There does not appear to be any written evidence of klutz in English prior to 1959, when Carl Reiner explained the meaning of the word to the Los Angeles Times: "[a klutz is] a dancer who dances as good as he can, but instead of just applause he also gets laughter." In Lithuania, bagels are called riestainiai, and sometimes by their Slavic name baronkos. But along the way, something essential seems to have been lost: mass-produced bagels are far from the chewy, hand-created bagels of yore. I ask only because for 3 days in a row the "correct" answers to the questions have been blatantly WRONG. Nowadays, you may even see a loaf of pumpernickel bread that has been made with a combination of whole rye berries and rye flour. Yiddish as portrayed in academia concentrates on the secular and cultural variants of Yiddish, and may be attributed to the fact that YIVO, the forerunner of Yiddish as an academic study, was founded by Jewish secularists. [31] Generally, the bagels are sliced into eight pieces using a bread slicer, which produces characteristically precise cuts (the bagel is not torn or crushed while slicing). Large bagel-holes are also a hallmark of Jerusalem bagels, which are still sometimes draped on wooden sticks in bakeries, the way bagels used to be displayed in Poland. [-] cwhiteh2lostmy2FA 2 points 11 months ago. Traditionally first boiled and then baked, this unusual cooking method gives bagels a chewy outer texture, and a distinctive, delicious soft dough within. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low; cover and cook undisturbed for about 1 hour or until very fragrant. A bagel is a round bread made of simple, elegant ingredients: high-gluten flour, salt, water, yeast and malt. What follows is a list of some of the more well-known words of Yiddish origin to have entered English. [27], According to a 2012 Consumer Reports article, the ideal bagel should have a slightly crispy crust, a distinct "pull" when a piece is separated from the whole by biting or pinching, a chewy inside, and the flavor of bread freshly baked. Merriam-Webster states (as do many other dictionaries) that the word is "perhaps from Yiddish glitsh,' a word that means 'slippery place. The word is sometimes used mistakenly to describe Haredi, who are (more or less) the folks in black hats. Bagels are made from the basic bread ingredients of flour, yeast, salt, and sweetening. First, the traditional YU scheduling on Shabbos is not yeshivish. "Bagel" is also a Yeshivish term for sleeping 12 hours straight, e.g., "I slept a bagel last night." Because the king loved horses, this pastry was supposedly called a stirrup, or beugel in German. The bagel, both the humblest and mightiest of all bread forms, is, unsurprisingly, of Yiddish origins. Feeling 'bumfuzzled' or have the 'collywobbles'? Some observers predict that the English variant of Yeshivish may develop further to the point that it could become one of the historical Judeo-hybrid languages like Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish or the Judeo-Arabic languages. [deleted] 5 yr. ago. Pumpernickel Bagels. The Ochberg Orphans: Saving 197 Jewish Orphans, 5 Maverick Jews who Saved Millions of Lives, A Jewish Couple Saved a Church. Most of these have been in English for far longer than kvetch (which dates to around 1952 and comes from kvetshn, meaning to squeeze or pinch), so why do we need another? In 1966, another bagel company opened an automated bagel factory opened in the Bronx, replacing bakers who before had hand-rolled, boiled, and baked the dough. In her book The Bagel: The Surprising History of a Modest Bread, food historian Maria Balinska posits that the round Polish roll called the obwarzanek was a twist both figuratively and literally on pretzels, turning these doughy treats into a round pastry that soon became popular throughout Poland. - American Record Guide, Sept./Oct. [10] Though Kaye (1991) would exclude English speakers in the context of a Yeshiva, studying the Talmud, from code-switching where he considers the terms "Yiddish English" or "Yiddishized English" ("= Yinglish") may be more appropriate.[11]. 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. [21][22][23], In Japan, the first kosher bagels were brought by BagelK[ja] from New York in 1989. Despite what multiple websites say about Montreal bagels being boiled in honey water baths , is this a verified current practice beyond website claims? Bagel. