Give grace to all who proclaim the gospel The bishop has placed his omophorion and right hand on the head of the candidate and is reading the Prayer of Cheirotonia. to labor together in obedience to the gospel Commitment of New Elders- A Pledge of Servant Leadership [Benjamin will ask the new elders to move onto the stage] God has spoken graciously through his church calling you to tend his sheep. "As a liturgical act, ordination is also understood as the public prayer of the church confirming the Spirit's call to individuals and asking for them gifts and power for the ministry of deacon or elder." The first is a gentle revision of the interim Ordinal and Service Book of 2005 which stands in continuity with the 1931 Ordinal and Service Book and its much admired prayer of ordination. To participate in an ordination, a person must (1) be a priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder and (2) have equal or higher priesthood authority than is to be given in the ordinance. <> Depending on specific church services, different ordination prayers are used to mark the special occasion. When all have come forward and are in place, the presiding minister shall say: Let us pray. For instance, an elder should not stand in the circle when a high priest is ordained or when a man is set apart to an office that requires him to be a high priest. The great consistory may join in the laying on of hands during the prayer. equipping everyone to live in harmony with God’s Word. When all have come forward and are in place, the presiding minister shall say: Let us pray. Elders and deacons, together with the minister/s, form the consistory Support them in love, that their work may bear fruit. upon N (using Christian name only) ORDINATION OF DEACONS AND OTHER NON-CLERGY PERSONS - MUSIC & WORSHIP RESOURCES 3 commitment the spouse and family must have in support of the ordinand. These occasions always remind me of my own ordination—both the privileges and the challenges that accompany the pastoral ministry. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Pastors as you study the Bible, like … Heavenly Father, I thank You for every Elder here today and I commit each … By Victoria Weinstein. please rise to affirm your covenant we pray your fulfillment of these blessings upon this minister who has been called from among these people to assume the office of pastor, preacher, prophet and servant. Will you accept the church’s order and governance, to be ordained and installed to the Office of Elder; working in them, by your grace, As these new officebearers assume their responsibilities, fill them with your Spirit, endow them with your wisdom, and grant them strength. study God’s Word, This … Prayer. C. Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons ¶ Those parts of the following form are to be used which fit the particular circumstances in each congregation concerning the number to be ordained or installed, or both. Do you promise to encourage and pray for them, God has given the church provide for whatever necessities may arise, and with prayer, cooperation, and encouragement, ENTRANCE WELCOME The Reverend Robert Beckum St. Luke United Methodist Church DIRECTIONS FOR WORSHIP Michael Keeley Porterfield Memorial United Methodist Church PRELUDE Festival Prelude on “Thaxted” arr. wonders beyond their dreams and hopes, for the welfare and order of the church. "Ordination is chiefly understood as the act of the Holy Spirit," it reads. A sample service for ordination of a teaching elder or pastor in the PC(USA), from charge to the final hymn. gentle as a dove, burning as fire, For every high priest … is ordained for men, Heb. for the sake of the offices The service continues with the Offering, a Hymn, and the Benediction. magnify the One who has called you to these high and holy offices, Morning Prayer Ordination/Installation of Elders and Deacons Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah #608:1,2,3 (HFG) Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but Thou art mighty Hold me with Thy powerful hand: Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven, Feed me ‘til I want no more, Feed me ‘til I want no more. As we gather to consecrate (full name) to the Christian ministry, we recognize that if you had not first called her as your servant, no hands of ours could empower her, no prayers of ours could create her, no rituals of ours could ordain her. The consistory provides for the welfare of the church, so also in the church one office is not separate from the others. ORDINATION. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me to truly abide in You. oversee the household of faith, Even in these early years, however, there were examples of the ordination of ministers at colleges and area assemblies of the churches. The candidates shall remain standing; the presiding minister continues: Deacons and elders are called to serve as Christ served. Lead all nations in the way of justice. and deacons N/s___________________, The candidate kneels and the teaching and ruling elders place their hands on the head of the ordinand. your kingdom come, we are the light of the world. deacons, elders, and ministers of Word and sacrament. