Know that it isn’t necessarily your fault at all that you find yourself in this state, as we can see lots of us are in similar circumstance. I came from a family of 2 other brother’s and 2 sisters. I definitely will continue to shop here in the future. There isn't many left! Reply Please do not do anything to hurt yourself. As a non binary person the fact the store is gender neutral is absolutely amazing! I pray that my life gets better but as of late I have felt like my life has become relentless, fulfilling, boring and when I nightingale steps to change it does not work, I feel like all my friends are happier then I am, my cousins are all married and happy and ill never have that and feel like my family dissent take me seriously. Also love the ethical message and am happy to support. I never minded being an only child,as i always had many friends and cousins..Many of these have moved away and some have lives with their grandchildren and children..I am depressed all the time..I am worried about money as i can no longer work,and am working on a getting disability..I worked all my life with up to 2O seizures a month and even got promoted..I refused a pension twice,,and not sorry I did..I wanted to lead a close to normal life..I fought all my life to be strong..but now what is there to look forward to…My husband is great,but i can no longer do many things..I sometimes say what will there be to live for…I feel alone, lonely,depressed scared…People say ..well you have your husband,,yes i know,but so do many others..Who do i turn to when i have no direct family left My husband has a stable job but all he thinks is his work and when his home he always play games on his android or he always on his laptop. It’s very hard to get past cheating and lies from others you were close with. My life changed forever that night! I came to realize that even thought I ran from my problems back home, I didn’t feel this isolated. We had been together for 17 years and did not make it our 15th wedding anniversary . So, it’s upsetting me also. The timing and need were perfect for me to purchase his book Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive. Helo all.. I’ve been seeking out mindfulness as a way to deal with the resulting loneliness. I am going to work out more and build my body stronger and work on my mind so it is stronger. Hey John, I think we would both be surprised to hear just how many others feel this at one time or another. hello everyone here ! Check, got that, too. she is thinking out moving out after 4 months but here i am already in the sinking sand panicing. Just baby steps. I know its soley because I have social anxiety and can’t hold a conversation. It feels a little better knowing that i’m not alone…i am always wondering and asking myself, why am I lonely and alone? now my best friend has a boyfriend and spend no time with me because they’re always togther. I have so many t-shirts from Lonely Kids Club I can't even count them. This is a great article and I can relate to a lot of the info here. I feel stupid a lot… And i feel like people think i might be stupid but are just trying to be nice. I have been a customer for Lonely Kids Club for a while now, and let me tell you - they never cease to amaze. Tom January 15th, 2016 Do they know that you feel this way? Always puts a cute little extra in my deliveries as well. Teresa December 8th, 2018 But he just ignore me. she is thinking out moving out after 4 months but here i am already in the sinking sand panicing. it should be a wonderful service. No one seem’s to care about me (not in the attention-seeking way) in reality, no one has, so i don’t either, it’s really sad to be honest. But i always think that i will end up my life only crying. Great site. I won’t waste my time with that (now in my 50’s). However, at home I used to be a very naughty and fun-loving kid, popular with all of my 27 cousins. Those kind of things may feel awkward at first, but generally boosts your self image and confidence after a little while! That’s a great article! Unloved and tremendios degregstion day in and out. Well priced, ethically produced, Aussie made and bloody hilarious. Worst comes to worst, I will just become my own very best friend. There are so many feelings to name. I think that all evil feelings must come from evil and all good feelings must come from God. The bottom line is that I just don’t feel worthy. I have read so many articles on websites..But still i cannot stop feeling unloved… its horrible to be lonely and when there’s no1 you could say how u feel as you know deep inside that they wont understand.. MD SHAHZAD HASSAN June 5th, 2016 Resolve over Resolution  Super cool threads! Flo December 20th, 2016 So we’re lonely, but we’re willing to exclude very many people who might alleviate our loneliness because … they’re not good enough to be our companions. Trace February 27th, 2014 Most of all the only thing that gave me happiness and peace. As if I don’t matter. Hang in there Michelle and try to find your hope somewhere to help you feel a little better. It’s just one vicious cycle everyday, everytime, and I have no-one I can talk to , i feel just the same as you do. I have felt lonely for some other reasons like when I play by myself, I want to play with someone. Reply I can uderstand what our feelings is because we are same I posted a comment here, earlier, reaching out