Denote this new value by BWEnew. 2 β ) TCP Illinois and TCP Cubic do have mechanisms in place to reduce multiple losses. When a packet loss does occur, TCP Veno uses its current value of Nqueue to attempt to distinguish between non-congestive and congestive loss, as follows: The idea here is that most router queues will have a total capacity much larger than ð½, so a loss with fewer than ð½ likely does not represent a queue overflow. Empirically, a workable value for the queue capacity K is around 65 for 10 Gbps Ethernet, which is moderately above â(TC/2) but still very affordable. That BWE is the maximum rate recorded over the past ten RTTs, rather than the average, will be important below. Suppose A responds to the loss using the original BWE of 1 packet/ms. Integrating again, we get the number of packets in one tooth (the area) to be proportional to T6, where T is the time at the right edge of the tooth. We will also assume that the RTTnoLoad for the AâB path is about 5ms and the RTT for the CâD path is also low. In Python3 (and Python2) we can do this as well; the file below is also available at Note that BWE will be much more volatile than RTTmin; the latter will typically reach its final value early in the connection, while BWE will fluctuate up and down with congestion (which will also act on RTT, but by increasing it). How many packets are sent by each connection in four seconds? < This means that the sender has essentially taken a congestion loss to be non-congestive, and ignored it. 2 α As most of the implementations here are relatively recent, the senders can generally expect that the receiving end will support SACK TCP, which allows more rapid recovery from multiple losses. The TCP Cubic strategy here is to probe aggressively for additional capacity, increasing cwnd very rapidly until the new network ceiling is encountered. 14.0. Please, note that I said "seems", because current development research from Google only claims that TCP_BBR is faster and stabler than "CUBIC". The exact performance of some of the faster TCPs we consider â for that matter, the exact performance of TCP Reno â is influenced by the RTT. However, for t>tL we define. The constant C=0.4 is determined empirically. Questions like these are today entirely hypothetical, but it is not impossible to envision an Internet backbone that implemented non-FIFO queuing mechanisms (23 Queuing and Scheduling) that fundamentally changed the rules of the game. At regular short fixed intervals (eg 20ms) cwnd is updated via the following weighted average: where ð¾ is a constant between 0 and 1 determining how âvolatileâ the cwnd update is (ð¾â1 is the most volatile) and ð¼ is a fixed constant, which, as we will verify shortly, represents the number of packets the sender tries to keep in the bottleneck queue, as in TCP Vegas. The RTT is monitored, as with TCP Vegas. This is presumably because TCP BBR does not necessarily reduce throughput at all when faced with occasional non-congestive losses. This allows efficient use of all the available bandwidth for large bandwidthÃdelay products. TCP Vegas will attempt to decrease cwnd so that. = a When each ACK arrives, TCP Cubic records the arrival time t, calculates W(t), and sets cwnd = W(t). Two are TCP Cubic and two are TCP Reno. First, throughput is boosted by keeping cwnd close to the available path transit capacity. 2 Rate-based sending requires some form of pacing support by the underlying LAN layer, so that packets can be sent at equal time intervals. DCTCP (and any other TCP) cannot be of much help if each individual connection may be sending only one packet. In the large-cwnd, high-bandwidth case, non-congestive packet losses can easily lower the TCP Reno cwnd to well below what is necessary to keep the bottleneck link saturated. Using the formulas from 8.3.2 RTT Calculations, show that the number of packets TCP Vegas calculates are in the queue, queue_use, is. d TCP Cubic specifies for C the ad hoc value 0.4; we can then set t=0 and, with a bit of algebra, solve to obtain. : (In [AGMPS10] and RFC 8257, 1/D is denoted by ð¼, making ð½ = ð¼/2, but to avoid confusion with the ð¼ in AIMD(ð¼,ð½) we will write out the DCTCP ð¼ as alpha when we return to it below. What cwnd would be chosen? Unlike the standard TCP, 2 Linux kernel source tree. i. For example, if bandwidth is estimated as cwnd/RTT, late-arriving ACKs can lead to inaccurate calculation of RTT. d As in TCP Vegas, the sender keeps a continuous estimate of bandwidth, BWE, and estimates RTTnoLoad by RTTmin. From these conditions, we have. It also means D will be somewhat smaller, though, as the total cwnd will be increasing N times faster. where the exponent k is chosen to be 0.8. a When losses do occur, most of the mechanisms reviewed here continue to use the TCP NewReno recovery strategy. TCP Vegas shoots to have the actual cwnd be just a few packets above this. If the goal is keeping the queue small, this compares quite favorably to TCP Reno, in which D = Wmin = Wmax/2. This turns out to yield. 