Propel has 160mg of sodium, 40mg of potassium and a little bit of magnesium. Calories: 0 %DV. Hammer Perpetuem uses GMO free soy protein, and while it’s not my favorite protein, it would be the best option of the three. I would also recommend adding fruits and vegetables high in these minerals. Also, my 13yr old son is about to begin track season and I would love to offer him a healthy alternative to sugary sports drinks. We’re having technical issues, but we’ll be back in a flash. I would consider getting the Endure drops and adding it to water. Replenish and fuel your body when you drink Propel Unflavored Water. I have been using EFS for my drink and endurolytes for extra electrolytes. Price wise and quality, I would say that getting the Heed in bulk and diluting it will make it more economical while being effective for your needs. Starting with 1000 mg sodium, I reach a deficit of 1300 mg! I have looked at Osmo before, and the only reason I didn’t include it was because of the addition of folic acid (synthetic form of folate that has been found in studies to block folate receptors and is potentially problematic with cancer and MTHFR gene mutations). Would the Endure Performance Electrolyte Drops be really very optimal for the crazy amount of sweating throughout my 9-10x/week wrestling and weightlifting? So would there be anything that I could have instead that would give me more energy? Happy to help. But if you are mindful now about drinking enough fluids, you should be fine. Mitochondria creation is stimulated during exercise, and the more mitochondria you have, the better aerobic capacity. This combination would hit 5,988mg. Will get Ultima instead. You could use more, but the taste of the minerals may get a little strong. I have a nervous system disorder and I have to drink 5L of Electrolytes a day and consume 5-10 grams of salt … This is extremely challenging! I’ve never experienced a muscle cramp with this combination. Ingredients: Water, citric acid, mineral salts (sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium phosphate), colour (anthocyanins), natural raspberry flavouring with other natural flavourings, acidity regulator (E332), sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K), color (E133). I’ve been taking 50 MG of magnesium for about 2 weeks now and 500 MG potassium along with calcium but I’ve not noticedoing a difference. Very satisfying to have a cold drink after a few hours on a trail. Thanks! I can only imagine the relief you and your son are feeling right now. It was brought to my attention that NUUN has now removed these two ingredients from their formula. Thanks, That way he can slowly hydrate himself with the ice cubes without losing too much liquid at once. Any input would be much appreciated. I will take NUUN Active off the worst list. Ultima did not take my advice when I first warned them about using the aspartate forms when the new product launched years ago. I believe it’s just dehydration. I also heard that artificial sweeteners also cause glycemic levels lever to spike. Thanks! Also made by Coca-Cola, you see the artificial sweeteners sucralose and acesulfame K and artificial colors. Without knowing more about your health condition and diet it is hard for me to determine the best formula in relation to the other minerals, as well knowing more about your kidney health and electrolyte homeostasis with high fluid intake. Top Features: Sourced from the famous Ölfus Spring; 100% Naturally pure water; The bottles are made from BPA-free plastic or glass; Low mineral content . Hi Alex. Thanks in advance! This is where I was referencing the non-GMO soy protein. So the recipe depends on your goals. There are many studies on aspartame, but here is one that I have referenced before. It looks like iHerb carries both Vega and Endure. There is an argument that a flavor encourages you to drink more. I’m not a fan of isolated fructose in e-Fuel. It’s called a hydro flask and will keep drinks cold or hot. Use whey protein post-competition for recovery. Electrolyte Water Unflavored. Smart Water does not contain enough electrolytes to make a difference, and you read about Gatorade. (I’ve never seen a kid so sore from practices. Knowing these two things will help me figure out the best option. I admit, sometimes I can barely catch my breath. The migraine is a clue to that. I will update it. The Propel electrolyte water comes in a 33.8 fl oz bottle that has three servings per bottle. I have recently purchased Metagenics’ Endura for my son who cuts large amounts of weight for wrestling and competes in day long tournaments. I have a heart condition called A-Fib. It contains 55mg of sodium, 79mg of chloride, 100mg of magnesium citrate, 250mg of potassium aspartate and phosphate and 65mg of calcium citrate. I was reading about LyteShow. I have been looking for a good product for the anarobic sport of hockey that is available in Canada. This would be a good electrolyte formula for sports that require repeated boosts of sprints like soccer and hockey. I’ve recommended it to other runners and bikers, and most begin using it. It appears more like a stimulating energy mix instead of an electrolyte drink. Drip Drop contains sugar, fructose, sucralose, unidentified natural flavor (can sometimes be MSG) and a form of zinc called aspartate (see why I don’t like this form under Ultima). Shannon. I have a few questions if you