for help but my message was excluded. And we need to live into it every day of our life. Shame really but what can you do? I passed from one step mother to the other and as I grew my dad’s loving attitude changed towards me, sometimes he would call me a prostitute other times he would throw me out of his house but I’ll plead with him or call someone who can for me. People who use the Internet to really connect with others are less likely to feel lonely. Sorry, in the above I meant to say people lament that they CAN’T find the quality of humans they’re seeking as companions. I spend a lot of time alone and live alone. I have very low general knowledge. I just want to say that we are all Beloved. I am really lonely. I don’t dislike people, but yes sometimes I find them “hard” and take energy. One of my worst fears is that I will be either living alone my whole life without ever meeting someone again or having sex again, or that ill still be living with my parents when I’m 50. ALL humans are wired for social connection and will feel pain when they feel emotionally isolated from others. Hi Sandy, TaniMist May 26th, 2014 alina May 7th, 2014 And don’t worry if some days they don’t come. Trace February 27th, 2014 I’m really negative, it has gotten worse over the past 2 years i’d say, due to being deliberately socially isolated at school by people and by criticizing myself and severe bullying that was going on since being 8-9 years old. No matter how you feel — good or bad — it's healthy to put your feelings into words. Oh well. Couldn't recommend them highly enough. I hurt my friends feelings by rejecting a gift! I cannot sleep at night because i have no one to talk to, nothing to do all day. Sometimes it’s just life circumstances. I am at a point in my life where I would really like to have more friends but it exhausts me just thinking about it. I’m here for you. Often when we feel isolated, we turn against ourselves and find it difficult to reach out for help. People who become lonely just want to talk to someone. There were a few relationships after that but nothing like a marrige… However… For anyone who thinks they’d benefit from getting listened and understood by trained volunteers, here it is! I have a sister and even she is far away from me I talk to her on skype and she always encourages me. Please don’t give up and look for hope. Being a gentleman in public, and giving a smile more often rewards me with a smile in return. So I am 20 year old girl. Well sinse i have been here 6 mths, i have become very isolated and lonely and getting more and more depressed. Am lonely, sad depress and yearning to be in the arms of a msn, which have yet to do. It could even be a happy memory, even tho I know those are hard to think of at times like this. Very laid back crew. Hi, I even dont know why Im putting this comment right now, Im a guy, 28 years old, feeling terribly isolated all my life, i had girlfrind , i had sex , but each year i feel Im more hated and more separated from society, All i do everyday is just working out and making music … Poof I dont know how to enjoy life, life is so dark for me , is it gonna be like this ever? For anyone who thinks they’d benefit from getting listened and understood by trained volunteers, here it is! Books, literature is quite awesome and a way to stay connected, nothing like a good book to engross you in human thought. Reply High Quality product delivered on time and with care. maybe we can help each others The best. – Depression Love the business ethos and the designs and quality are all top notch ! Am I the only one feeling like this? Reply It’s comforting to see other people going through the same thing. kelly April 28th, 2014 I think as I grow older, and with what I’ve been seeing, observing and experiencing about life… whether through nature, human relationships, and just about everything else.. Hi John, Your post sounds exactly like me, except in the male form. This kind of doubts lead me to self judgement every single second of my life. Flo December 20th, 2016 Try to do it even if you don’t feel like it. Reply It’s quite ridiculous out there now. but I’m not motivated to do anything about my future. E no one will talk to me she sells drugs rob does them as well her house is full of low lifes she has turned my GRAND kids against me.. My younger daughter is on heroin she has two daughters she lost her rights two. Reply The irony is that when I was at my best it was people like the author of this article and many others with a similar mindset that were terrified of a happy individual with self-esteem (that took 18 years to achieve); and thus began to attempt to dismantle and or destroy my efforts at every turn both directly and indirectly. “Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others.. and the delight in the recognition” I was very lonely, but I loved it! I am so low and feel I am just going to wither away and don’t know what to do about it. On the other hand, I may only be fooling myself. Any conversation I have with strangers or family is brief and superficial. My depression comes and goes, but I am very in-tune with how I am thinking & feeling, and I know what I have to do not to allow the depression to win! Using social media more often, though, increases FOMO and feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, and isolation. There are no rules or failures. Ever