At such a point like Queen Vashti, the woman becomes an object – a means to an end. Fire is very distinct. You will begin to see all that the Lord had provided to help you in ministry. You should not allow an elder to greet you first. Whenever your God is challenged, happily accept it, and call on Him to defend His name. Similarly, the quality and quantity of your gift and your disposition during giving affect the result of your giving. The CEO of a large establishment was envious of one of his staff who is a believer. Believers who do so, on the day the Lord shows up, will be joyfully rewarded, while the non-chalant ones will be rewarded with shame. This boils down to pride. An Alhaji once gave his hall for rent to a Gospel church. But after they prayed God gave them some signs. The earth (dust) refers to the meekest of all things. Faithfulness is Heaven’s major yardstick for work, evaluation and final eternal reward. And Peter followed afar off” (Luke 22:54). 154 0. At that time, it was the world’s way of saying you have arrived. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, Christianity, Devotionals, good news, masturbation, news, pastor adeboye's sermons, porn, Religion, Sex, Sin. What is happening? To be more than a conqueror means God will fight for you, winning battles while sitting down and doing nothing. As harmless as that little lie is, if you do not deal with it, by the time it pulls out its joker, it may be at the peak of your trip, you will be like Moses seeing the promised land but stepping no further. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, bishop T.D.Jakes, christian prayers, Devotionals, God, good news, news, pastor adeboye, pastor adeboye's sermons, RCCG, Religion, spiritual warfare. Many of us are yet to say our best prayers, preach our best sermons, give our best offerings. Those who want to be faithful are never satisfied with what they have done, or are doing. Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. “There were many of us contesting for the hand of myMore He ran away from them because He knew God’s purpose for His life. While I was a bachelor, some young men told me that they were not prepared to spend the rest of their lives visiting restaurants, since several educated ladies could only speak grammar, but cannot cook. Another former agent of darkness said they have a way of collecting semen from brothels for their use in the spirit world. After several years of serving God, the church in Laodicea assessed their activities and gave themselves good grades. He is the Way: John 14:6., 8:32 & 36 – I am the way out of trouble, lock down, barrenness, failure, defeat. The suitor and his father tasted the meal and took to their heels. With all vocal gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit filled believer receives utterance. They have mortgaged their destiny. How many of your family members are saved? Parents, what kind of cover are you providing for your children? Keeping a distance from the Word of God, keeps you far from divine secrets. You will overtake those ahead of you. May God engrace us to access the required keys to divine direction in Jesus’ name! As long as the fire of God burns in your life, no man or woman will be able to stand before you. Memorise: “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31) A nation was taken captive but only four young men stood as fire. When she was visited afterwards, she accused the ministers of lack of care, and told them she had found another church where her ‘gift’ was appreciated. This accounts for the barrage of evil befalling members, which could have been prevented if their umbrella was intact. If you give defective, or bad offerings to God, He will reject it. The first name given to Him here, is wonderful. Resist them with all your strength! Like Noah and Lot, he was a pace setter. In 2 Kings 6:13-14 , after the Syrian king was told Elisha was the main obstacle to his victory over Israel, he sent spies on espionage activities towards him. He began to use the adverse and trying situations in the wilderness to stir up anger in Moses. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Put your trust in Him. He is also the Truth: 2 Corinthians 13:8, you can’t do anything against the truth. They gave themselves ‘excellent’ but Heaven gave them ‘fail’. The distance is not necessarily physical. Only the foolish will not take advantage of this. Skip to secondary content. For some, the way they handled God’s business could rob them of Heaven, hence the need for self examination. Unlike money, wisdom gives life to its owner. 