Thanks anyways! Here, the humans rebel against their dragon overlords, the legendary Dragon War. The second time, after reading all these suggestions, I traveled back to my home near White Run, slept for 48 hours, and returned. I met Esbern in Riften and he said he would follow, so I just left and fast traveled to Riverwood. However, the quest continued as Esbern walked to the center of the wall when I spoke to him. Delphine will begrudgingly tell you to go talk to the greybeards about it, ending our current quest and starting the next Main Quest: **** The Throat of the World. Walk into the temple and up to the wall, and enter the command moveto player to teleport Esbern to you. Delphine is very happy to see you and Esbern. I started the quest Alduins wall about 5days ago, went and found Esbern hiding in the always and told him to wait in the ragged flaggon. Then you take him to delphine! If all of the above fails, move the NPC's inside of Skyhaven manually. The Blades' archives held so many secrets. He doesn't move the dialog along even after I've chosen the two dialog possibilities. It can be received for: Complete 'Alduin's Wall' Help them take down the two Forsworn on the platform. delphine is stuck too. I'll need this... No, no, useless trash... where'd I put my annotated Anuad? It's location has been lost for centuries, but I've found it again. Part history, part prophecy. Esbern will mention SkyHaven temple, where Alduin's wall was built, on which they accumulated all known dragon lore. Community content is available under. Alduin's Wall is a Bronze trophy in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). If you wait for a long time (10+ hours), this may reset their stance and they will continue up the stairs, however it does not appear to work every time. Part history, part prophecy. Nothing here is a final edit. Trouble with Alduin's Wall Quest - posted in Skyrim Questions and Help: I'm trying to finish the Alduin's Wall quest. Just step on only the apples as you pick your way across the floor to the pull chain which will disable the trap, enabling your companions to proceed safely. 10 points if someone does P.s I am on xbox so I can't hack or console command it : Then I got there to talk to Delphine and Esbern never showed, so I waited about 30 hours and he's still not there. Tried hitting them with something, or a fist? Thanks! Delphine: So you think that Alduin's Wall will tell us how to defeat Alduin? Alduin's Wall Act 2: Chapter 10: Alduin's Wall. Alduin's defeat is the centerpiece of the Wall. So im at this point in the quest and nothing is happening. Esbern can be found in a place called the Ratway Warrens in Riften, which is not that difficult to locate. I try talking to them, pushing them with a dragon shout, but nothing happens. Be careful, as right after getting out of Esbern's cell you will get attacked by enemies, who also have been searching for him. You need all three of the inscribed symbols to resemble an apple like the one on the right pillar. "Esbern may not complete examination of Alduin's Wall. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Esbern: Alduin's Wall was where the ancient Blades recorded all they knew of Alduin and his return. Delphine stands at the first fire basin, as Esbern goes up to the fire basin near the "wall" The script is bugged in that neither will equip a torch to light the basin. Turn the other pillars to match it and a stone bridge descends, spanning the gap. After you’re done looting, go check out Alduin’s Wall with Esbern as he recounts its history. Perhaps the wall contains clues on how Alduin can be defeated and the world saved in the process. Esbern. Backtrack to Skyrim and fast travel to High Hrothgar to speak with Arngeir. Does anyone have a fix? Not lost, you see. One will be a tough Briarheart. Go up the stairs, through the door and into the temple. I have checked literally everywhere anf was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this problem? © Valve Corporation. When I enter Sky Haven Temple with Delphine and Esbern [and two mod followers (Sofia and Inigo)] Esberns goes to Alduins wall but Delphine doesnt move. When I go into the cave, I fight those guys inside but esbern and delphine are no where to be found. Let the two old friends talk it out and listen to what Esbern has to say. Im stuck and if i try talking to him all he says is "isn't it amazing" and whichever of the 2 dialogues i choose he still stands there. I'm currently at the quest Alduin's wall, and Esbern is supposed to say something for me to open this door, but hes gone and nowhere to be found. It explains the use of a special shout in the language of the Voice, 'Dragonrend'. Update: Oh I forgot to mention, I tried looking for him in the cave and around the camp, and I tried waiting for almost a day in front of the door. If you have a follower with you when you enter the interior of the Karthspire, they will not follow you, but they may reappear when you enter Sky Haven Temple proper. Go up the stairs, through the door and into the temple. For some reason Esbern stands in front of the panel and Delphine on the stairs in the temple and won't seem to move. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It is the destination and it is best to travel separately. I looked in his hideout in the ratways and in riverwood but he's nowhere to be found! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, GameBreaking Bug on Alduin's Wall (Spoilers). Also this is on PS3 and I have no previous saves to go back on. Objective 2: Talk to Esbern . Search for the lever and cross the bridge, and then move through the next corridor that leads you to Riften. Let's see what we have. Alduins Wall problem. Delphine knows the area, known as Karthspire, in the Karth River Canyon. Any suggestion would be much appreciated. Now you should be able to Fast Travel to Riverwood. Its location has been lost for centuries. now, please. Ask me; Archive; RSS; Simplify version 1.22. I went and done a load of other side quests and after about 15-20 hours of game play went back to get him to take him to Riverwood. Look, here is Alduin. Esbern says that the Dragonlore of the ancient Blades: the, knowledge, history and prophesies were recorded in stone on Alduin's Wall, but its location was lost in time. I've gotten to the Sky Haven Temple, and Esbern follows me in and starts the dialog about the wall. Be aware that if you're seen going into the cave, that a Forsworn or two may follow you in. I've been going crazy lately over the esbern glitch for Alduin's wall. Esbern is stuck looking at a wall, in combat mode. Esbern: Yes, yes. After Esbern finished talking and I talked with Delphine, the next quest never started. Killing all of the Forsworn before entering Sky Haven Temple should avoid this entirely. Esbern will be right outside his room and he will finish talking about something and then he will say lets go. located near the Forsworn stronghold of Karthspire. If this happens, Delphine may fail to follow Esbern up the steps or engage Esbern in dialog, preventing the quest from completing. Alduins Shadow DragonBorn. Well where you have to put in the code thing in to bring the bridge down, esbern and delphine are standing there. Alduin's Wall. All rights reserved. nothing much i can do, tried a lot. I found the Bug. They toke a very long and weird path to alduin's wall and near the end they backtracked their path 8 times. I ran into a different type of bug. Soon thereafter, you will find yourself on your way to Sky Haven Temple , the home of Alduin 's Wall. assuming they are both there, Delphine at the entrance, Esbern at the wall, click on them in counsel mode and type........... { <0001D4EC> <1> ] you enter skyheaven temple with no brackets. Interact with the seal and your blood causes the skull to retract, opening a portal into Sky Haven Temple. Instead of waiting, leaving the cave with Sky Haven Temple and then fast traveling back to Sky Haven Temple also should continue the quest. Force followers to appear where forbidden? He believes that the wall is located the the Sky Haven Temple. Nothing else I tried worked. Alduin's wall *** Spoiler - click to reveal *** Once back to Riverwood, the Blades army of three will head to Karthspire to look for the ancient Blades headquarters. So I kill those guys and keep continuing up to the wall. I am in the room with the wall. This wall is found in Sky Haven Temple, which becomes the headquarters of the Blades on the arrival of Delphine and Esbern. I was only able to save a few scraps. I have had this same problem in two consecutive play-throughs. Repeat this process with Delphine. Either battle the numerous enemy or just sneak into the cave where you'll find Delphine and Esbern. Alduin's Wall is an ancient wall bearing depictions of a sequence of events, describing the struggle of ancient Nords against the leader of the Dragons, Alduin. Submitted by Fiore1300 on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 23:47. The task is now to safely escort Esbern out of the Ratway and get him to Delphine in Riverwood. It seems we need to learn a specific shout, but no one has any idea what it could be. When I enter Sky Haven Temple with Delphine and Esbern [and two mod followers (Sofia and Inigo)] Esberns goes to Alduins wall but Delphine doesnt move. I went to Arngeir anyway to learn the shout, just in case, and there's no new dialogue. Go through the north portal, cross the bridges and continue into the large chamber. Take the One-Handed Skill Book, Contracts: Narfi; Beitild; Ennodius Papius, Contracts: Anoriath; Deekus; Ma'randru-jo, Liberation of Skyrim: The Battle for Fort Sungard, Liberation of Skyrim: The Battle for Fort Snowhawk, Liberation of Skyrim: The Battle for Solitude. Did you kill all the enemies in Karthspire? You see, here he is falling from the sky. Alduin's wall was where the ancient Blades recorded all they knew about Alduin. Maybe try going upstairs and outide to see if there's a Dragon? Hope this helps someone. The way into the temple is blocked and Esbern says the circular floor plate is a blood seal requiring the blood of a Dragonborn. Step on any that doesn't resemble that apple symbol and you'll be hit with a deadly fireball. they are both in combat, stuck on a wall in teh pathway into the main hall and i cant talk to them.. help. He isn't helpless, but you'll encounter up to four Thalmor and perhaps a few bandits or an assassin named Shavari as you negotiate the maze of passages to reach the Ragged Flagon and then Riften beyond. Esbern is just standing on the left side of the wall waiting. Version: 1 | Updated: 06/18/2018 Highest Rated Guide. I used the PC console code of setstage MQ203 280 as I COULDN'T get them to get passed the first puzzle.. Now they are STILL stuck at the first bridge, and I got 3 recruits for the blades, however Esbern does not want to talk to me further about what to do with the recruits. She will take you to her cellar and you will find additional information regarding Alduin s Wall. He believes that Alduin was finally beaten by a powerful Shout. This panel goes back to the beginning of time, when Alduin and the Dragon Cult ruled over Skyrim. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Gets vital NPC:s out of locked positions regularly, I find. He believes that only the Greybeards may have knowledge of this Shout. Skyrim Technical Support ; Battle for Whiterun (Imperials) causes Sky Haven Temple to crash Sign in to follow this . The task is now to safely escort Esbern out of the Ratway and get him to Delphine in Riverwood. Okay, so im at alduins wall and go into the cave. Alduin's wall holds the key to defeating Alduin. Being on bad terms with the Greybeards, Esbern sends you to request their help in obtaining the Shout while he and Delphine continue their research. Thanks for the quick answer, but I already fixed it.. just waited 24 hours. But he's not there! He isn't helpless, but you'll encounter up to four Thalmor and perhaps a few bandits or an assassin named Shavari as you negotiate the maze of passages to reach the Ragged Flagon and then Riften beyond. After Delphine and Esbern arrive, listen as he interprets the carvings on the wall. Esbern is one of the many non-playable characters in the world of Skyrim that you’d have to interact with. I decided to start over with a different character and follow them this time and found out where exactly they glitch. Esbern is stuck looking at a wall, in combat mode. Author: Fiore1300 . Alduin's Wall speaks of the dragon wars and of Alduin's eventual defeat. Hi all, I am in the middle of playing the the new Special Edition and I just got to the Alduin's Wall quest. Force them both to equip a torch by using the counsel cammand [ ~ ]. He is among the last remaining members of the Blades, an organization that serves as the guards of the Septim Emperors. Escort Esbern to Riverwood Hey guys, I need some help here. Delphine was standing next to Esbern. I am currently doing the "alduins wall" quest in skyrim but I during the battle with the dragon and the forsworn, I have no idea where Esbern and Delphine went. okay, well i decided to go to alduins wall by myself and met delphine and esbern there the only problem is that i have met delphine there and not esbern, i can't find him anywhere i've been to whiterun & riverwood looking for him but i don't know what to do to find him, please help me i've been trying to find him for hours, HELP. So I've gotten myself into the documented bug with Delphine & Esbern getting stuck @ the Karthspire.. at Karthspire Camp you will have to fight some Fornsworn and most likely a dragon. Go across the bridge, move through the webs and stop before entering the chamber whose floor is a maze of inscribed pressure plates. Librarian Comment: This page is still a work in progress. no enemies can be seen in the compass. He moves to the corner, but then just get's stuck. Joined: Nov 16, 2011 Messages: 79 Likes Received: 2 Reputation: 0 Dont worry i had the exact same problem Firstly go back to the ratway and go straight down to where you first talked to esbern. Raid the big treasure chest. She still did not have her torch. Just forgotten. During the First Era, Sky Haven Temple served as an outpost for the Dragonguard during their conflict with Dragons.[1]. I read about the quest and it says that Delphine was supposed to be there the whole time but she was not. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Raid the chest on the platform and continue ahead with your companions. A while back I started this quest, I am on the part "escort Esbern to Riverwood." Find Delphine at the Sleeping Giant Inn. Take the One-Handed Skill Book, Mace Etiquette, from the west alcove. no enemies can be seen in the compass. Sky Haven Temple is in an underground cavern complex. The tunnel leads to an open air cavern, where your companions will pause near three short pillars at the top of the stairs. You can then optionally go up the stairs and raid the six chests in the sleeping quarters. Once out of the Ratway, fast-travel to Riverwood and the last of Blade agents will be reunited at the Sleeping Giant Inn. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Open the command console and click on Esbern to get his ID. I cannot figure out how to progress. Is among the last of Blade agents will be reunited at the Sleeping Giant Inn to Skyrim fast! Sign in to bring the bridge down, Esbern and Delphine are standing.. And stop before entering Sky Haven Temple, the next quest never started Esbern Alduin! Skyrim that you ’ re done looting, go check out Alduin ’ s with... His ID the webs and stop before entering Sky Haven Temple, and then move through the door into! 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