2 Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere thanks to my advisor, Prof Ilker Demirkol for his valuable support, guidance and patience throughout my thesis work. 3 This horizontal distance from t=0 to the inflection point is represented by the constant K in the following equation; W(t) returns to its pre-loss value Wmax at t=K. If BWE is measured at the optimum point after BBRâs pacing_gain=1.25 rate increase, what is the new value of BWE? It may fall back somewhat during the queue-filling phase, but overall the FAST and Reno flows may compete reasonably fairly. So which TCP version to use? TCP Hybla ([CF04]) has one very specific focus: to address the TCP satellite problem (4.4.2 Satellite Internet) of very long RTTs. For reference, here are a few typical RTTs from Chicago to various other places: We start with Highspeed TCP, an early and relatively simple attempt to address the high-bandwidth-TCP problem. However, the RTT increase is not used for per-packet or per-RTT adjustments; instead, these measurements are used after each loss event to update ð½ so as to have. The list comes from /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_available_congestion_control. f These strategies are sometimes referred to as loss-based and delay-based, respectively; the latter term because of the rise in RTT. In TCP Cubic, the initial rapid rise in cwnd following a loss means that the average will be much closer to 100%. We now define a cubic polynomial W(t), a shifted and scaled version of w=t3. TCP BBR returns to the central idea of TCP Vegas: to measure the available bandwidth and RTTmin, and to base the number of in-flight packets on the measured bandwidthÃdelay product. If the connection keeps 4 packets in the queue (, (b). If RTT is constant for multiple consecutive update intervals, and is larger than RTTnoLoad, the above will converge to a constant cwnd, in which case we can solve for it. d CUBIC: A New TCP-Friendly High-Speed TCP Variant ∗ Sangtae Ha, Injong Rhee Dept of Computer Science North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695 {sha2,rhee} Lisong Xu Dept of Comp. As mentioned above, TCP Cubic is currently (2013) the default Linux congestion-control implementation. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign *Hebrew University of Jerusalem . 2 TCP-Illinois is a variant of TCP congestion control protocol, developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.It is especially targeted at high-speed, long-distance networks. m As before, the link labels represent bandwidths in packets/ms, meaning that the round-trip AâB transit capacity is 10 packets. + {\displaystyle d_{m}} At the next packet loss the parameters of W(t) are updated. + As the window-size reduction on packet loss is 1âð½, this means that cwnd is relatively constant. These adjustments are conceptually done once per RTT. f Equivalently, TCP Hybla defines the ratio of the two RTTs as ð = RTT/RTT0, and then after each windowful (each time interval of length RTT) increments cwnd by ð2 instead of by 1. Find the value of cwndI at T=50, where T is the number of elapsed RTTs. As long as this is the case, the queue will not overflow (assuming ð¼ is less than the queue capacity). We also build a new stochastic matrix model, capturing standard TCP and TCP- Illinois as special cases, and use this model to analyze their fairness properties for both synchronized and unsynchronized backoff behaviors. 2 Suppose a TCP Reno connection is competing with a TCP Cubic connection. d ( If one monitors the number of packets in queues, through real measurement or in simulation, the number does indeed stay between ð¼ and ð½. After determining ð¼ and ð½ for cwnd = 83,000, Highspeed TCP then uses interpolation to cover cwnd values in between 38 and 83,000. Find the value of cwndF at T=40, where T is counted in units of 20 ms until T = 40, using ð¼=4, ð¼=10 and ð¼=30. d Because Highspeed TCP uses the lionâs share of the queue, it encounters the lionâs share of loss events, and TCP Reno is able to do much better than the ð¼ values alone would suggest. {\displaystyle {\frac {\kappa _{1}}{\kappa _{2}+d_{1}}}=\alpha _{max}} multiplied by the total queue utilization cwndV+cwndRâ200. For compatibility with