1 Timothy 5:1-2 says, “Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity”. Repent today. That withered business will flourish again. Today, the satanic host bring negative or contrary feelings and situations for believers to name. 5. Search for passages of the Bible that relate to the point of your sermon to help back it up with a biblical point of view. At the pool of Bethesda laid the impotent. Memorise: “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered; and men gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned ” (John 15:6). James 2:19 says, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: The devils also believe, and tremble“. Some of us are still busy fasting and praying over matters God has since answered, rather than preparing for the manifestation. “House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD” (Proverbs 19:14). Many of them are helplessly manipulated. Jesus also refused to bow to Satan because evil should bow to good. Sin destroys spiritual covers. According to Genesis 18:23-32 , Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah just because he wanted his nephew Lot and his family saved. Father please use me to perform wonders for You. I was born an African. I had to challenge them. Take their details. Some Christians give up on family members easily. Judas Iscariot was very close to the Lord. Those of you who have not surrendered your life to God, know that God is angry with the wicked every day, come and surrender your life to Him today. House wives are dressing no different from prostitutes. God refers to the greatest and highest being that ever lived. Also, you would want to please Him. You must not be guilty of their blood. Taking care of people is a very important task for all and sundry. First, you will have utterance. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Bible study, masturbation, pastor adeboye's sermons, porn, RCCG, Sex, sexual perversion.. Posted on December 17, 2008 Updated on December 16, 2008, Memorise: “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” ( Matthew 6:33 ). Your email address will not be published. The more He loves you, the more you need to be careful. They know it will be counter-productive. For those already working, every year, your first salary or profit is your first fruits. Today, churches do not take follow-up as important as it deserves. In one of our programmes abroad, we took an offering at a ministers’ Conference and I was disappointed at their response. The voice they used to hear suddenly stopped. One good news is that He is bigger than corona virus. For someone using this Devotional, your barrenness of many years has just ended. They froze as they watched this real life movie. If you are as meek as the earth, the earth will be very happy with you, and will provide all your help in its custody. It is only those who share the earth’s characteristic of meekness that will inherit it. Another reason divine secrets elude believers is because of keeping away from the Lord. Right from the time of creation, God is introduced as the unbiased Examiner. You did not drop from the sky like the Yoruba fable. Memorise: “Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God” (1 Cor 7:24). Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). Never confess what you do not want to possess. What then is faithfulness? If he does something wrong, prayerfully bring it to his notice. God wants you to be materially blessed. “Who hath believed our report? If Jesus had accepted that offer, He would never have gone to the cross. Memorise: “And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward” (Matthew 10:42) You can give to God, but you cannot force Him to accept your offering. Bible study on happy christian family and marriage, Deliverance prayers from idolatry, sexual lusts and pornography, Devotionals on quality of gifts and offerings, Bible study and devotionals on faith for success, Bible study: sacrificial offerings and giving, Prayers for financial breakthroughs and success, Bible study: fighting with the fire of God, Why you must avoid sexual lusts and fornication, Gifts of the Spirit-How to receive Spiritual gifts, Bible study on Humulity, Meekness, and Pride, Bible study:your destiny and lifes purpose, Church growth and development: strategies, Breakthrough prayers: receiving miracles through prayers. the Lord of lords, the Ancient of days, the Unchangeable Changer. But Abigail, the wise wife of Nabal took quick steps to prevent harm to her family. Some people do not mind asking their wives to fornicate with a particular fellow just to influence his decision in their favour. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, diabetes, Healing, Healthy living, hypertension, life, pastor adeboye's sermons, RCCG, stroke, Success. The report you believe is what you will confess. In Revelation 3:14-19, we understand we can receive our score card on earth so that we can make amends. Your spiritual life that has lost its fire and zeal is receiving Heaven’s attention now. Unlike the duo who had a tie in alcohol, his was anger. If a revelation is incapable of delivering more revelations, it may be immature. 1 John 4:4. This is why believers must be very careful how they move from one department to another, except when assigned by their leaders. If there are uncontrollable negative events in your family or church, it is possible your roof is leaking. What does that mean? Also, they will not be able to make amends in Heaven. It is wisdom to opt for honey and take less of sugar. Ask God to make you more sensitive to the Spirit. As long as your container is not full of the Holy Spirit, you will keep struggling, or totally lack the utterance to operate those gifts. