In Jane Austen's novel Northanger Abbey, which was written in the 1790s, but not published until 1817, one of the characters' remarks that it is not possible for a family to keep secrets in these modern times when spies for the government were lurking everywhere. [50] The Pitt government waged a vigorous propaganda campaign contrasting the ordered society of Britain dominated by the aristocracy and the gentry vs. the "anarchy" of the French revolution and always sought to associate British "radicals" with the revolution in France. [16], In Parliament, the youthful Pitt cast aside his tendency to be withdrawn in public, emerging as a noted debater right from his maiden speech. [70] The revolt of 1798 destroyed Pitt's faith in the governing competence of the Dublin parliament (dominated by Protestant Ascendancy families). As a younger son, Pitt the Younger only received a small inheritance. William Pitt was the second son of William Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham, a famous statesman of the mid-18th century, whose energy contributed much to Britain’s successful prosecution of the Seven Years’ War (1756–63) with France. ", Mori, Jennifer. In 1788 he made alliances with Prussia and with Holland, aimed at restricting French influence. William Pitt the Younger navigational boxes, (as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom). Late-eighteenth-century politician William Pitt the Younger was the youngest (at 24) and longest-serving British prime minister. He was admitted to Pembroke College, Cambridge, on 26 April 1773,[8] a month before turning fourteen. It is so unusual for a super-genius to have the opportunity, interest and special aptitude for politics Pitt had that the example deserves much study. He became First Minister in 1783 at the age of 24, and died in 1806, having been a thoroughly dedicated and professional politician. Also Check Net Worth of Raymond Deseze, Steven Tordjman and Carlos Alfredo Lara Watson. The “influence of the Crown” ensured that the new House of Commons was chosen by the Treasury. At about the same time, however, the king suffered a renewed bout of madness, with the consequence that Addington could not receive his formal appointment. In terms of soldiers, however, the French numerical advantage was offset by British subsidies that paid for a large proportion of the Austrian and Russian soldiers, peaking at about 450,000 in 1813.[80]. Socially, Pitt preferred the company of young men, and would continue to do so into his thirties and forties. Professor of Modern History, University of Reading, England, 1947–65. William Wilberforce said, "For personal purity, disinterestedness and love of this country, I have never known his equal. Hague goes on to note that the failure was likely due to Pitt being a "spent force" by the time favourable conditions had arisen. His niece Lady Hester Stanhope designed and managed the gardens and acted as his hostess. In practical terms it appears that Pitt was essentially asexual throughout his life, perhaps one example of how his rapid development as a politician stunted his growth as a man. [93], William Pitt the Younger was a prime minister who consolidated the powers of his office. "[23] The King was opposed to the bill; when it passed in the House of Commons, he secured its defeat in the House of Lords by threatening to regard anyone who voted for it as his enemy. Many saw the dragging out of the result as being unduly vindictive on the part of Pitt and eventually the examinations were abandoned with Fox declared elected. William Pitt the Younger : biography 28 May 1759 – 16 January 1806 Resignation The French Revolution revived religious and political problems in Ireland, a realm under the rule of the King of Great Britain. [75], Pitt returned to the premiership on 10 May 1804. Historian Marie Peters has compared his strengths and weaknesses with his father: William Pitt is depicted in several films and television programs. [citation needed] By contrast, the more political "floating republic" naval mutiny at the Nore in June 1797 led by Richard Parker was handled more repressively. But his policy of bolstering up the Turkish Empire was supported neither by the entire Cabinet nor by public opinion, and the government, badly shaken, had to reverse its policy. Large-scale corruption carried the measure through the Irish Parliament, but opposition from Pitt’s Cabinet and particularly from the King prevented him from carrying his supplementary proposals—Catholic emancipation and state provision for Catholic and Dissenting clergy. 1783–1784)", "Why were convicts transported to Australia", "History of New South Wales From the Records, Volume I - Governor Phillip - Chapter 1.4", "PITT, Hon. The French, confident of victory after their successes against the Austro-Prussian forces and believing that England was ripe for revolution, declared war on England and Holland on February 1, 1793. Pitt's body was buried in Westminster Abbey on 22 February, having lain in state for two days in the Palace of Westminster. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. "William Pitt, Taxation, and the Needs of War,", Kelly, Paul. With the Whigs, Pitt denounced the continuation of the American War of Independence, as his father strongly had. When Pitt became prime minister, the national credit was impaired by the heavy cost of the American Revolution. "[2] For this he is ranked highly amongst all British Prime Ministers in multiple surveys. He increased taxes to pay for the great war against France and cracked down on radicalism. He left office in March 1801, but served as prime minister again from 1804 until his death in 1806. Longman. After hearing the news of Austerlitz Pitt referred to a map of Europe, "Roll up that map; it will not be wanted these ten years."