since the break-up my loneliness and isolation got much more intense. i really wanna say i am happy being with you and thank you . these are my intentions now, hopefully I will follow through this time because I can’t take it anymore. i.e., I only have so much interest in most people, so it is hard to form friendships. girl121212 January 24th, 2016 AAsma July 20th, 2014 I am lonely isolated and depressed. My favourite brand ever Love you guys so much. I feel alone more because I feel that no one will really be able to relate to me, but I do not feel bad about myself whatsoever. Hi John, every time I go out with “friends” I feel that it is very superficial so I already lost hope in finding a true friend here. Learn how to Overcome Your Inner Critic in this online course. It’s also difficult to find people now a days who are honest and truly have interest in helping others. The world is drastically different now isn’t it, and I think that is the whole problem. Hi Ellen, you sound exactly like me. My back door was open and suddenly a beautiful cat walked in and ‘meewed’ at me. I’m still busy because I work lol so I don’t have a lot of time either, ironically. I am trying to keep busy but living by yourself especially when all my friends are married is so difficult . :), Really helped me through some trying times, Amazing company with Australian comfortable clothing! It is so painful Best of luck to you. It provides a means to reach out and feel understood & connected with other people in similar situations. How to correct them? English is not my first language so I don’t know what else to say. This is part of the problem. Yes I know she doesn’t have to talk to me or even forgive me, but I feel so alone. Jina @ April 4th, 2014 All the while raising awareness for mental health. I feel the same and I blame myself or the cultural differences. As I got to my final year in high school, I was abused by my dads friend and my mom had come to school to also call me a prostitute because my step mom made everyone believe I was sleeping around and my mom fell for that. You have just describes my feelings that lead me hear. Awesome company, great quality stuff and top customer service. Reply Don’t”. 5.0. Or could you talk to a Christian therapist? , etc., etc.”. PsychAlive March 15th, 2018 Reply she is not my friend and i am not good with speaking myself out . I am not sure if it’s me who build high walls, or have high standards… I just think I can’t invest in superficial relationships. Reply Reply And just be friendly. Resh February 16th, 2016 So, I try to balance it out. totally puts everything in perspective. I m 23 yrs old. I.m a 44 year old male who is now completely alone after years of watching friends ‘move on’ with their lives.Get married have children,enjoy life .While my stagnation became more evident and quite frankly more embarrassing. Joe March 10th, 2014 I’m not an introvert. It’s very effortless to find out any matter on web as compared to textbooks, If the current therapist is not working for you, please consider asking your grandparents to help you find someone you would be comfortable with. I am tall, brown haired, clean shaven and in fairly good shape , and I am a vegetarian. Being lonely is not necessary a bad thing, I think everyone needs some “alone time” to think. Wow. But when I was there all I needed was to have financial security. I am now 53 years old and feel more alone than ever. Men and women here are unreliable and I don’t often trust as many of you said here it’s hard to trust someone. Please keep it up. This article should come with a warning. Reply I was excited for the first month after I got back, and then, I ended up alone 99% of the time because I feel I really don’t belong. I just think I need friends and a life that has meaning …, We have same thing in common people and my friend will avoiding me its make me realy sad. Still that voice is telling me that I may not have enough strength to overcome it…. I am going thru so much. … Alina I am completely in the same situation you are in. And just be friendly. Juice August 3rd, 2020 But all I know is I am more superficial with people now (keep my interactions mostly superficial with most) and prefer it that way. Now think about some concrete ways to address your answers to those questions: How can you feel less alone at those lonely times? I am also looking for a job but I capturing anything I’ve been filling out application after application. I am so tired of feeling like this that’s why I am here, looking for solutions. Next day, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again. I don’t use drugs and don’t play games ,I,m not egocentric or narrccisstic.I can’t stand loud obnoxious people who feel the need to push their opionions down everyone’s throat.So I guess I,ve isolated myself for the last ten years. Reply thank you for reading this post for whoever did and yeah… BYE! It makes me uncinfortabke around people. My current work is work from home though the internet. I can understand what everyone on here feels like. This article was written by Carolyn Firestone and posted in 2009. He wont have anyone when he’s older. I feel alone. Well for a good single man like me that really wanted to get married and have a family which i can certainly BLAME the kind of women that we now have out there these days since they have really CHANGED over the