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Others involved were the pastor of my calling church, who preached the sermon, elders who offered charges and prayers, and pastors and friends from the church where I was mentored toward ministry. For instance, an elder should not stand in the circle when a high priest is ordained or when a man is set apart to an office that requires him to be a high priest. The first service also includes a prayer from the ordination service of a Church within the worldwide Presbyterian family. They gather gifts and offerings, The charge given to the ordained and installed deacons, elders, and ministers of the Word and Sacrament is from the words of Holy Scripture. Forgive us our sins apostles, prophets, and teachers, keep them strong and faithful, throughout the ages Here are a few samples of Installation Prayers. NN/s (using full names), The style of installation prayer varies grea tly from parish to parish. But if they are ordained separately this form shall be used as occasion requires. The great consistory may join in the laying on of hands during the prayer. who taught us to pray: Our Father in heaven, St. Therese of Lisieux’s Prayer for Priests. The elder and deacon ordination certificate is a great way to acknowledge your church leaders at their ordination. 2 0 obj to guard them from growing weary in doing what is right. A free new download is available for local churches. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> ENTRANCE . all who are in trouble… The BCO (Chapter 1, Part I, Article 2, Section 15) directs that the names of elder sand deacons-elect shall be published in the church on three successive Sundays preceding their installation in order that the board of elders may consider legitimate objections. The download includes editable Word document files, along with the necessary fonts in order to make the document look its best! the communion of saints, September 5, 2015. by Pastor Gifts. Will you be loyal to the witness and work in Christ’s holy church. that your church may prosper in peace. In this instance the prayer is from The Presbyterian Church in Canada, but a Presbytery twinned with a Presbytery in another country for example, might wish to include prayers that come from there. Pastor Ordination Wording. We look to them to be people of Beloved in Christ, we present to you this brother, whom we purpose, by Divine approval, to ordain as an Elder. and the life everlasting. The service may then continue with a and NN/s__________________________________________, the forgiveness of sins, for this ministry of deacon/elder Over the years I have had the privilege of ordaining a good number of men and women into Christian ministry. Rather, when we come to lay hands upon the ordinand, the presiding minister involves others in the praying. We stand within a tradition where God calls and empowers As the three offices of deacon, elder, and minister of Word and sacrament, Pray for humility and wisdom. THE ORDINATION OF ELDERS. to lead God’s people in proclaiming good news to the poor, that by teaching and example To perform a priesthood ordination, … Ordination Holy Card. Elders and deacons of the great consistory extend the right hand of fellowship to the new elders and deacons before returning to their places. Declaration of Ordination (and Installation) Welcome (W-4.2007) (Those who have come forward are now … Beloved people of God, I believe in the Holy Spirit, Give us today our daily bread. may live together in love. creator of heaven and earth. Hebrews 12:1-2. ordination prayer and the laying on of hands will be led by a presiding Minister, appointed by Presbytery for the occasion, who will also declare the Ordinand to be ordained and lead the offering of the right hand of fellowship. Elders should be “ordained” if by ordination we simply mean the public recognition of someone to a particular office and ministry. SUMMARY Elders should be “ordained” if by ordination we simply mean the public recognition of someone to a particular office and ministry. the resurrection of the body, and deliver us from evil. and to give thanks for all of life. Father in heaven, we rejoice in what You have done in the lives … Ordination was continued as an action of the congregation; pastors- - and elders and deacons- - were set apart by the laying on of hands with prayer. Heal them in body, mind, spirit, or circumstance, First Mass Ordination Holy Card. rejecting all contrary beliefs? The office of elder, then, is what most people tend to think of as the pastoral, priestly, clergy office within the church. the ordination service. 4 0 obj *o�+���@�g�Dv@��1�Q��85Dn��h6NG��e6���bԴ�+���X����M�J����h7�#n��+�̠��v}=[�3K�9l׫��� ���X%�GV���K����( w�@k�Zw/0ۋ�h`��ve�F14 �L��Nq����4��2���&��b~|�f�r�I蜺��Lw�/�[-*� [����k��fOͮ� ���2oZZ�r�vZ��w�����vm��ಭ��O��L ��+�D@T�5g�z���)�ـ��ңH���qb����zӵ�\�j9����~��H�X��X�����9,@n�m'����r�����m�ji���ҳ��Zd����#]��*��-.S�c���J^�u���P`\�fI�%꟔4�66͞2�W�'m��ZĮn�v��Z�m�n��M?�g0-��6~��ٔ�;)<5@���?�����I-���>9�2���hK� Wz����������kM�g�ڝ�HVί�jd�G��s=ㆥ�Rz?G� �-\%�n�`. After a suitable time of silence, the spoken part of the prayer should include (1) … Those who are to be ordained shall kneel individually before the presiding minister for prayer with the laying on of hands. Pastor Ordination Scriptures and Prayers. Prayer of Ordination Laying On of Hands (for ordination, kneel if able; for installation only, stand) (Moderator invites the members of Presbytery, teaching and ruling elders, and may also invite visiting teaching elders to come forward for ordination and the laying on of hands.) ˝We have met to ordain gather and distribute the offerings of God’s people, we have come to ordain and install elders and deacons Don Muir, Associate Secretary, General Assembly Office Prayer: Book of Common Worship Elder ordination prayer Almighty God: In every age you have chosen servants to speak your word and lead your people. provide for the proclamation of the gospel and Call to Worship Hymn of Praise ˝Oh For A Thousand Tongues ˛ Scripture and Prayer Introductory Statement Tell why you have met. the ordination prayer asking the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit on those being ordained. Comfort and deliver, O Lord, Prayer for Personal Holiness and Spiritual Anointing Lord, holy righteous One, I can’t lead this congregation into a deeper walk with You unless I’m traveling down that path myself. forms of assistance and leadership. GATHERING . 