don’t mind answering. Endure is a good middle of the road choice if he prefers plain water. Stick with the Endure! I am interested in electrolytes because I have been getting headrushes for a while and looked up possible reasons, found that electrolyte deficiency might be one, started drinking Gatorade during my workouts (yea saw that you were against it) and the headrushes diminished. Magnesium and potassium naturally lower blood pressure. Ultima is a good fit if you have blood sugar issues. On point. I checked, and recent fasting glucose and random glucose results are fine, if that’s what you mean. I had an experience a few years ago when a college age runner collapsed at the finish of a trail relay in high 90’s deg weather. We were considering trying it. Alex, found your articles very interesting and would like to have some advice. It is the SAME THING. Yes, I am familiar with Pure Sport. $1.38 each ($0.06/fl oz) Add to list. Wondering about a product by Power Run Energy called Electrolye (not Electrolyte +)? In your opinion, is Endure still the better product? That sounds awesome. Thanks for the help! I think it’s been helpful. Thanks! Hai alex…i’m a swimmer…and i training 2 hours / i’m using accelerade  for my energy drink….if you may,there is have another option for my energy drink?or that accelerade its enough for me? I was wondering where Emergen-C electrolyte mix falls on your list. I have heard of Drip-drop, but not a fan because they use sucralose. The main thing you would notice is digestive distress from too much magnesium for example. I am training for a half-marathon through the brutal southern heat this summer. Could you comment on Vitalyte. 264mg calcium Free shipping with no order min. Liquid nutrition also requires a fuel belt, I never licked those and last year I did my first 13.1 without one. I do use Heed and Perpetuem, but sometimes use Nuun for convenience/expense so I came here(via a Google search) as I was trying to determine whether Nuun was as good as Heed. I may just have a thing with stevia. So I would recommend using Endure and Saltstick or broth for extra sodium. This would prevent excess hunger and stabilize your blood sugar. Hey Alex – I have found your article and responses to questions very informative. In all the test should be 4-6 hours. I should clarify that the entire electrolyte list is not limited to triathlons and will update it to be more clear. Candy and Gum –Taxable. Get free shipping at $35 and view promotions and reviews for Pedialyte Electrolyte Solution Unflavored For regular water, add the Trace Minerals Concentrace drops and don’t go overboard with water consumption when you aren’t training. The nutritional information for the 450ml drink is: <1 gram of sugar, 2.4 grams of carbohydrates, 25 grams of protein, the electrolytes found in coconut water (Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous) as well as a mix of vitamins and minerals. I am not concerned with losing or gaining weight particularly (if weight gain/loss is a consequence of improved performance (more reps or more weight) that is fine). Enhanced with Gatorade-level electrolytes plus Vitamin B and antioxidant Vitamins C and E, Propel flavored electrolyte water helps hydrate and replenish to get the most out of your workout without adding calories (0 calories per bottle). , I go to hot fitness classes 4-5 days a week and sometimes getting dizzy and feel a loss of energy. 8-10 hours in high heat means you need to be getting more sodium. Recommended by pediatricians and pharmacists for kids & adults. … I take vytorin…Also, I am going to Machu Picchu and want to stay hydrated. Natural flavors are also used (companies don’t have to disclose this, but those who have nothing to hide will). contains a source of phenylalanine. However I would still not endorse them due to the use of GMO soy protein, which has many documented health risks. A study from 2012 and a study from 2015 found that coconut water has anti-glycation properties, kidney protection, prevented hyperglycemia and oxidative stress. ), but with about double the sodium and potassium. Power up and quench your thirst with this beverage. Any suggestions for high intensity anarobic sports? Ps, I linked your article in my hydration article. Hi, I am suffering from dehydration due to ulcerative colitis. Please let me know if you have any other questions, and happy to hear your husband is recovering well! Muscle repair will be an important part of your endurance. I think it would be a good product if they lowered the sodium content and added chloride. Hey Alex, What is your opinion on the product UCAN Hydrate from the UCAN company? Based on what you have outlined, the Hammer Electrolytes Fizz may be the most compatible due to the higher sodium content in balance with a full spectrum of the electrolytes, along with B6 for magnesium utilization. Because of Planter Fasciitis, I started swimming laps 6 months ago. Doing some research they recommend the following products: It is commonly thought that dehydration and depletion of electrolytes will lead to muscle spasm and cramping. Do you have any suggestions for me, I would like to get back into the gym without having the fear of spasms for hours. Not sure why anyone would buy an unflavored water and complain about the taste. While also a refined source, maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate, not a simple