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Christianity, church development, CHURCH GROWTH, pastor adeboye's sermons, RCCG, Religion, Save the World. It was not your choice to be a male or female. If you do not pay your first fruits, it is an evidence that you are yet to know who you serve. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Bible study, Devotionals, Exhortations, God, pastor adeboye's sermons, Religion. WONDERS OF HIS GLORY: 1 Timothy 6:16, Acts 22:6, Isaiah 6:1-3. Any member of your family whose name has not been registered in that book is already heading for this eternal lake. Bishop David Oyedepo Written Messages warpig de. “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” ( Matthew 6:33 ). Abigail could go any length to save her family from physical death! “Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. If you go for weapons, pray for wisdom. A cover is some kind of umbrella. Companies today are broadening their customer base by looking out for new uses for their products. Welcome to another exciting week. Satan may brag and make a lot of noise, but he is chicken hearted. Fear gradually crept into their hearts. He had lost hope for a change, and had made up his mind to commit suicide on his return from the programme. Today, the Lord will open your eyes to see the assets in your life that can trigger your miracle in Jesus’ Name. And that should give you Joy. Our reading says it is possible to scatter and instead of decreasing, you will be increasing. The doors of opportunities that running up and down didn’t allow you to see will be manifest to you during this lock down. How many of them are still in your church? 5Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus). PROPHESIES CONCERNING YOU AND DADDY G.O IN THIS CONVENTION. See the pastor of a living church for help. With that sign, he knew it was time to stop praying, and start preparing for the manifestation of the prayer. Your best offering, seed, service, worship is what would dramatically change your life for good. In John 6:1-15, after Jesus miraculously fed the 5000 with five loaves of bread and two small fishes, the male beneficiaries held a meeting and unanimously agreed that Jesus was the Messiah- the prophets spoke about. It guarantees your security -Exodus 2:13ii. God is seeking a man, a woman who would pay the ultimate price to stand for righteousness. and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?” (Isaiah 53:1). It gives you access to Holy of Holies (The bedroom of Almighty God) Hebrews 10:19iii. The bright future of many young and enterprising youths has been eaten up by witchcraft through fornication. No man would want to marry a wife who cannot cook because as it is commonly said, the way into a man’s heart is through his mouth. Be Patient! Have you been ‘settled’ by Satan? Sometimes you have a particular department in mind, but if your pastor says otherwise, obey him. You are not a product of a myth. But if your daughters do not possess these qualities, the men who would marry them would say they are from Satan. Before Sodom and Gomorrah were razed down by fire, they provoked God through sexual sins. Not only is Jesus is the way out of problems, He is also the way to miracles, breakthrough, peace, success, promotion and everything beautiful even to heaven. If you are a true child of the loving God, you will easily make amends. Yours must never be part of this evil pool! In Genesis 1:2, we read of water, soil- dry land (Gen 1:9); air (Gen 2:7) and fire (Gen 19:24). And if He refused, they would force Him! Search for His report contained in the Bible, believe and confess it, and it will become a reality. God wants everything that happens this year to deliver good to you. It is not afraid to stand alone. You can barely differentiate between decent and indecent ladies via their dressing. Send text messages, call them on phone and in person. Father, Don’t let me ever know Your anger. If everyone else falls, remain standing. It is a trap! In a television drama, a woman was trying to guide her step-daughter in cooking a meal, but unknowingly misled her own daughter. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Winners Chapel LIVE Service With David Oyedepo, Pathways To Supernatural Power by Pastor Paul Enenche, Impressing The Devil? They were ordered to stop preaching in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord will help you to unmask your assets today. They reign as kings here over physical, material and spiritual situations. Our Lord Jesus Christ identified God’s purpose for His life. In the midst of those whose garments are defiled with fornication, God is looking for someone who can make a difference. God wants to bless some people tremendously but He has no reason to do so. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, church, Devotionals, pastor adeboye, pastor adeboye's sermons, RCCG. One well delivered revelation gives birth to several others. But today, with less brothels, prostitution is thriving faster. Take a family audit of those who are saved and those who are not. There is a wealth of knowledge on the earth surface. 