private moments of pondering and reading the scriptures when the words “come through” in a clear, clarion way. See Also. That Jesus complete the Atonement. There are more meaningful moments than we use profitably, just as in terms of Christian service there are more opportunities around us than we now use. In contrast, meek Enoch reached a point in his discipleship, wrote Paul, when Enoch received a testimony that he pleased God (see Hebrews 11:5). Then we can learn the great lessons about the relationship of righteousness to the powers and the joys of heaven. This is one of the tragedies of failing to be serious disciples—not that we become necessarily wicked, but, rather, that those who drift merely exist; they are not truly alive. In this precious process, the more we do what Jesus did (allow our wills to be “swallowed up in the will of the Father”), the more we will learn (Mosiah 15:7). He witnessed the battle of Okinawa. I am delighted to be with you tonight and to be in the presence of President Rex Lee and his wife, Janet. I knew I had been blessed, and I knew that God knew that I knew. It is to opt for the things of eternity over the trendy and appealing things of the moment. Maxwell Gideon Burton Follow this and additional works at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the All Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. Unfortunately, Neal did not grow to his adult height until after high school, which severely inhibited his competitiveness in the sport and was a big disappointment for him. Hunter's teachings in our church meetings. ‎Stuck in a spiritual rut? Discipleship’s enlarged capacity to serve will bring enlarged joys. An interesting feature on the sidebar of is the MOST VIEWED speeches in the upper right corner. The world may equate meekness to weakness, but that is not true. “Behold the Man,” by Marion D. Hanks in New Era 5 (Dec. 1975). In more than a decade of visiting the site I have never seen a day where at least two speeches from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and at least one from Elder Neal A. Maxwell aren’t in the most viewed of all time. But back to submissiveness. It is a special privilege to be with Elder Kim Clark and his wife, Susan, and with the others joined here. I went to sit in the outer office and said, “Please, Heavenly Father, let that letter come today,” and then I ran down to where the missionaries get the mail, and there it was. Ciphers as to substance, but perhaps with large, mortal wardrobes. BYU Speeches $ {{totalError}} Choose Frequency. Greed and lust, though they have always been friends, have never formed quite the cartel that they have formed now. Of this I testify, in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Knowledge is very important. What of emancipation from the enslavement resulting from so many subtle forms of servitude? Certainly economic and political slavery should concern us, and rightly so, but what of being in bondage in other ways? Yet Jesus yielded. As we approach Easter, with all its glorious significance, we should rejoice in God’s great gift of immortality, unearned and universally given—“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22). Without those cumulative, individual strokes, there would be no painting. Here you will find well-loved speeches given at least a decade ago. Young Neal A. Maxwell did not take that experience lightly and knew that God had spared him for a specific purpose. Connect with Us Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube. Travel on the straight and narrow path occurs in company with other disciples, imperfect as we all are. Nor does the natural man or the natural woman go away quietly or easily. Want to take your study of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Come, Follow Me program one step further? Furthermore, these same attributes cannot be developed in the abstract. They are spiritual. Unlike the roar and crash of artillery, followed by a delivering silence, these smaller moments involve the Lord’s periodic whisperings to my mind. Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 801-422-6975. Happily, self-denial, when we practice it, brings great relief. Elder Quentin L. Cook. Follow BYU Speeches. Given the divine sorrow each of us here has caused our God and our Savior, what a divine comfort to know that when we “get it all together,” it will be mercifully said, “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more” (D&C 58:42). So, the lingering question should not be “How many imperfections do I have?” but, rather, “Is my discipleship sufficiently serious that I am working patiently and steadily to overcome those weaknesses, perhaps even changing some of them into strengths?” (See Ether 12:27.). O ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you! So it is that discipleship, far from being ascetic, is to choose joy over pleasure. Hosted by Brenden W. Rensink, it is a production of the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies at Brigham Young University. February 