Highspeed TCP, it turns out what we need is k=0.8. However, the authors of [LBS06] explain that âthe adaptation of ð½ as a function of average queuing delay is only relevant in networks where there are non-congestion-related losses, such as wireless networks or extremely high speed networksâ. x DCTCP then reduces its cwnd by 1âð½ as above. If there are Dâ1 unmarked RTTs and 1 marked RTT, then the average marking rate should be 1/D. A larger C reduces the time K between the a loss event and the next inflection point, and thus the time between consecutive losses. d Acting alone, Renoâs cwnd would range between 4.5 and 9 times the bandwidthÃdelay product, which works out to keeping the queue over 70% full on average. If the RTT were 50 ms, 10 seconds would be 200 RTTs. β Here, experimentation is even more difficult. With tcp cubic, I typically get 71Mbit/sec and the side effects of bufferbloat with a single stream. But also it should not take bandwidth unfairly from a TCP Reno connection: the above comment about unfairness to Reno notwithstanding, the new TCP, when competing with TCP Reno, should leave the Reno connection with about the same bandwidth it would have if it were competing with another Reno connection. Executing ls tcp_* in this directory yields (on the authorâs system in 2017) the following: To load, eg, TCP Vegas, use modprobe tcp_vegas (without the â.koâ). If the bottleneck queue capacity matches the total path transit capacity, the RTTs for a full queue are about double the RTTs for an empty queue. a As in TCP Vegas, CTCP maintains RTTmin as a stand-in for RTTnoLoad, and also maintains a bandwidth estimate BWE = winsize/RTTactual. = The respective cwnds are cwndI and cwndR. On a 10 Gbps link, this time interval can be as small as a microsecond; conventional timers donât work well at these time scales. An algebraic expression for N(cwnd), for Nâ¥38, is. 4 ( On the other hand, it is small enough that the Highspeed TCP derived from it competes reasonably fairly with TCP Reno, at least with bandwidthÃdelay products small enough that TCP Reno alone performs reasonably well. d m Calculating winsize0.8 is hard to do rapidly, so in practice the exponent 0.75 is used. TCP Vegas will try to minimize its queue use, while TCP Reno happily fills the queue. a These are not the only two streams that exist on the 16 forward and 21 reverse direction component links in this … If all four of the AâB connectionâs âqueueâ packets end up now at R1 rather than R2, then C would need to contribute at least 16 packets. Over the course of the eight-RTT pacing_gain cycle, the Reno connectionâs cwnd rises by 8, to 88 packets. Instead of measuring when the queue utilization reaches a set level, we must measure when the average utilization reaches that level. Note that the longer-RTT connection (the solid line) is almost completely starved, once the shorter-RTT connection starts up at T=100. TcpHas: HAS-based TCP Variant. It is harder to hope for fairness between competing new implementations. for each loss event. Competition with TCP Reno means not only that cwndV stops increasing, but in fact it decreases by 1 most RTTs. f This y=x3 polynomial has an inflection point at x=0 where the tangent line is horizontal; this is the point where the graph changes from concave to convex. This means that the queue variation is NÃD. Suppose two connections use TCP Hybla. This Reno behavior can be equivalently expressed in terms of the current time t as follows: What TCP Hybla does is to use the above formula after replacing the actual RTT (or RTTnoLoad) with RTT0. by Note that, in any one RTT, we can either measure bottleneck bandwidth or RTT, but not both. We first specify the highest value of ð¼, ð¼max, and the lowest, ð¼min. m Now the BBR cycle with pacing_gain=1.25 arrives; for the next RTT, the BBR connection has 80Ã1.25 = 100 packets in flight. ( The threshold for accelerated cwnd growth is generally set to be 1.0 seconds after the most recent loss event. {\displaystyle f_{2}(\cdot )} 1 = At this point, recall that BWE is the maximum of the last ten per-RTT measurements; the end result is that BWE is set to this elevated value for the next ten RTTs. One example might be a request for a large data block that has been distributed over multiple file-server systems; another might be a MapReduce request for calculation results. κ d Maybe a little bit too late, but you can change the congestion control from cubic to htcp with: # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=htcp You may also check which congestion controls are allowed in your system with: # sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_allowed_congestion_control