The speed is also a major factor. Get your head out of your ass. What was the unsual age for women to get married? Apart from how unlikely it is that these two species would ever An average male tiger weighs in at around 500 pounds and can reach up to 700 pounds. Gorillas are pathetically slow compared to the Big felines. Apocryphally perhaps, a Rajah in previous times put a lion and a tiger in a pit to see who’d win. GRIZZLY BEAR VS WESTERN GORILLA - Who would win a fight? Polar bears are very strong North American bears that are usually found in many parts of the USA and Canada. Male gorillas show an unbelievable amount of strength. Same thing with the bear neck is way to thick. A grizz would kill every one of these MFs and play with the dead bodies until he got bored. If you like this post, you may also enjoy this post: Can An Elephant Defeat A Hippo, Crocodile, Lion Or Rhino In A Fight? In captivity, gorillas have been documented showing complex emotions, form family bonds, the ability to use tools, and recognize past and future. Do you still think a gorilla stands a chance against a Lion? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? The neck of a gorilla is a small target that is well defended by their large muscular shoulders. Jeroen van Leeuwen sa U are faggot tiger fans. Maybe in a surprise attack, but once the gorilla gets hold of you, that’s that. As for bite force, you know what blows them all out of the water? Killer Whales Vs Polar Bear. How do you even question that? A polar bears weighs 2 or 3 times … Unfortunately for the gorilla, the likelihood is that this would be a very short battle. All Rights Reserved, StomachPunch Media LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Grizzly bears and all other brown bears which are larger than the American grizzly would absolutely destroy gorillas and the Canadian brown bears what did you feed lions and tigers as well unfortunately they are just too big and too strong the largest Tigers would defeat the largest lions but pound-for-pound it can go either way as has been proven on videotape plenty of times although these morons who these hypotheticals never seem to watch the video that exists when these animals are in captivity and face each other. The fight would likely go to the one with the most stamina, which would probably be the gorilla. A tiger weighs 500 lbs? Also the gorilla is not a predator. Do your research before making assumptions about a lion since you believe the tiger would easily win this battle but the lion would lose. The bear is built like a tank and when not digging trees and tasty roots up, uses that giant front paw like a battering ram and would break a lion or tiger’s neck in one swat. A toe-to-toe punch up would not be the lion’s discipline of choice, as it is speed and stealth that makes a lion stand out from the rest. It is a subspecies of brown bears located in Northern America, they are not an endangered species due to the measurements taken by the state. Bruh a leopard can beat a gorilla, so a grizzly, lion, and tiger can all kill a gorilla with ease, and a tiger can kill a lion and a bear any day, with bigger claws and teeth, and better hunting skills, no problem, Fuck u retarded lion hater. However, what would happen if this king of the jungle had to fight the other kings of the jungle, a male lion? The Lion is the King all powerful enough said. Lifespan– The average life span of a gorilla in the wild is 35 to 40 years, and in captivity, A gorilla can live for more than 50 years. You’re down hear calling everyone you disagree w/ a faggot but we all know that the guys who are constantly calling people faggots are are the ones in the closet. One match proves nothing, but combined with the other data is suggestive. polar bear could easily kill a gorilla. There is also a reported case were a tiger got out of it’s enclosure and into the lions. It happens when humans get close to the bear’s habitat. Lions, tigers and bears are all bigger and stronger than gorillas and able to kill gorillas. Ned Hardy | Contact | Privacy Policy | DMCA StomachPunch Media, LLC. The most natural thing a polar bear does is kill its prey and eat it, and they are really, really good at it. But lets say the bear is stronger. A 400lb gorilla is actually about equally as strong as a grizzly that’s even upwards of 1000lbs bc of their physiology. Ok all these animal’s are King’s in their own way and should be respected as so. Some corrections, tigers and lions have approximately same bite force. Silverback gorillas males stand on average 6 foot tall with the females topping out around 5 feet. Your email address will not be published. Gorillas have been shown to have an IQ range between 75 and 95 and possess the ability to understand 2000 English words. The outcome either way is still the same- bear wins due to sheer size, strength, and claws/teeth. Just as with humans, some individual are far taller, muscular or heavier than others. Grizzly bears, also known as a North American brown bear, are large bears native to North American and currently inhabit areas in the Northwestern US, Alaska, and Canada. A Male Tiger destroys a male Lion everytime. Another thing to consider is the Gorillas lacks claws and will be at a severe disadvantage amongst 3 species with the most deadliest sets of claws of any animals. All Rights Reserved. Grizzlies are way bigger and stronger than any of these other animals. Some have been taught sign language and learned to communicate with the handlers. Lions, tigers and bears have size and strength advantage + they are all predatory animals. What animal can beat a grizzly bear? Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? I mean, look at your Spiderman profile pic, you clearly have a love for men in colorful costumes. Big cat moves in brushed of held down and crushed into the earth or the ape grabs it’s leg and swings it around like a rag doll and yes they are that strong! And just saying to everyone who really believes a male adult lion can bite with a force of 650 psi it can actually bite up to around 900 psi. While killing a lion with one swipe. The gorilla would need to get a bite on the lion for it to be fatal. Strength and ferocity between these two apex predator Big Cats is pretty much equal. Tigers can fight on their hind legs , have stronger forelegs and a stronger bite. very sad indeed. It could literally rip off the cat’s limbs and crush its skull w/ its bite. Filed Under: Gorilla, Grizzly Bear, Lion, Tiger. The bite force of a tiger is capeable to do up to 1050 psi and a Gorillas bite force is capeable to do up to 1300 psi. Gorillas are strong but man, it's a damn polar bear? A ridiculous account! Your understanding of gorillas and strength seem to be drawn from fanfic. MY ACCOUNT LOG IN; Join Now | Member Log In. Where do you get this data? I have seen Male Bengal Tigers far bigger than many Male African Lions. The bear would bite the neck as a kill shot, which would be hard to get to on a gorilla since they have a small neck that is well protected. Big cat attacks gets brushed off. Gorillas are very vulnerable to slash attacks, and die very quickly when facing leopards. National Geographic and discovery say around 1000lb each but of course it is ignored by this fucks. In real life, not this weird fantasy where gorilla’s have magical abilities, leopards kill and even hunt gorillas. Leopards hunt gorillas, Including adult male silverbacks. Leopards – much smaller than lions and tigers. This article has so much misinformation, that it´s ridiculous really. Human are far smarter than gorillas. For comparison, the normal human IQ score is approximately 100. Gorillas are highly intelligent compared to these beast and hulk like strength. I assume the gorilla is your favorite animal followed by the lion. It also does this while attacking a (weakened) elephant. Against a grizzly bear, male or female, the gorilla doesnt stand a chance in hell. What was decided after the war about the re-building of the chathedral? Follow @who_would_win “This has been a constant and heated battle at the workplace. I know I know many of the haters are just too jealous and start calling names & tagging Spidey’s fan. It all depends on the individual. A male grizzly weighs in at 600 pounds and stands 7 feet tall. Lions are used to express power and majesty why is that so?? Nicolu – You are a disgusting racist pig. The gorilla is stronger, but if he rips the legs off the amoeba, the amoeba just splits into two or three more amoebas. 10/10. Tiger is bigger and stronger. However, if they all ended up in the ring together, my vote would be on the tiger. damn, another fucking lying retard nigger…STFU queerbait. Those old films that you saw are always a male Lion against a female tiger, which, by the way would win at least half the time against a male Lion. gorillas can fricking punch are u thick they cant just bite. Gorilla has no chance against any of these “big league killers”. Actually This Was The Best analysis I’ve Read about Animal Fights Very Factual The Tiger Is Nothing to Play With at ALL. Gorilla will outpower it but to what cost? Males can weigh between 300 and 450lbs with the smaller females ranging between 200 to 300 pounds. But to offer a critique of this article. Loading... 280 COMMENT . The gorilla is not weaponized for combat like the big cats. Copyright © 2021 Multiply Media, LLC. This article is pretty ignorant what comes to facts. Tigers and lions are practically the same and both are bigger and stronger than gorillas with superior killing abilities. That’s a good question i would like to think the gorilla just because of it’s superior intellect but the grizzly has almost the same strength and is bigger. Is a gorilla stronger than a grizzly bear? It's time study if polar bears attack humans. They all live in different habitats so it might not be the best idea . The tiger’s speed and agility mean that the gorilla would most likely not be able to get a good enough grip to get a bite on the tiger. The polar bear would kill the gorilla in a few seconds. I’m inconclusive on this bout. Gorillas are large and strong creatures that can hold their own in a fight. Unless big cats can some how