[78]. [citation needed] In response to the 1797 mutinies, Pitt passed an act making it unlawful to advocate breaking oaths to the Crown. He had considerable influence in strengthening the office of the prime minister. [9] At Cambridge, Pitt was tutored by George Pretyman, who became a close personal friend. He understood the new Britain. [91], Pitt was succeeded as Prime Minister by his first cousin William Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville, who headed the Ministry of All the Talents, a coalition which included Charles James Fox. He had no social ambitions, and it was rare for him to set out to make a friend. He had originally planned to form a broad coalition government, but faced the opposition of George III to the inclusion of Fox. William Pitt, the Elder, British statesman, twice virtual prime minister (1756–61, 1766–68), who secured the transformation of his country into an imperial power. In 1785, he introduced a bill to remove the representation of thirty-six rotten boroughs, and to extend, in a small way, the electoral franchise to more individuals. He however considered himself an "Independent Whig" and was opposed to development of partisan politics. Thompson is incorrect, stating there is much evidence of a "popular conservative movement" that rallied in defence of King and Country. Pitt originally aligned himself … By the Constitutional Act of 1791 the then province of Quebec was divided into a predominantly French province of Lower Canada and a predominantly English province of Upper Canada. [40], Pitt sought European alliances to restrict French influence, forming the Triple Alliance with Prussia and Holland in 1788. Though he was sometimes opposed by members of his Cabinet, he helped define the role of the Prime Minister as the supervisor and co-ordinator of the various government departments. As a result, Pitt resigned on February 3, 1801, and his friend Henry Addington formed a government. He could be charming to women, but it seems certain that he rejected intimacy whenever it was proffered—and would do so publicly at a later date., Spartacus Educational - Biography of William Pitt The Younger, Heritage History - Biography of William Pitt, William Pitt the Younger - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). The historian Asa Briggs argues that his personality did not endear itself to the British mind, for Pitt was too solitary and too colourless, and too often exuded an attitude of superiority. [17] Pitt originally aligned himself with prominent Whigs such as Charles James Fox. William Pitt the Younger is an illuminating biography of one of the great iconic figures in British history: the man who in 1784 at the age of twenty-four became (and so remains) the youngest Prime Minister in the history of England. But those who conducted the impeachment acted with unwarrantable rancour; the trial dragged on for seven years and, although Hastings was finally acquitted, the expenses almost ruined him. Despite Pitt's efforts, the French continued to defeat the First Coalition, which collapsed in 1798. Elsewhere, Pitt won a personal triumph when he was elected a Member for the University of Cambridge, a constituency he had long coveted and which he would continue to represent for the remainder of his life.[31]. On April 30 Pitt was informed that the King wished him to plan a new ministry. William Pitt the Younger addressing the House of Commons, 1793. When Lord Shelburne resigned in 1783, King George III, who despised Fox, offered to appoint Pitt to the office of Prime Minister. Aside from information specific to William Pitt the Younger's birthday, William Pitt the Younger is the 1162nd most famous English . [a] Every year, a third of the budget of £24 million went to pay interest. At the same time, he was granted the Freedom of the City of London. "The Memory of Burke and the Memory of Pitt: English Conservatism Confronts its Past, 1806–1829,", Turner, Simon. However, although it was widely predicted that the new "mince-pie administration" would not outlast the Christmas season,[27] it survived for seventeen years. After his death the conservatives embraced him as a great patriotic hero. King George III, unwilling to accept the coalition that would give office to Fox, whom he hated, invited Pitt to form a government; but Pitt declined, knowing he would not have a majority in the House of Commons, and the King had to commission Fox and North. Pitt wanted to threaten military retaliation. Corrections? Moreover, many of Pitt's former supporters, including the allies of Addington, joined the Opposition. William Pitt most commonly refers to: . This comment captures well the tense, paranoid atmosphere of the 1790s, when people were being encouraged to report "radicals" to the authorities. At just 24 years old, William Pitt The Younger, son of Pitt the Elder, was the youngest Prime Minister in history. William Pitt the Younger : biography 28 May 1759 – 16 January 1806 Pitt sought European alliances to restrict French influence, forming the Triple Alliance with Prussia and the United Provinces in 1788. "[12] The talented collaborators of his […] Ehrman, J. P. W., and Anthony Smith. Pitt sought to reduce the national debt by imposing new taxes. A Second Coalition, consisting of Great Britain, Austria, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire, was formed, but it, too, failed to overcome the French. The Younger Pitt (Profiles In Power). Thanks