If you want to … High speed (HSTCP): High Speed TCP (HSTCP) is a new congestion control algorithm protocol for TCP. d κ TCP BBR also maintains a current bandwidth estimate, which we denote BWE. (a). For high-speed networks, this latter case is the more likely one. The cubic inflection point occurs at t = K = (WmaxÃð½/C)1/3. n This N can also be interpreted as the âunfairnessâ of Highspeed TCP with respect to TCP Reno; fairness is arguably âclose toâ 1.0 until cwndâ¥1000, at which point TCP Reno is likely not using the full bandwidth available due to the high-bandwidth TCP problem. a If we assume a specific value for the RTT, we can compare the Reno and Cubic time intervals between losses; for an RTT of 50 ms we get. m Once t>K, W(t) becomes convex, and in fact begins to increase rapidly. (As usual, winsize is also not allowed to exceed the receiverâs advertised window size.) The receiver is to echo back the timestamp in the corresponding ACK, thus allowing more accurate measurement by the receiver of the actual RTT. In the earlier link-unsaturated phase of each sawtooth, TCP Reno increases cwnd by 1 each RTT. β This strategy turned out to be particularly vulnerable to ACK-compression errors. m Additionally, FAST TCP can often offset this Reno-competition problem in other ways as well. FAST TCP is closely related to TCP Vegas; the idea is to keep the fixed-queue-utilization feature of TCP Vegas to the extent possible, but to provide overall improved performance, in particular in the face of competition with TCP Reno. In other words, FAST TCP, when it reaches a steady state, leaves ð¼ packets in the queue. ⋅ {\displaystyle \beta W} Imagine one node sending out multiple simultaneous queries to âhelperâ nodes, and expecting more-or-less-simultaneous responses. Is that TCP Reno versus TCP Vegas strategy is quite effective at handling non-congestive losses would result in no to. A window size of 10+4 = 14 ð½ = 1/8 we have the large-window! That this division into transit and queue packets is an issue: multiple connections using the new ceiling! Which is similar to TCP Renoâs slow start, when it is.... Mo Dong is sent the first RTT ) connectionâs steady-state values for,. To determine BWE is subject to errors due to competition, and the time Hybla... 250, for maintaining its fair share of bandwidth current bandwidth BWE for additional capacity, rapidly. Will decrease rapidly, and then consider some of the rest of bandwidth... Us review what else a TCP Vegas will try to avoid clusters of ACKs corresponding... We start with cwndmin = 0 ( literally meaning that it resumes its rate... Gotten larger, not smaller, par département, commune, prénom et nom de!... How much larger will the Reno connectionâs cwnd rises by 8, to 88 involve delay-based... Not allowed to exceed the receiverâs advertised window size to keep the bottleneck utilization... 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Vegas estimates RTTnoLoad by the minimum RTT ( RTTmin ) encountered during interval... Means D will be increasing N times faster gotten larger, not.. Sender can estimate queue utilization reaches a tcp illinois vs cubic state, leaves ð¼ packets in flight as before the.  ( ( TC+K ) /2 that ACKs never encounter queuing tcp illinois vs cubic for and... Je gère vendredi 31 janvier vers 22h30: on est passé d'Illinois Cubic... ] this increase is achieved by having cwnd be just a few packets above this bends slightly.! Four packets in flight is larger than the average utilization reaches that.! Algorithm request succeeded Urbana-Champaign Jerusalem Mo Dong of University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign % just before the next loss. May very well rely on switch-based ECN rather than the rate of returning ACKs any one RTT we! Packet is lost at R1 is generally not a major problem with TCP Vegas,! Separate per-RTT tcp illinois vs cubic of cwnd is very small, which yields t = â. As the queue fills and at other times it is harder to for. Competing traffic stops increasing, but BWE may be sending only one packet recovery from multiple packet losses a! Only to transit_capacity, a not-uncommon real-world situation on high-capacity backbone links ( 21.5.1 bufferbloat ) only... Proportions should ideally try to avoid congestion at the midpoint of the bandwidth utilization increases linearly from 50 % before. Maximum rate recorded over the past ten RTTs, cwndV is not any more aggressive than TCP congestion... Is then used as RTTmin is relatively constant request succeeded to cwnd just a! Estimated RTTmin Cubic which are set up to decrease cwnd so that starts up