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Moideh b'miktzas refers to partial confession of a defendant. Nice." Would you like to know how to translate yeshivish to other languages? This is sometimes known as "Yeshivish," coming from the word "yeshiva," generally referring to the schools for the organized study of Jewish holy texts. With a little effort, authentic bagels are possible to find and, with their chewy textures and rich flavors, are well worth the effort. Have a good oneBe well, stay safe..and I'll leave you with thisBesides being a delicious food item, a Bagel is also a Yeshivish term for sleeping 12 hours straight. LAer. The word is from the Yiddish beygl, with an Old High German root, boug,. It may be argued that the Yiddish variant of Yeshivish is a new phenomenon, and consists of fewer Germanic terms and more Aramaic and Rabbinical Hebrew. One moose, two moose. When my greatuncle Jacques immigrated to New York from Syria at the turn of the century, the only jobs he could get were peddling door-to-door and selling bagels from a pushcart. Explaining her decision to go back to her culinary roots and start making old-fashioned, kosher bagels like her ancestors once enjoyed, she explains: I think the timing is good in that bagels are having a bit of a renaissance, a resurgence right now, concluding thats good for everyone.. Documents in Turkish History 2] (Kasm 1967): 56, nsal, Artun. Today the average bagel is about 6 inches wide and about 350 calories. In 1610 the Jewish Council of Krakow issued a regulation in Yiddish advising the local Jewish community not to hold overly-lavish celebrations for their babies brisses in order to avoid making gentile neighbors envious and also to ensure that members of the community didnt go into debt in the celebrations. One plain medium-sized bagel - about 100 grams - has about 271 calories, in addition to the following: 9 grams of protein . [citation needed], Many cultures developed similar breads and preparations, such as bubliki in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and obwarzanek (in particular obwarzanek krakowski) in Poland. The Yeshivish accent has similarities to various accents of Eastern European and New York backgrounds. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? Bagels were made ubiquitous in the United States by a successful Polish-American baker, Harry Lender, and his sons, who used humor in advertising to reach out to middle America with a traditionally ethnic, northeastern food. The English variant of Yeshivish consists of grammatical irregularities borrowed from Yiddish, and a vocabulary consisting of Yiddish, Mishnaic Hebrew, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, and sometimes Modern Hebrew. Who is in charge of the rewards Quiz. Modals may be used differently than in standard English, e.g. [3][4] The basic roll-with-a-hole design, hundreds of years old, allows even cooking and baking of the dough; it also allows groups of bagels to be gathered on a string or dowel for handling, transportation, and retail display. In addition, some bagel makers in the U.S. (particularly New England producer Zeppy's) spell the word "baigel", while maintaining the typical pronunciation. [13] Similarly, another etymology in the Webster's New World College Dictionary says that the Middle High German form was derived from the Austrian German beugel, a kind of croissant, and was similar to the German bgel, a stirrup or ring. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. [24] By 2003, the average bagel sold on a Manhattan coffee cart weighed around 6 ounces (170g).[15]. You Should earn points for Game Completes & every 1000gs of gamerscore!! Um hate to tell you all this, but calling . It should be noted that these are not direct English translations of Yiddish words; they are words from Yiddish that have been sufficiently naturalized in our language to be included in an English language dictionary. "Bagel" is also a Yeshivish term for sleeping 12 hours straight, e.g., "I slept a bagel last night." There are various opinions as to the origins of this term. 2011 January 30, Piers Newbery, "Australian Open: Djokovic too good for Murray in final", in BBC [1]: The Scot, who had been close to a two-set deficit in his . It was sold on the street by vendors with baskets or hanging on long sticks. Familiarity with these terms develops and they are then re-applied to other situations. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Our language has more than three dozen very similar ways of describing the act of complaining about something. Like American Jews who sought to seek their distinctive Jewishness behind, todays mushy, mass-produced bagels have lost what made them special. The word bagel comes from the Yiddish word, bajgiel. - Ken Kesey, Sometimes a Great Notion, 1964, : one who looks on and often offers unwanted advice or comment, Kibitzer, which can also be spelled kibbitzer, may also be used in a broad sense, with the meaning "one who offers opinions." Allen, Thomas B. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Webster's New World [26] In commercial bagel production, the steam bagel process requires less labor, since bagels need only be directly handled once, at the shaping stage. Step 2: Strain solids and discard (use fine mesh with cheesecloth for a clear stock). A bagel is a traditional Jewish roll that's shaped like a doughnut and often served sliced in half, toasted, and spread with butter or cream cheese. Yeshivish is primarily a male-spoken dialect. The term is also used in southern German dialects, where beuge refers to a pile, e.g., holzbeuge ('woodpile'). Soon, the Lenders were selling bagels already frozen, and came up with another innovation: since defrosted bagels tended to be harder than the fresh-baked variety, selling them pre-cut. As Jews immigrated from Europe to North America, many settled in Toronto and Montreal, Canada, which created their own style of bagels distinct from the New York style. [citation needed], The Uyghurs of Xinjiang, China enjoy girdeh nan (from Persian, meaning round bread), a type of nan, the local bread. One notable feature of Yeshivish is the frequency of occurrence of the phoneme [x], common in many words of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Yiddish origin. bagels sold by Costco in Japan, are the same as in the U.S.[citation needed], Bagels in the U.S. have increased in size over time. When my family first moved to Larchmont, N.Y., in 1946, my father had a feeling that the neighbors living behind us were Jewish. It may be a reference to the fact that bagel dough has to "rest" for at least 12 hours between mixing and baking, or simply to the fact that the hour hand on a clock traces a bagel shape over the course of twelve hours. The ring-shaped simit is sometimes marketed today as a Turkish bagel. [32] This particular method of preparation increases the surface area available for spreads (e.g., cream cheese, butter). [40] Fresh/frozen supermarket sales (excluding Wal-Mart) for the 52 weeks ending 13 May 2012 was US$592.7 million. Yet, bagels, like the Jewish people itself, are resilient, and a new generation of bakers and customers is rediscovering the joys of traditional Jewish bagels. As traditionally made, the dough is shaped by hand into a ring, boiled for a short time in water to seal the dough to ensure a compact texture, and then baked. It's been praised as inspirational, fascinating, fun and educational. It is widely speculated (at least by those who do such speculation) that the Yiddish word is descended from the Middle High German word bugel, which is from another German word for ring or bracelet. This can be explained as much of the Yeshivish lexicon is learned in Yeshiva where the studying takes place using a specialist nomenclature. Hawkers had to have a license. Traditionally it has to be torn apart by two individuals before eating. [from the resemblance of a bagel to the zero in the score of such a set], They were never in danger of losing, taking a 5-1 lead in the first set and registering a, Saturday is one of the busiest days for a, After 15 years in downtown Portland, Kenny & Zukes is closing its flagship deli beneath the Ace Hotel and reopening as a, Meanwhile, Panera is ditching pumpkin for cinnamon, focusing its fall efforts on a new Cinnamon Crunch Latte inspired by its popular. there is no formal definition for yeshivish since there is yeshivish movement or group. Weiser (1995) maintains that Yeshivish is not a pidgin, creole, or an independent language, nor is it precisely a jargon. Learn a new word every day. The bagel has been regarded as a Jewish specialty, in part because its method of preparation made it popular among Jews as a convenient form of bread that could be baked without breaking the rule of no work on the Sabbath. "He was a notorious parasite and schnorrer, but few of his hosts were overtly unwelcoming, since he could be ingeniously vindictive in print, even when seeming to offer praise. "Bagel" is also a Yeshivish term for sleeping 12 hours straighte.g., "I slept a bagel last night." There are various opinions as to the origins of this term. Bagel Definition: : a firm doughnut-shaped roll traditionally made by boiling and then baking About the Word: The bagel, both the humblest and mightiest of all bread forms, is, unsurprisingly, of Yiddish origins. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'bagel.' Linguist Leo Rosten wrote in The Joys of Yiddish about the first known mention of the Polish word bajgiel derived from the Yiddish word bagel in the "Community Regulations" of the city of Krakw in 1610, which stated that the food was given as a gift to women in childbirth. He found this so demeaning that he migrated back to Egypt, where a large part of his family had settled. [52], In the United States, February 9 is often celebrated as National Bagel Day,[53] in which people celebrate the rich history of getting together and eating bagels. Extensive hand motions, in particular thumb dipping in the style of talmudic discourse as well as the "fist twist," which is a loosely closed fist raised at or above eye level and twisted back and forth to indicate uncertainty or doubt, are common. Food writer Claudia Roden notes that in Poland, bagels were sold on the street by vendors with baskets or hanging on long sticks. The American History of Bagels and Lox. January 13, 2010 5:34 pm at 5:34 pm #703756. ', "Incidentally, the kid used all our equipment, fiddling like the klutz he is with a brand-new Panavision camera, which now when I press the button makes a sound like when you turn slowly the wood handle on those tin party noisemakers Elsie calls groggers." In the UK, bagels are popular in London, Brighton, Leeds, Belfast, and Manchester. yeshivish. 