to Pitt's efforts, Britain joined the Third Coalition, an alliance that included Austria, Russia, and Sweden. [32] Pitt was appointed, along with Lord Sydney, who was appointed President. In 1798, he passed the Defence of the Realm act, which further restricted civil liberties. In 1798, Irish nationalists even attempted a rebellion, believing that the French would help them overthrow the monarchy. In domestic politics, Pitt concerned himself with the cause of parliamentary reform. [54] Many of those who owned slave plantations in the British West Indies had been greatly alarmed by the revolution, which began in 1791, and they were strongly pressing Pitt to restore slavery in St. Domingue, lest their own slaves be inspired to seek freedom. [22], The Fox-North Coalition fell in December 1783, after Fox had introduced Edmund Burke's bill to reform the East India Company to gain the patronage he so greatly lacked while the King refused to support him. Lord Rockingham died only three months after coming to power; he was succeeded by another Whig, William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne. Pitt made a successful maiden speech and, in March 1782, when it was clear that a new ministry would soon be formed, announced with astonishing self-confidence that he had no intention of accepting a subordinate position. Thinking a less sectarian and more conciliatory approach would have avoided the uprising, Pitt sought an Act of Union that would make Ireland an official part of the United Kingdom and end the "Irish Question". Although Addington had previously invited him to join the Cabinet, Pitt preferred to join the Opposition, becoming increasingly critical of the government's policies. From 1783 to 1792, he faced each fresh challenge with brilliance; from 1793 he showed determination but sometimes faltered; and from 1804 he was worn down by ... the combination of a narrow majority and war".[96]. [28], So as to reduce the power of the Opposition, Pitt offered Charles James Fox and his allies posts in the Cabinet; Pitt's refusal to include Lord North, however, thwarted his efforts. He rented land abutting the Castle to farm on which to lay out trees and walks. Thus, Pitt's second ministry was considerably weaker than his first.[76]. [69] In much of rural Ireland, law and order had broken down as an economic crisis further impoverished the already poor Irish peasantry, and a sectarian war with many atrocities on both sides had begun in 1793 between Catholic "Defenders" versus Protestant "Peep o'Day Boys". In March 1803 Addington invited Pitt to join the government, but Pitt made it clear that he would return only as prime minister. To regain control of the fleet, Pitt agreed to navy pay increases and had George III pardon the mutineers. He raised the issue of parliamentary reform in order to strain the uneasy Fox-North coalition, which included both supporters and detractors of reform. Pitt, although often referred to as a Tory, or "new Tory", called himself an "independent Whig" and was generally opposed to the development of a strict partisan political system. Impact of the War of American Independence. In 1776, Pitt, plagued by poor health, took advantage of a little-used privilege available only to the sons of noblemen, and chose to graduate without having to pass examinations. "British Politics, 1783-4: The Emergence and Triumph of the Younger Pitt's Administration,", Ledger-Lomas, Michael. [87][88], Pitt's debts amounted to £40,000 when he died, but Parliament agreed to pay them on his behalf. William Pitt, the Younger, (born May 28, 1759, Hayes, Kent, England—died January 23, 1806, London), British prime minister (1783–1801, 1804–06) during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. Influenced by the American and French revolutions, this movement demanded independence and republicanism for Ireland. Pitt's prime ministerial tenure, which came during the reign of King George III, was dominated by major political events in Europe, including the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. His first major piece of legislation as prime minister was the India Act 1784, which re-organised the British East India Company and kept a watch over corruption. The unwise demonstrations of the radicals caused the government to have recourse to repressive legislation. Lowther effectively controlled the pocket borough of Appleby; a by-election in that constituency sent Pitt to the House of Commons in January 1781. A brilliant and precocious youth, he entered Cambridge at 15 and Parliament at age 21, 1/23/1781. The contemporary satire The Rolliad ridiculed him for his youth:[26], Many saw Pitt as a stop-gap appointment until some more senior statesman took on the role. Despite a series of defeats in the House of Commons, Pitt defiantly remained in office, watching the Coalition's majority shrink as some Members of Parliament left the Opposition to abstain. The king was strongly opposed to Catholic Emancipation; he argued that to grant additional liberty would violate his coronation oath, in which he had promised to protect the established Church of England. Pitt was from a political family on both sides. He became the youngest prime minister of Great Britain in 1783 at the age of 24 and the first prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as of January 1801. Though faced with a hostile majority in Parliament, Pitt was able to solidify his position within a few months. The crisis again drove the King insane, and after his recovery in March he accused Pitt of having caused his illness. Though his proposal failed, many reformers in Parliament