hit a main artery they ain’t making it far. There used to be and I haven’t checked out recently a number of these fights on the internet, YouTube specifically, we’re lions and tigers each one fights against one another it just depends. Can A Silverback Gorilla Defeat A Lion, Tiger Or Bear In Battle? So… The tiger wins because of speed and the lion loses while being faster? (Bear hits the gorilla, gorilla hits the ground) The fight would most likely last several minutes, and the bear would have to fight in true earnest to kill the gorilla. Anonymous. Now that’s been said let’s use facts and our brain’s children. It’s too bad that his comment section has devolved into this. that makes them totally unrealistic. The first to strike successfully wins. therefore all lions are not only experienced fighters but also experienced hunters. Wow didn’t you know most of quora’s content is misrep & misleading. They say that a gorilla can crush a man skull with just a squeeze of it’s hand but a bear will take a mans clean off with one swipe. What is the WPS button on a wireless router? The grizzly is also faster than the gorilla, but they stand about the same height. So let me get this straight, a leopard is a natural predator of Gorillas, yet a Lion will lose the fight??? Now a large croc…a large croc could take out a large gorilla. What are the difference between Japanese music and Philippine music? 10/10. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. The only land predator that would beat a Grizzly is a Polar Bear … Against a MALE lion or tiger, the gorilla stand very little chance. The first matchup will be the silverback gorilla vs a tiger. Oftentimes the best fighters whip ass and do it without hatred or malice. The felines are depended on their speed and agility but what good is that if you have to strike an opponent that is bigger has the same reach and a whole lot of ass to chew threw. Gorilla VS Polar Bear Deadliest Beast Royal Rumble in the Polar Jungle. Even if the gorilla fights off the leopard, it is a desperate fight. You have to have Autism, tigers and bears have equally strong paw swipe force, but a tiger has a stronger bite force, and they get up to 12 ft tall while grizzlies only at like 7 ft. Tiger wins end of story. No! Tigers are too damn big for gorillas. There are 8 species of. This would be very difficult with the lion’s speed and agility. They average about 10 feet long and can run 30 to 40 miles per hour. It would be a slaughter…. How many grams in a cup of butternut squash? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Well lets be honest Spidey has the best outfit among most of the superheroes. Theytakedown large strong animals on a regular basis contrary to popular belief, most male lions hunt regularly because most are not the head of a pride that distinction goes only to a dominant male lions which there are few. After all, gorillas aren't smart enough to make weapons and traps. In a fight between a gorilla and a lion, they would be pretty equally matched. They can run up to 35 miles per hour and have 4-inch claws and have an immense 1200psi bite force. 3 years ago. Although it briefly manages to latch on with its sharp teeth, the bear … American bulldog Vs Pitbull Temperament Comparison & Difference, 10 Reasons Why Dogs Make Better Pets Than cats. The think skinned silverback would bleed out in minutes against any lion, grizzly, or tiger. The only chance a gorilla would have is to escape or use P.S. -Tiger haters, Lion lovers. Cotrina Fung, 15, St Mary’s Canossian College. Are you dumb? Thank you for finally saying it. That 650 psi for lion is nonsense based on nonsense information. A gorilla’s teeth couldn’t do anything to a polar bear, and it’s not big enough or strong enough to do inflict any damage with his arms or legs. Seems like more people overrating the gorilla. Male lowland gorilla = shy of 400 pounds and about 6x stronger than a man. Why does speed matter? No biteforce measurements exists for a full grown lion on camera and neither for a tiger. Yeah man don’t take this dudes crap seriously, must be some antisocial tiger fanboy who desperately battles for his bs to be heard. The one thing that make finally kill the Polar Bear is Climate Change, Pollution or Global Warming. If it took the bears back, the bear is done. identify w/a gorilla…(lookin @ urself in the mirror?) That’s stupid. 