years compared to the Past which many of them definitely would’ve been marriage material which today you can forget about it for many of us good men that are still looking and hoping since i know other friends of mine going through the very same thing right now as well. The words may work for people who like to pretend they are lonely, but you have NEVER experienced real loneliness unless you have solipsism. We all have phones and we all respond to things pretty quickly, so when you’re waiting for a response that doesn’t come, the silence can be deafening. Wow. My wife wants me to go back to work to get back my self confidence mainly and well extra income as well even though we wouldnt get any further ahead as children daycare costs etc. I actuely am popular and have great friends who love me but I still feel alone. I am 33 years old. Consider how strong you are for facing that challenge everyday. It’s a blessing if you are so responsible and strong at only 16 years old. I’ve been lonely my whole life. This is what I do, I want to find peace, and be strong for my little girl. She says she loves me more than anything and she would keep on loving me and we will remain best friends and talk forever and be there for each other, i trust her and know shes saying the truth. Interacting on the Internet may be a good first step in giving you the confidence to express yourself. Almost 2 yrs now. “…we should take that as a warning sign that we are turned against ourselves in some basic way.” This sounds like it’s our fault. Good for you and I wish you the best going forward. But when I was there all I needed was to have financial security. We are concerned for your safety and would like to offer help. In my good moments, I look around and try to acknowledge somebody more “ordinary” – e.g., NOT the prettiest woman in the room, or the coolest man. Maybe a counselor at church or a Christian therapist could help you find a support group of people going through something similar to what you are experiencing. A lot of teens who grow up with easy lives have no problem getting good grades, etc. And one pair of socks. Its all surface crap and meaningless dialogue. What triggered this feeling which I have come to have alot… Sandy May 5th, 2014 . I can’t find a therapist who understands this point from which I am starting. In fact as i write this I’ve just came back from chilling with them and a few other close friends… I guess i don’t really have a reason to be lonely, but sometimes i just get lonely.. It’s weird… I feel like i wanna cry.. where do I go from here. Listen it’s a different society out there now. My daughter is grown & gone I am single & all my friends are married . My life and hopes would be over. i wonder if i’m over sensitive in people’s words/actions…. sometimes I take my frustration on him. Maybe we should create whatsapp group because we are same we can be here for us This inner critic feeds into our feelings of isolation, encouraging us to avoid others and remain in a lonely state. Great site. The quality of service was amazing as well. Please guys help, i know i’m being a girl here but i am so attached to her that this situation is getting out of my hand. I don’t feel anyone owes me anything,I don’t feel sorry for myself-I just feel empty now. I read somewhere that what we experience as adults mirrors what we experienced with our parents. The owner also has a strong focus on mental health, which he reinforces on his social channels. These thought patterns make up the “critical inner voice (CIV),” an internalized enemy that leads to self-destructive thought processes and behaviors. This is raj from India and I am 19 years old and my father was seperated with my mother and i hate him becuase he was gone away with another lady before i was born and right now I was away from my family and for my carrier and studies it was six months ago back on November 2013 and I was never been alone but now i have to be alone to achieve my carrier goals and i have to manage myself everything in this teen age even though I have enough friends but they are not too close and I feel like some people are trying to avoid me but I don’t know why eventhough I am good and honest with them and some friends being busy in their works and they are too far away from me & i am single i dont have girl friend and my profession is information technology but unluckily I don’t get some good friends in my office because of age factor and now presently i am feeling alone and feeling like depressed and I don’t know with whom I can also share that and I had enough confidence that I can achieve my goals but now I am feeling lacking of self confidence because of a loneliness and being depressed and planning to continue my higher studies in Australia when I got financially good for that and wish to get some good friends who can share my happiness and also my sadness and i do see some people being friends only for money & I hate that kind of people and I do see here many people posted here and I wish everyone will get out from loneliness and depression and have a happiest and peaceful life soon and I will pray to the god for the same .. So live life to the fullest! I honestly feel that none of this is real and I have no grounding to reality. I often feel lonely when I see happy couples who look happy, or happy couples making out and the voices start going off in my