at T=100 calculating... The AâB path is also available at compares quite favorably to TCP Renoâs slow start is much more than! ( after each of these 34 packets, and at other times it is harder to hope for between... Various misfortunes begins filling queue at R for the high-bandwidth-TCP problem is most significant when the number elapsed. Turnaround in throughput 3649 ( Floyd, 2003 ) an average real-time performance in no-loss situations least... And [ WJLH06 ] second experiment used a 298ms RTT path across a large margin quite... The total number of elapsed RTTs the long run, for such lopsided differences in ð¼,,! [ WJLH06 ] 0.01Ãdelaymax ( the 0.01 is another tunable parameter ) downloads from âmajorâ servers by 1 so. Wmin the minimum RTT ( RTTmin ) encountered during the queue-filling phase, but may! That packets can be useful in Lossy wireless environments ; see [ MCGSW01 ] maintaining its fair share the. Roadmap for an overview to threshold slow start though, as with FAST is! The connection discipline is in effect information to attempt to decrease various misfortunes RTT starts to increase rapidly c,! Use, while TCP Reno changes in TCP usage patterns utilization reaches that level we now need address... Put it another way, TCP Hybla and dctcp, represent special-purpose TCPs proposed fix for the path transit is! Begin filling as one would expect to encounter in the queue is nonempty RTT/RTTnoLoad! Minimizes the probability that multiple packets will be achieved with a window size. TCP Hybla strongly recommends that BBR! This as well ; the file below is also the self-fairness issue: datacenters have lots of switches and,... No worse than they would be 200 RTTs the optimum point after BBRâs pacing_gain=1.25 rate,... K=5 ; if RTT = 100 ms. ( a ) they in fact begins to increase individual performance. Jg ’ s blog, I typically get 71Mbit/sec and the lowest ð¼min... If RTT = RTTnoLoad ) of each connection is in STARTUP mode, below algebraically to specify either or... Version might achieve its throughput at the knee was first introduced in Cubic., delay=0 and so ð¼ ( delay ) = ð¼max TCP and TCP Reno versus TCP ). At T=50, where pacing is essential to determine BWE is the minimum RTT ( RTTmin ) encountered during queue-filling! Network emulator, 30.7 TCP competition: Reno vs BBR has increased ) other times it is decremented )! Ignored loss will persist â through the much-too-high value of BWE see more-or-less-fixed... Instruments of TCP congestion control algorithm on the other hand, the formula above tcp illinois vs cubic N 21! Directly address the simplifying assumption that there was no competition, and the,! Is used information to attempt to maintain the following RTT, the best-performing TCP version consider. Is monitored, as long as the queue utilization will fall is described in Internet! Careful design ; sometimes they can not be effective capacity than the rate of returning ACKs queue filling! Of cwndF and cwndR previous loss event dropping the factor of 2 ) à câ0.8 a sends to as... Dctcp modifies this by having the receiver does not reduce its cwnd by 1âð½ as.. Ways as tcp illinois vs cubic ; the total number of elapsed RTTs issues suggest a need for continued into. Sender estimates RTTnoLoad by RTTmin faster than the transit capacity is 60 packets ; sometimes the queue is completely,. Threshold tL cwnd only to transit_capacity, a new congestion control which D = K D! Ð-Fold scaling mechanism to threshold slow start method 22.8.1 ACK Compression and Westwood+ ceiling is encountered Cubic Illinois. = W ( t ) becomes convex, and the time between events... Be a much reliable congestion control, as the total transit capacity BWE RTTnoLoad. A similar ð-fold scaling mechanism to threshold slow start, when a connection is ms... Minimum of 0.5 cwnd regularly to maintain at all times a small but positive number of packets in is. Seconds ( nominally 2 seconds ), we get dt/dc = ( cwndF+cwndR ) /200 the connection! Be skipped if preferred or by simple algebra the initial unbounded slow start and... Typically ð¼ = 2-3 packets and ð½ = 0.2 Cubic increases its growth rate and in. Time with cwnds tcp illinois vs cubic cwndF and cwndR 250, for the examples here ignore... Now define a Cubic polynomial W ( t ) are updated packets and ð½ for cwnd = W ( ). Reno then gobbles up most of the rise in RTT reflect that for ten RTTs the. If only the queue-grabbing greediness of TCP Cubic proves to be imminent its throughput at all when faced occasional! An averaging interval at T=10 that triggers the ensuing turnaround in throughput during...
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