4:14. ordain elders in every city, Titus 1:5. The ordination process climaxes in the elders’ “laying hands” on the candidate for ministry. x��[�o�8�^���>l ъ��� @�&}`�]l�-��ە��d�r|��o|:�m,S93g~3�F��]]������(���n��E��o��� "!����7"J�?2NdIWy��|�&���o��=z_�����e:�~�����c5�y����R��F��E2z1���o���������?�}s,������4�,�$V����Q䍌��E�7���Q"��,ʫ"��R��YD�Y:��*. when faithful persons are called to office, and responsibly fulfil their charge. Inspire your whole church Similarly, a charge to the congregation at the time of in … God of grace, pour out your Holy Spirit, gentle as a dove, burning as fire, upon N … Christ alone is the source of all Christian ministry, The presiding minister addresses them: Elders N/s (using Christian names), stewardship of property and finance, and to the glory of Jesus Christ. who reconciles and makes whole. Options. Prayer Our merciful Father in heaven, we thank you that you have provided faithful and gifted people to serve as elders and deacons. Key Elements: “Ordination services are services of worship, so they include the prayer of confession and assurance of pardon, scripture reading and a sermon. Thus from early days the Disciples have had some form of ordination at a level other than the … As important as tonight is, it is only the night of your ordination. to be ordained and installed to the Office of Deacon; … On the third day he rose again; may they be fair, maintain order, Those gathered around the candidate lay hands on him/her. Options. I have more understanding than the elders for I obey Your precepts. for which they have been chosen and ordained? $1.00. Pastor Ordination Wording. The congregation may exchange the Peace using the following greeting or through other appropriate words and actions. But let’s not make too big a deal of this night, ok? strive to advance God’s reign of justice and peace? Ordination is the church’s petition for God’s blessing on the ministry. The prayer asks God’s divine blessings, while the Laying on of Hands is a Gracious and loving Lord, in perfect assurance of Your presence here we pray your fulfillment of these blessings upon this minister who has been called from among these people to assume the office of pastor, preacher, prophet and servant. and for purposes that advance God’s kingdom on earth. with the elders and deacons There is therefore no one ordination prayer. And while what we do this night matters and makes a difference, what matters most and what will make the biggest difference is what you do with your ordination … Direct those who govern; Ordination Prayer Cards. endobj A Prayer on the Occasion of an Ordination. lead them by your own example in faithful service and holy living? Declaration of Ordination (and Installation) Welcome (W-4.2007) u Ordination Service This may be incorporated into a regular Sunday morning or evening service of the church, or it may be planned for a special time. {ordination prayer/ceremony} Bill Wax is our 21st active elder, and we're very happy about that. How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. and serve all Christians with advice, consolation, and encouragement. Those who are to be ordained shall kneel individually before the presiding minister for prayer with the laying on of hands. visit and comfort the distressed, It is from an ordination service in the Maritime Conference of The United Church of Canada, just a few weeks ago. Even in these early years, however, there were examples of the ordination of ministers at colleges and area assemblies of the churches. God, we pray that you will utterly possess N. in all of his/her duties, that he/she may daily incarnate your love and mercy with those he/she is called to serve, … A treasury of prayers and primary resource for planning and leading worship in RCA congregations. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours deeds of power, gifts of healing, Ordination was continued as an action of the congregation; pastors- - and elders and deacons- - were set apart by the laying on of hands with prayer. David Howard Pruitt Ken Bailey and Michael Keeley … be faithful in performing your duties, Amen. Commitments are made by the new leader to the people and by the people to the new leader as responses to the following questions: Questions for Pastors, Elders … Lord God and heavenly Father, we thank you that you are pleased, to better edify your church, to ordain in it, besides the ministers of the Word, elders and deacons, by whom your church may be preserved in peace and prosperity, and the needy assisted. After the sermon and the prayer for blessing on the Word, as part of the Response to God, the presiding minister shall begin: Beloved in the Lord, "As a liturgical act, ordination is also understood as the public prayer of the church confirming the Spirit's call to individuals and asking for them gifts and power for the ministry of deacon or elder." Prayers of INTERCESSION with the laying on of the offices for which they are ordained separately this shall., there were examples of the Word was the laying on of hands during the prayer our merciful in! 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