sugar like sucrose in Gatorade or have the issues of fructose. Some clients will snack throughout labor but many can’t keep any food down which is difficult since childbirth can last many many hours (the longest I’ve attended was 46 hours). Or, as you have pointed out, things like Gatorade, Propel, etc. Get muscle cramps in your calves or headaches? Thanks for the great feedback. Unflavored electrolyte powder with magnesium and without sodium? Homemade broths are rich in gelatin (makes it look like jello when cooled) which is a hydrophilic colloid. What type of product / solution would be the most helpfull for so-called recreational activities at medium intensity for a high sweat. Have been a runner for 46 years, now run about 45 min 3-5 times /week and am an active gardener. The NUUN Hydration does contain vitamin C, and it is the one that contains sodium benzoate. The product most like Perpetuem is actually Accelerade (uses GMO soy protein). Check with your doctor first, but Ultima should be a good replacement for Pedialyte for both the 17 month old and 5 year old. Low iron causes anemic hypoxia (low oxygen), elevated nitric oxide (NO) and increased lactic acid. The companies I have found that follow these guidelines include Harmless Harvest, Unoco, Liquitera, Vital Juice and Juice Press. I’m sure that is very hard for both of you. I really respect your knowledge in this area and I would like to know your thoughts on coconut water as an electrolyte drink? Back spasms or any muscle spasms are usually from a lack of magnesium, as well as potassium and calcium. That’s why i don’t drink Recoverite during swim or run. Did I misunderstand something? Do you have a point of view? See more details at. I suspect that most people choose gatorade and other sports drinks simply because it is cheaper, more visible and tastes nicer than most alternatives. It contributes to the formation of tumors in the CNS such as gliomas, medulloblastomas and meningiomas. You don’t need to strain it, just drink it straight. Thank you in advance, great article. Alex, here are the products available at MEC (Mountain Equipment Co Op) which is convenient. Thank you for your opinion! If neither of those work and you liked the taste of Powerade, I would recommend Ultima or Vega electrolyte powder to add to water. Today will be her first day, she is going to mix up a bottle of it from my supply. Oral solution: May mix with fruit juice, water or milk. You can do this with a variety of berries as well if you want to mix it up. Yes I make updates monthly. Use water as needed, but concentrate more on your electrolyte drinks throughout the race. That should give you a pretty good template. I would be happy to send an email to the race organizers of the Portland Marathon. Hi Alex, thank you for this informative article. Lyteshow – like Endure – comes from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, and beyond sodium and chloride, it has magnesium, potassium and zinc. It has 220mg of sodium and 120mg of potassium. There are a few reasons that these capsules have taken a top ranking for best electrolyte drinks. Research has found that “when higher doses of caffeine are combined with these other substances currently blended in energy drinks, the subsequent effect cannot always be predicted; adverse effects have been reported, including cardiac arrest.”. When you combine sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid you create benzene, especially in the presence of heat and light (common with storing citrus-flavored soda in a warm garage). Your article indicates this is not the best choice and I’m wondering which or the products you recommend would be better. (PS the heat stress here in Maryland during the summer is off the charts and he has camps that are 8 hours a day. While the levels of benzene generated are reported to be low according to the FDA, the total amount consumed may be higher in something like an electrolyte drink. Backed by the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, Propel Electrolyte Water has electrolytes to help put back what you lose in sweat. I am taking iron supplements now as well as 250mg Magnesium Citrate (twice daily). It has a wide range of vitamins and minerals, resembling a multivitamin on the label. Thank you. I’m not a runner in fact I’m afraid to us my legs at all for fear of them cramping. If you are traveling, I would consider running the Hammer Endurolyte Fizz tablets by your doctor. “Despite intense speculations about the carcinogenicity of aspartame, the latest studies show that its metabolite – diketopiperazine – is carcinogenic in the CNS. With all your options, what do you think is best for a non-athlete prone to electrolyte loss? NEW! Let me know if this is what you are looking for. My doc told me to us a electrolyte powder thinking that I might not have enough. I am always looking for very minimal sugar drinks. The second, and most economical, would be to use Endure or Lyteshow drops, then add a splash of your favorite juice to it for flavor. The safety profile of aspartame has most likely been suppressed for many years and is finally seeing its day in court. I’m looking for something for 100 mile bike challenges.. Hi Alex My husband works in a foundry he’s been there for 34 yrs now that he he no longer a young man( 59) and last March 2016 he was diagnose with diabetes type 2 the HEAT in really slowing him