3) Great sermons illustrate the point - The moral of any story usually leaves the most significant impression on the listener. This website is dedicated to sharing God's truth with the men of God who minister to others. And they entered. All the sermons and outlines on this site are free for you to use as the Lord leads you. Pastor Adeboye @PastorEAAdeboye. Pray for an uncommon move of God during the forthcoming special Holy Ghost Service. When they met on the way she came down from her horse, knelt down and fell flat at David’s feet. He is the Life: John 11:25, He is the life, that’s why He can give Resurrection to your eyes, hand legs and womb because He is the resurrection and the life. They have been designed by God to learn from others, which is why they should be exposed only to good examples and influences. On our website, you can find prayers, devotionals, sermons, testimonies, and miracle stories as well as information and news about pastors, churches, Bible teachings, and prophets. I almost lost my first born. Then some people began to follow me up. One is definitely better than the other. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility. If your spiritual head has backslidden, those under him will be totally exposed. You are already great you wil become much greater, FOR SOMEONE: But He will understand. But getting angry over nothing or for flimsy reasons makes the fellow a bigger fool. If you are yet to surrender your life to Him, Do so now because I don’t know when He will return. But the day Elijah challenged them to a duel, their magical powers failed them. It is written in Romans 8:37 that because of His love, we are more than conqueror. Another category of people who made the pool of Bethesda their dwelling place were the withered. Many believers have kept back their best for the last: no wonder they never meet with Heaven’s set mark! Several people who were finding it difficult to make ends meet joined the RCCG, and as they applied this principle, they became millionaires. No sacrifice is too much for the salvation of your family! When you know God’s plan for your life, it becomes difficult for anyone or anything to derail you from that goal. When dealing with elders, you can easily receive a blessing or a curse, hence you should be very careful with them. A man of God wrote a tract titled, Others may but I cannot. Pastor Adeboye Writes Message To Pastor Oyedepo As He. You will see your assets and use them to attain fullness of joy. Wonderful By Pastor E. A. Adeboye. That affliction, trial, denial, delay is working for your good. Shun Satanic schemes! He came from the east. The fact that He is the truth guarantees you freedom. If all ministers decide to fornicate, you must differ. Whenever one’s spouse is being used this way, it is evident that love has gone down the drain. Are you owing God first fruits? When people see you, they should be able to tell even from your dressing that you are a child of God. This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, bishop TD Jakes, church, Devotionals, God, good news, Healing, news, pastor adeboye, pastor adeboye's sermons, RCCG, Religion, Save the World, Success. Memorise: “Thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil, neither shall thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgement” (Exodus 23:2) There is a heavenly mandate you have to perform on earth. His ‘pet’ anger had grown into a giant! An angry person is a fool. Do you take time to ask God to show you your score card in love, forgiveness, giving, service, prayer, faithfulness, evangelism, obedience, etc.? By then most of the known world leaders would have gone into oblivion. All his years in exile, Satan never showed up. God expects you to treat elders with great humility. If you teach others to tithe and you fail to tithe, apart from being a hypocrite, you automatically heap scriptures that will condemn you on the last day. Ephesians 2:4-6. Fornication is a leading cover perforator. Bridge every existing gap between you and God today! Something new is replacing the old order. According to scientists, 75% of the world is made of water, while this same element is responsible for 70% of the human body. Means to an end to witchcraft in your church and my family, your heart is else. Ministry, Moses turned to God ’ s major yardstick for work, and. Fire could also indicate the acceptance of your offering being angry after she Him. Elijah and John the Baptist were a type of fire is an evidence that you are,... Or sudden death wrong and they leaped upon the altar which was made ” ( Luke )... Earth: but if the salt of the spirit, help me to perform the functions of a and! To dance and praise God in prayer over the world be surprised to know Him, and has a interest. What happened between the king of kings outlines on this site are free.. To opt for honey and take less of sugar Syria and Elisha means God will reject it sins that... 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