23, 1970. Collected Talks of Neal A. Maxwell. Mormon Literature & Creative Arts. Now, may I close on a personal note to illustrate a dimension of discipleship. This process brings its own joys and reassurances. A-387 ASB. Given the imperfections of all of us in the Church, offenses will come and disappointments will occur. I hope we feel the cutting edge of the word required. Inside our impatience there is sometimes an ugly reality: We are… I love them both! A smart and active boy, he attended Granite High School, where he wanted to play on the school’s basketball team. We know more than we can tell other people—not only for reasons of confidentiality but for what I will call “contextuality.” Those who are not a part of the process are not likely to value and understand its significance. Academic Programs Activities Admissions Bulletin Board Catalog Class Schedule Devotionals and Speeches Employment Opportunities Financial Aid Food Services Giving to BYU-Idaho Housing I-Learn Library Online Learning Registration Student Services and Activities Web Cams, Road and Weather Report I recall hearing President Marion G. Romney, who combined wit and wisdom, say, “We’d have more spiritual experiences if we didn’t talk so much about them.”. Walking and overcoming by faith is not easy. The bibliography to The Collected Works of Neal A. Maxwell was invaluable in its preparation, as was the bibliography to A Disciple's Life (which I have yet to completely incorporate). However, God’s greatest gift—eternal life—will be given only to a comparative few: those who respond to Jesus’ invitation, “Come, follow me” (Luke 18:22). Tune in to hear experts discuss their tips for finding success and growing their relationships with God. As one wisely considers the reality of the years, the days, and the moments available to each of us, instead of discipleship being a hectic, anxious thing, it actually causes us to be more calm, more meek and trusting, and more open to God’s tutoring of each of us. © Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Jesus the Christ—Our Master and More | Russell M. Nelson. . January 15, … With this blessing and pledge, I was nudged toward discipleship without realizing what service would be required. I ran back up and knocked on the door and dropped the letter in his lap and said, “I think you ought to read this before you go home.” Dear Brother Maxwell, my companion stayed. Listen online, no signup necessary. BYU’s podcast of acclaimed devotional speakers is here to help! Listen to recording: MP3 Right-click (cntrl-click for macs) and “save link as” to download onto MP3 This recording is also found at BYU Speeches. Thank you so much President. Maxwell Institute. Go to tomorrow to watch Steven M. Sandberg's full devotional. Enoch was. I don’t know. These lamentations measure the deep love Jesus has for us. One of our favorite songs, which we will now sing as a congregation, was “Called to Serve.” I believe, as the scriptures have pointed out, that Jennifer, one of the best missionaries I ever had a chance to witness, is called to further service. I worry sometimes in various Church classes that we get so busy discussing the doctrines that talking about them almost becomes a substitute for applying them! 1:24. No wonder we are given instructive words from Jesus about the narrowness and the straightness of the only path available to return home: “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Here, you’ll find just what you need to help your personal, family, and church study. Some may be, but it takes inspiration to know when to share them. Discipleship turns on our spiritual sensitivities. They come in other ways to each of us. Amen! That service will require all that we have but will reward us with all that He has. The Redd Center is an interdisciplinary research center committed to increasing knowledge and understanding of the American West. Hence, the most grinding form of calisthenics we will ever know involves the individual isometrics required to put off the natural man. Enter Donation. It’s like being briefed on a field trip but never taking the field trip. When Jesus took upon him the heavy, atoning yoke to redeem all mankind by paying the agonizing price for our sins, he thereby experienced what he himself termed the “fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God” (D&C 76:107). Elder Maxwell wrote thirty books on religion and many articles on government and politics. He will reassure you. It is dangerous. Stuck in a spiritual rut? Side by side, as we all are, means that there are ways in which we can become offended or even embittered. It is global. Future Students Current Students Employees Parents and Family Alumni. Neal A. Maxwell was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when this devotional address was given at Brigham Young University on 21 October 1986. - Fri., 8 am - 5 pm Closed: Devotionals and Holidays Brother Fluhman’s remarks will be broadcast live on BYUtv, (and archived for on-demand streaming), KBYU-TV 11, Classical 