down Today he was sent to the hospital and admitted due to server dehydration he is in heat from 900 degree to 1,200 I was trying to look into something that he could drink to help hydrate him through the day, There is an electrolyte drink article just for diabetes found here: You may find this article helpful regarding Vytorin and CoQ10 dosage. Summer gets to 120 here and with all the asphalt and concrete it gets hotter. It isn’t pain like charley horses. My wife had a kidney transplant 3 years ago, and has frequent bouts of dehydration and cramping. The liquid electrolyte Lyteshow is an easy way to get these daily by adding them to your water. Yes I am aware of Electrolyte Fizz from Bodytech. Electrolytes are especially important when you're fasting. I take time to research and test products before I decide to include any new ones in the best or worst section. Here is a recipe and the best place to purchase broth online:, Use 4 capsules of Saltstick 3x a day would which would equal: This is typically due to low magnesium and potassium levels. Fruit powders can be added as well for a little more flavor. This size isn’t too cumbersome on your body and is great for hikes or trail runs. This sugar-free electrolyte powder tastes great, and it's Keto-friendly! Here is my question. If you find yourself dragging during workouts, do an inventory of protein/fat/carbs/electrolytes/hydration/sleep. I’ll need great endurance, speedy recovery, and high performance, and willbe sweating ALOT for 9 weeks. Perhaps you may suggest a better nutrition bar please. Cordyceps should be considered due to their role in inhibiting hypoxia induced oxidative stress. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to give a little longer answer because I think this could help other people as well. Except that I watched his soccer practice yesterday and he easily sprinted two miles over the course of the 90 minutes of play only training.) The lower the scale, the quicker it will exit the GI tract and stomach lining, increasing energy production. Since you are focusing on performance, it is definitely worth the cost to help you reach your goals. We’re on the west coast of Florida so the humidity right now is just killing the kids. First off, is this copied straight from the Hammer website (I tried to look myself but it just wouldn’t load) & if so I thought xylitol actually GAVE some people diarrhea if consumed to much? Run both by your doctor. Thank you! Which is better? For Skratch Labs, they use a pretty good dose of cane sugar if their total sugar content is 20 grams. It’s a 4-6 hour sustained electrolyte tablet that release electrolytes over 4-6 hours. I did some traveling and tested out numerous mineral waters, taking pictures of each of the labels. Thank you, After reading your research and responses I’m worried that I may be taking an unsafe product. Pinned my gels (Powerbar because they are the thinnest gels I could find) to my shorts, which worked well . Liquid Unflavored: Water, Organic Mango Puree, Organic Spinach Puree, Organic Rice Maltodextrin, Soy Protein Isolate, Soy Oil, Organic Carrot Juice Concentrate, Organic Milled Whole Grain Brown Rice, High … We will be cycling through Northern France for a week in June with a group and we’ll cycle 70-85 kms/day with the last day being a 135kms cycle. Crystals for oral solution: Dissolve contents of packet in 120 mL water. Ingredients of packet: Citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, maltodextrin, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), sucralose, sugar, natural flavors, silicon dioxide, niacinamide (vitamin B3) acesulfame potassium, calcium disodium EDTA, calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), vitamin E acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). It looks like they updated their formula to remove those ingredients. I am wondering if you have a best solution in mind for my circumstance. Apparently, I have Goldilocks syndrome. I have a 17month old and a 5 year old. I never drink tap water, only reverse osmosis purified water out of a 5 gallon jug delivered regularly to my home. I workout in the mornings an hour after I wake up: I wake up, I eat a bagel, drink a protein shake, stretch, then work out. What can he take in his truck besides water? Gene, I think you are correct about maltodextrin. Excess protein is converted to glucose, adding more stored glycogen. If something like a bar or drink states it is unsuitable for children, it’s usually because it contains a stimulant like caffeine. I’ve been told you don’t store electrolytes and that won’t help? Sparkling water … It is better when the carbs come from nutrient dense foods like sweet potatoes and watery fruit like oranges and watermelon, but rice and rice pasta may be required depending on the training and recovery. Thank you. I looked into Hammer HEED and Perpetuem. Bananas help, along with watery fruit like oranges and watermelon. I am working on an article on disaster preparedness, and in the section on GO-Bags for evacuation, want to address the issue of electrolyte imbalance. Scivation Xtenz for her t want problems with your training that you know works for her, i happy... You so much between his activity and his growth own it is to! Use electrolyte drinks throughout the day while using Heed during your training that you contained... 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