'Growing Pains' star slams Kirk Cameron's caroling protests. Roman used to pin lions and tiger’s against each other all the time in their Coliseum. Sometimes the power of goodness overtakes the physical attributes of villainous competitors. You are the one embarrassing yourself if you think the tiger loses this fight. Lions are stronger than gorillas, so are tigers. Maybe you have never seen an actual fight between a tiger and a lion. Tigers are slightly larger but lions being social cats fight more. When it comes to a tiger and a gorilla in a fight it would be a short fight. If you actually change your profile pic bc of this, I’d get a good chuckle out of that. All for polar bear. (Bear hits the gorilla, gorilla hits the ground) The fight would most likely last several minutes, and the bear would have to fight in true earnest to kill the gorilla. A pride is around 15 to 20 lions so one leader means you got about a10% shot of being that guy. I also discovered that, their believe system and the raw power make them king of the jangle. Winner: amoeba! If polar bears are known for their strength, how would they fare against another beast known for terrifying power, the silverback gorilla? And the biteforce measurement of 600ish was on a subadult lion lol. times what a gorilla weighs. How will he kill the bear and eat it when the bear has already thrown the lion to the moon? I bet you have dreams about Tobey Maguire dominating you while he blasts you w/ white silk webs LMAOOOOO. A male grizzly weighs in at 600 pounds and stands 7 feet tall. The gorilla has zero chance against any of these competitors because he’s got no size advantage and he has zero weapons to use against these other animals. Let me share my 2 rupees, most of the assumptions are gorilla crush skull or gorilla gouge eyes. weapons such as rocks or sticks to defend itself. - If a gorilla and a grizzly bear were to fight to the death, which one would win? That kind of estimations are based on nothing. Real life a silver back can stomp a leopard easy. If you wanna play that way a tiger is even stronger than a gorilla. I love the fact that an analysis of a hypothetical fight between gorillas, lions, tigers, and bears has everyone so triggered. Gorillas however do not hunt for food and lack that predatory instinct to kill and that might work against it in a battle with these natural hunters. Dragging down a large animal is similar to fighting, but not quite the same. herbivore. (Related: How To Survive A Gorilla Attack). The lion is certainly no slouch but just doesn’t have the size and strength advantage to overthrow the gorilla. This guy’s breakdown is hilariously un-thorough. All your are saying doesn’t make sense To the aspect Lions are larger than tigers except siberian indeed the same with African lions in length but not in height. Camouflage, Poison and Hypnosis – How Cuttlefish Catch Their Prey. THEN THE LION. 9.75/10. Even leopards have killed many silverback gorillas. Dude gorilla is WAY stronger than a tiger are you dumb? Gorillas are stronger than Tigers and would rip big cats apart if they actually wanted to fight them. BEAR SURVIVES. I say the Gorilla has all body and size to be champion, but all depends on the gorilla on the night of the fight. Leopards, which average around 70 kg for males have killed many times silverback gorillas too, scientifically accepted reliable observations with proof. There are numerous reasons for each side to succeed, and we are looking for a clear-cut winner. The gorilla’s thick neck would make it harder for the tiger to get his kill shot, but nonetheless, it would be an eventual tiger victory. Forget internet nerds and little kids, lets see what actual wild life experts say about Goillas vs Big Cats…link below,, Spot on analysis. Remove the Spider-Man picture first you little fagget. you stupid faggot, you wear boxers with dickholes in the back. I seen 1 Crocodile fight Off Several Lions including The Male & Get away But a Very Large Huge Crocodile was Easily Beat By 1 Tiger a Tiger Hunts on Its Own. I say Gorillas are packed for the fight the body mass muscles are incomparable. They are no match Either a lion or a tiger. Polar bears were once found in large numbers in the entire USA and Canada but according to the statistics provided by the IUCN their numbers have significantly reduced. Not only are they strong, but gorillas are also fast. That’s reality, gorilla remains are found in leopard droppings, big male gorillas have been found dead with their stomachs ripped open. And no, cats are some of the most durable creatures on the planet. Most people have a hard on for specific species of animals if they are animal lovers and they always go for the one that really inspired them as a child. One last thought…it’s quite possible that a gorilla could crush the skull of a tiger, lion or bear. Hey yo nigga…you are being nasty yo… Me your BIG BLACK BROTHER another nigga too with a mellow attitude. On average a Tiger (Bengal & Siberain subspecies only) can sometimes be only marginally larger than an African Lion. Now this is my opinion and not fact but i don’t think the lion or tiger would win against the silver back gorilla or grizzly bear. The large primates can lift over ten times their body weight and the... Rhino decided to Join in can a polar bear kill a gorilla ) tiger, lion or tiger what! Be respected as so Under: gorilla, but putting some time windows realistic. 1200Psi bite force so one leader means you got about a10 % shot of being that guy devolved! That being said, i think journalism is the same height aggression along with the rare exception of toss... Or 3 times what a gorilla attack ) to knock some since into them leopards, which around... Is way stronger than a gorilla, rip it to death league ”... 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