89 FM, BYU Radio, and will be archived on They are not just a litany of qualities to be recited! The precept of charity as contained in the Book of Mormon is particular in that it is divinely connected and can never be reduced to … Christ Generally “‘An High Priest of Good Things to Come,” by Jeffery R. Holland in Ensign 29 (Nov. 1999). Even if not wholly consumed with the things of the world, we are still diverted sufficiently to make serious discipleship impossible. . We sometimes speak of defining moments. Time and again the new self is pitted against the stubborn old self. The natural man and the natural woman are “put off,” and then we find ourselves having become more saintly (see Mosiah 3:19). He was well known and admired for his eloquent style and profound insights, which are characterized in the thirty devotional addresses he delivered on the BYU campus. [Matthew 23:37], O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! The whole process of subtle inspiration and revelation is like this metaphor: An inspired painter working on a large canvas does not report to or ask patrons or friends to react to each brushstroke. They reassure me. Home; Browse Works; Results 1-3 of 3 for: * This mission, of course, was yet another step in the direction of discipleship. There’s a lot of talk currently in America about empowerment. . Go. Yes, Jesus is the generous Lord of the Expansive Universe, but, brothers and sisters, he is also the Lord of the Narrow Path! It is left to each of us to balance contentment with what God has allotted to us in life with some divine discontent as to what we are in comparison with what we have the power to become. Tune in to hear experts discuss their tips for finding success and growing their relationships with God. After returning from his mission, he began school at the University of Utah, where he would earn a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in political science. Helpful Links. These sensitivities are enhanced, not diminished, with discipleship. Also see other collected talks. May 29. These defining moments in our lives usually focus on single episodes that can sometimes be outwardly, as well as inwardly, quite traumatic. It requires much time, learning through relevant experiences, keeping covenants, and receiving the essential ordinances—all in order to spur us along the discipleship path of personal progression. Of the many restored truths, God has surely given us “enough and to spare.” Soberingly, however, we have been told that unto whom “much is given much is required” (D&C 82:3). Outward circumstances were a spur to Abraham’s yearnings, but clearly he had firm and basic desires of discipleship. For the serious disciple the resulting urgency means there can be few extended reveries and recesses and certainly no sabbaticals—all this in order to hasten God’s relentless remodeling of each of us! 18 pp. feature image by joe penna. BYU-Idaho. Eventually we become readied for the final moment of consecration, when, gladly and completely, we let our wills be swallowed up in the will of the Father. 2014 Schedule Jan. 12 – Elder Tad R. Callister Maxwell's prose is unusually rich in such figurative language, and this means of expression, in addition to his penchant for … In contrast, there’s a dullness and a sameness about sin. May 29. The prayer was accompanied by my pledge of a lifetime of service—a pledge that, though imperfectly, I’ve tried to keep. He knows you perfectly, just as Jesus knew the woman of Samaria whom he quizzed as to her belief in the Messiah. It increases the “aliveness” in each of us. Devotional on January 26, at 11:30 a.m. Brigham Young taught, “There is not a single condition of life that is entirely unnecessary; there is not one hour’s experience but what is beneficial to all those who make it their study, and aim to improve upon the experience they gain” (JD 9:292). Deeds, not words—and becoming, not describing—are dominant in true discipleship! When that position was eliminated, he served in the Presidency of the Seventy until he was ordained an apostle in 1981. Jesus also volunteered to take upon him additional agony that he might experience and thus know certain things “according to the flesh”; namely, human sicknesses and infirmities and human griefs, including those not associated with sin (Alma 7:11–12). A spiritual boost, right at your ... Maxwell Institute Podcast Maxwell Institute Podcast Altri contenuti di BYU Speeches Elenco completo. On demand - Stuck in a spiritual rut in contrast, there ’ s Neal A. Maxwell if... Than all of that—much more beautiful and much more remarkable than all a... Feature on the straight and narrow path us incrementally for the journey of discipleship, happily, many regard! Master and more byu speeches maxwell Russell M. Nelson the individual isometrics required to put off the natural man and blessings! Smart and active boy, he served in the direction of discipleship to be significantly remodeled even by his hands... 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