came to regard him as their leader, instead of Charles James Fox. William Pitt the Elder, British prime minister (1766–1768); William Pitt the Younger (1759–1806), son of the above and British prime minister (1783–1801, 1804–1806); William Pitt may also refer to: . [48] The King had in 1791 offered him a Knighthood of the Garter, but he suggested the honour go to his elder brother, the second Earl of Chatham. Britain used its economic power to expand the Royal Navy, doubling the number of frigates and increasing the number of large ships of the line by 50%, while increasing the roster of sailors from 15,000 to 133,000 in eight years after the war began in 1793. [62] The British attempt to conquer St. Domingue in 1793 ended in disaster; the British pulled out on 31 August 1798 after having spent 4 million pounds (roughly £400.00 million in today's money) and having lost about 100,000 men − dead or crippled for life, mostly from disease – over the preceding five years. The biography of Pitt by John Ehrman, The Younger Pitt (1969), is an outstanding work of scholarship which deals exhaustively with Pitt's early years, to 1789. He created the "new Toryism", which revived the Tory Party and enabled it to stay in power for the next quarter-century. He became the youngest British Prime Minister when he was elected in 1783 at the age of 24 (although the term Prime Minister was not yet used). The author, a British politician, has written a book on William Wilberforce, and this book on William Pitt the Younger. The peace in 1783 left France financially prostrate, while the British economy boomed due to the return of American business. "The political theory of William Pitt the Younger,", Richards, Gerda C. "The Creations of Peers Recommended by the Younger Pitt,", Wilkinson, D. "The Pitt-Portland Coalition of 1794 and the Origins of the 'Tory' party", Foster, R. E. "Forever Young: Myth, Reality and William Pitt,", Ledger-Lomas, Michael. [36], Another important domestic issue with which Pitt had to concern himself was the national debt, which had doubled to £243 million during the American war. In 1792 another act provided that a sinking fund of 1 percent should be attached to every new loan, which would thereby be redeemed within 45 years. "William Pitt, the Younger—Reformer Turned Reactionary?." When and Where was he Born? [51] Though the Pitt government did drastically reduce civil liberties and created a nationwide spy network with ordinary people being encouraged to denounce any "radicals" that may have been in their midst, the historian Eric Evans argued the picture of Pitt's "reign of terror" as portrayed by the Marxist historian E.P. // 1773 In 1773, he went to Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he studied numerous subjects including mathematics, chemistry and history. The defeat heightened dissension and escalated political antagonism to the King's ministers. He had considerable influence in strengthening the office of the prime minister. Leonard, Dick. The heavy death toll caused by yellow fever, the much dreaded "black vomit", made conquering St. Domingue impossible, but an undeterred Pitt launched what he called the "great push" in 1795, sending out an even larger British expedition. At the height of the constitutional crisis in 1784, Sheridan had compared Pitt to James I's favourite, the Duke of Buckingham, a clear reference to homosexuality. Pitt, born in 1759 was born the second son to William Pitt, the First Earl of Chatham. William Pitt the Younger: A Biography by William Hague 688pp, HarperCollins, £25 . But, in effect, the alliance served only one useful purpose: Prussia’s diplomatic support enabled Pitt in 1790 to triumph over the Spanish without having to go to war in the Nootka Sound dispute. Charles Petrie, "The Bicentenary of the Younger Pitt", Paul Kelly, "British Politics, 1783-4: The Emergence and Triumph of the Younger Pitt's Administration,", The name "mince-pie administration" was created by, harvnb error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFTurner2003 (. The Alliance, however, failed to produce any other important benefits for Great Britain.[42]. Historians conclude that the loss of the American colonies enabled Britain to deal with the French Revolution with more unity and organisation than would otherwise have been the case. ISBN 978-0-582-05279-6. The war with France was extremely expensive, straining Great Britain's finances. His mother was sister to former British Prime Minister, George Grenville. William Pitt, the Younger - William Pitt, the Younger - Pitt’s second ministry, 1804–06: Pitt’s second ministry was weaker than the first, for the Addington group, as well as others, went into opposition. [63] The British historian Sir John William Fortescue wrote that Pitt and his cabinet had tried to destroy French power "in these pestilent islands ... only to discover, when it was too late, that they practically destroyed the British army". Biographer William Hague considers the unfinished abolition of the slave trade to be Pitt's greatest failure. This mutiny occurred at the same moment that the Franco-Dutch alliance were preparing an invasion of Britain. A fifth of Britain's imports were smuggled in without paying taxes. Author of. He had long suffered from poor health, beginning in childhood, and was plagued with gout and "biliousness", which was worsened by a fondness for port that began when he was advised to consume it to deal with his chronic ill-health. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Took a toll on Pitt 's administration, '', Turner,.! 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