head about how i am considered fat, unattractive and how ill be single and alone my whole life. I am 33 years old. I know I have something to offer. Long ago my family started taking me for granted and not responding when I was in emotional pain ’cause “Ellen is strong and will survive. Just let go of your fears! She is a really nice girl and i have full faith in her but i sometimes start getting pissed at her as if she’s happy and doing nothing to protect the relationship. Even though I went to 4 birthday parties since I came back, nobody remembered mine. i dont know in my environment (may be i am not Lucky ) is jus another problem to know some one, While reading this article, I felt like I was reading myself. My mom had a baby about a year ago so I have three brothers now. Designed based entirely on what we’d like to wear when cold. Sometimes men and/or husbands say stupid things like ‘all in your head’ b/c they don’t know what to do or say. And we know how often those messages from society are healthful and totally concerned with our well-being Kudos to him for finding ways around it. If you overcome these challenges, you will be well prepared for the future. I’m just lonely I guess it will pass. My Daughter is in love with this brand , quality of products and customer service are outstanding. I hope this makes sense :/, I actually had the same thing a couple of days ago, was at a bar with a friend and when I walked home I almost immediately started crying… felt displaced and alone, even though I was with people I like.. I posted a comment here, earlier, reaching out for help but my message was excluded. For the record, I’d be happy to be friends with anyone, so long as the person doesn’t attack me and is sincerely interested in developing a friendship. The only time i leave my small apartment is to go to dr appointments and too church. I don’t want to go to a bar alone as a single woman, I guess because men will think I’m there to get “picked up” and most people are coupled and I stick out. Revel in your independence, there is a whole world out there waiting to be explored if only through reading and visual arts, media and entertainment. Dr. Lisa Firestone suggests that individuals who feel chronically isolated participate in volunteer work, because reaching out to others has many benefits for mental health, including helping people feel less isolated and alone. My depression comes and goes, but I am very in-tune with how I am thinking & feeling, and I know what I have to do not to allow the depression to win! Yet I don’t necessarily despise folks just would rather be left alone than forced to socialize with what I see out there now. Alon July 21st, 2014 The professionals are so right in saying to do whatever you can to connect with someone…it will help you feel understood, accepted, and positive. Or challenge yourself in new ways – learn something new, step outside your comfort zone. And I also feel extremely lonely, and right now i am crying even while lying beside my best friend who is already asleep… I have always since a child also feel very depressed when I can’t sleep but everyone around me is already sleeping, it makes me feel hopeless and panicky. In fact I look younger and energetic. Reply It’s an ugly, lonely neurobiological illness. Reply I am learning to accept that both joy and sadness can exist at the same time. And, in doing so, help yourself on the road to revitalizing your social contact? i know its not big deal but still it makes me sad and pain in chest and already worrying about future. It makes sense that parents and guardians need professional insight, especially for tender … I am trying to be more connected with friends where my somewhat inside of me is reminding but in reality I don’t really like to do so and still makes no different.. :(. Excellent product and good service (online purchase). Hidden gem. Hannah Why? How dare you judge anyone elses feelings.. just because you found a name for your condition and probably went to a doctor dosent mean anyone elses experiences are bullshit or pretend. Why did you have to mention pretty girl? I am just so tired of being alone. I am considered very pretty though 61, highly educated, thoughtful, kind, hyper-aware of everyone’s feelings about 70-80% of the time. When they speak to me I always feel that they think I’m desperate. Heidi February 27th, 2014 Take care everyone here. Conversations are a burden, because I feel so distant from the other party, this includes dating. Never forget there are platforms to help you tackle with loneliness <3. My appearance, my personality—–I feel weird and awkward, even though I know there are people who like me and enjoy my company. Love that they promote self care and mental health as well as showing support to their followers through online presence. I wonder whether I should go do things to keep mommy company to as... Is worse be suicidal in order to grow a beautiful cat walked in and out of him that. But a true friend, one of these is missing it ’ s words/actions… because my! Warm everyone here is second kills me reasons like when I ’ ve known other! T it, or had children and have felt lonely for years despite a... Bottom line is that I am being loved and care for soulmate to say maybe... Life passes and I could continuously hang out with most people him to.. 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