2) a sexual euphemism.. Dude! Step 1: Place corn cobs, quartered onion, parsley and peppercorns in a large pot. Hawkers had to have a license. In 1951, when it was covering a strike by the citys bagel bakers, The New York Times felt the need to explain to readers what the pastry in question was: a glazed surfaced roll with the firm white dough.. [9] There is some evidence that the bagel may have been made in Germany before being made in Poland. Selling bagels was common in Jewish communities, though the penalties for doing so without a license could be severe. As traditionally made, the dough is shaped by hand into a ring, boiled for a short time in water to seal the dough to ensure a compact texture, and then baked. [28], A typical[clarification needed] bagel has 260350 calories, 1.04.5 grams of fat, 330660 milligrams of sodium, and 25 grams of fiber. Cook the bagels for 1 minute on each side. Although so many new varieties of bagels have now appeared in New York, purists will have only the original plain water bagels, which are made by throwing rings of risen dough into violently boiling water for a few seconds, then draining, cooling, and baking quickly till golden, shiny, and crisp. Some verbs, particularly those of Hebrew origin, are often treated as participles, and inflected by English auxiliary verbs, in the same way that periphrastic verbs are constructed in Yiddish. ( tennis, slang) A score of 6-0 in a set (after the shape of a bagel, which looks like a zero). Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! You're such a nudnik. The crusty ringshaped bagel the word means bracelet in German which was the everyday bread of the Jews in Eastern Europe, has become the most famous Jewish food in America and a standard American bread. Know what makes a New York bagel taste so distinctly delicious, This article was most recently revised and updated by. [39], The AIB reported US$626.9 million fresh bagel US supermarket sales (excluding Wal-Mart) for the 52 weeks ending 11 April 2012. [15], The bagel came into more general use throughout North America in the last quarter of the 20th century with automation. Translations for. Yiddish beygl, from Middle High German *bugel ring, from bouc ring, from Old High German; akin to Old English bag ring, bgan to bend more at bow, Our little list is not the whole 'megillah'. Olivia Goldsmith, The First Wives Club, 2008. Their Generosity Ended Up Saving Jewish Lives, Why Harry S. Truman Recognized the State of Israel, When Arabian Jews and Muslims Lived in Peace, Portraits of Valor: Heroic Jewish Women You Should Know, Top Six Rules Every Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Should Follow. They are often eaten for breakfast toasted and buttered. Theyve become an all-American product, coming in flavors such as blueberry and cinnamon, and even outstripping sales of another round quintessential American pastry: the doughnut. The Yiddish variant of Yeshivish is questionable as a definition in itself, since the grammar remains identical to that of Yiddish. The comedian Jerry Seinfeld, unburdened by lexicographic rules, defined schnorrer as someone who picks the cashews out of the mixed nuts. We generally avoid using food-based analogies in our definitions, and so have adopted the wording seen above. Gluten-free bagels have much more fat, often 9 grams, because of ingredients in the dough to supplant the wheat flour of the original. Other bagel styles can be found elsewhere; Chicago-style bagels are baked with steam. It comes from the Yiddish word klots, which means 'wooden beam. De Wikipedia *This one is an interesting case, as it is basically transforming the Yiddish to English but still keeping the Yiddish idiom; "hold of" is either approve . Set aside for 10 mins or so to become frothy. Later the name was changed and called a bagel. "I already davened mincha." Chutzpah comes from the Yiddish khutspe, which is itself descended from the Hebrewhusph. There are also whole-grain and rye versions. Cuisine of Israel: A bagel, also historically spelled beigel, is a bread product originating in the Jewish communities of Poland. - Darrell Schweitzer & Martin Harry Greenberg, Full Moon City, 2010, of a woman : slightly fat in an attractive way: having a full, rounded figure. At the beginning of the 20th century megillah began to be used in a figurative sense to refer to a long or complicated tale. We're here for you, with the knowledge and encouragement to make it happen. Other variations change the flavor of the dough, often using blueberry, salt, onion, garlic, egg, cinnamon, raisin, chocolate chip, cheese, or some combination of the above. Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 21:02, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "A Short History of the Bagel: From ancient Egypt to Lender's", "Bagel History: Bagels date back to the 1600s", "Was Life Better When Bagels Were Smaller?
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