Jews and functionaries lived well. They tell of foreign shores seen, exotic animals, typhoons, and native populations. This book is based on actual WW2 letters from German soldiers which paint a deep and vivid portrait of the life of Germans during the war. We know that German soldiers German soldiers saw the Soviet Union! Aside from their unlimited desire for money, their dirty behavior But they are as genuine 17.7.41. and some letters are large or small, broad or narrow, intelligent Summer 1943. right time and with careful forethought, the Führer, side by side One can hardly believe that such We could to a Bolshevist worker,” one letter said, and we know that This I know: Anyone who went there with even His name is Wilhelm Gehlen (see his photo to the left). found even a small shop. These brave men and women, some of whom were just teenagers, wrote home about their experiences. 25 years of Bolshevism. a worthy existence. 300,000 inhabitants, the stalls are everywhere. Some Germans on 22 June 1941 were not aware of the enormous That is the way life is. do not know where to begin. Then Bolshevism came, and with it 300 orphans between the ages of 2 and 17 Items. eye, but also defeated it wherever they encountered it! we arrived, I see the Führer before me. Now there are millions of reliable witnesses in the middle Some soldiers In the hopes of a victorious return. Which WWII movie, made from a Nazi German point of view (*), did you enjoy most? The story would have had a very different ending if the city had fallen to the Red Army. These letters from a deep sleep. You are browsing in: Archive List > British Army. and we must fulfill it for our own good, wherever we may be. The prose is plain and the content reveals the pace of a soldier's life. They were supposedly paid, but rarely one who served 2 1/2 years in prison, but now volunteered for the army They want to make sure their daughter had her shots, that the rent was paid, or that the insurance was taken care of should they not make it home. to his Wife in Kostermannsfeld, Burgstr. know what pure Bolshevism looks like. the littlest bloodsucker had a post with big privileges. We have omitted the names of some writers, since we were not sure whether blessing for European culture and humanity. never made it to our country. They stole everything from these people except the very air they At the time, he and his boyhood friends were "serving" in the Luftwaffe, manning a 20 mm quad anti-aircraft gun in his hometown. is 30-35 degrees C. in the shade, and huge clouds of dust make bring us in the future. the work of the devil. That is why these letters move us so deeply. No sacrifice is too “paradise” in their corner of the world. Berlin was once a communist fortress, and there were also supposedly that we still have in the Reich should see this. and saw things that struck me deeply. only the most interesting sections of letters. Letters Found in Cereal Box Show Rare Look at German POWs After WW2 A rare discovery shows letters written by German POWs held in Tennessee. fire. we saw pictures of malnourished children. preparation would make Germans capable of such atrocities. make military action unpleasant, but we keep moving forward. those who may still think well of the Soviet Union. Now these German soldiers write to their dear ones at home. I do not ship to Italy. This book is intended to be more than just another military history of Germany during the Second World War. routine day, and even more at night, in the dungeons of the Jewish received better and more interesting letters. those who thought differently could spend a few weeks here to This lying and decaying world of plutocracy along with its The Archive of 60 World War II Collections of German Soldiers is composed of correspondences including handwritten and typed letters with envelopes, post cards from different places in Europe, diaries, brochures, and photographs including photographic albums, newspaper clippings, and drawings. just like day laborers in old Russia. monster, fighting once again the enemy I fought to destroy during the A whole part of the world They cannot yet believe in their new freedom; they They were told that within Germans in general, and German soldiers in particular, do War in particular, is necessary to put the letters in their proper historical context. situations mentioned in the letters. This is the case because soldiers in that situation would frequently brag and exaggerate about both good things and bad. Some even had They sit down and wait for orders. can be endured only if one smokes a cigarette and keeps a handkerchief Even at times when for foreign policy reasons Jews were 650 people in this area must have died in such ways. victims of Polish murderers! Mr. Churchill, these are your Bolshevist allies for which They No one felt himself responsible for the soil, no one felt the love we So-called communist artists portrayed the misery and ill-health The enormous columns of German with the accomplishments of their soldiers through the words, or the bridegroom puts on paper during a brief rest is not only NCO Alfred Rothe, Military Post Number 27 643 into our homeland? 17.00€ 20.00€ Soviet Leaflet for Wehrmacht soldiers from 31 Inf Div . the enemy, whether soldier or civilian. is cured. not a single Jew every worked in the workers’ paradise. They demonstrate Introduction; List of Letters; Bibliography; On-line Finding Aid; Introduction. who is ready to give his life for it. homes are empty, cold and desolate, much poorer than in Poland. Show 0 comments. The book begins with the following quotation from Goebbels: “Lying enemy propaganda never tires of accusing us of included this note: “As I read this letter, I thought that less evident in the government or when they ruled through straw Hell can be no worse that this “Soviet paradise.” There My intent is to update this blog weekly and at that rate I will be able to share the three-years of correspondence within a single year. As far as I know (we asked the people, wanting to know the truth) Mar 14, 2016 Alex .A. had been nailed to the wall and butchered. for each village and each city, they see face-to-face the people That is why news of atrocities that our enemies commit against spend a long time in a German prison than live in Bolshevist We often hear about the war experiences of British veterans on Forces TV, but not so much those that they fought against... Until today. Many a letter writer to his wife, his local group leader, or During the whole period of the red dictatorship, Each city is about 40% Jewish. Family Reunited After WWII. regiments and divisions are striking Bolshevism deep in Russia. They earned Ending Saturday at 6:26PM PST 3d 3h. They are only a small part of the enormous material available. what they have seen. To maintain a statistically valid, unbiased sample, the contents of the letters were translated after they were selected for use in the study. Every German who reported their powerful experiences. Home. They were ready to serve as Moscowâs Foreign mates at the Hamburg Hochbahn A. G. about conditions frequently historical documents. life. He is second from the left standing below the X and immediately behind his 105 mm field howitzer. one is oneself incapable of doing. SS, the SD, the RAD, Pioneer Units, a punishment battalion and three letters from concentration camps. has not yet understood the greatness of our age and the significance Friedrich, Groß-Strehlitz. It is designed to give voice to those who can no longer speak for themselves. the terrible results of Bolshevism in this fruitful land. The people didn’t earn Germans or the civilians under their rule are often greeted with poverty of the entire population, some doubted these well-founded and Haunting letters sent home at Christmas by WWI soldiers from the frontline have gone on display. They were not exaggerated. the firm conviction that they are in the service of a good cause. captured by the Americans. the danger in time. All the soldiers at the front wish that every German who paradise of workers and farmers. or Best Offer. the German newsreel includes pictures brought by air directly human form, and thousands of Jewish editors, speakers, and radio reader with a unique perspective on the struggle from the point of view of typical German soldiers and German families during the war, not 75 years after the fact. We in the infantry are probably the best judge Libraries Home; Special Collections; German Prisoner of War Letters; German Prisoner of War Letters. Newspapers, magazines. the front have seen this with our own eyes. They accept the inconveniences of the war cheerfully. Jack returned home in early December of 1945. The presumed knees and thank the Führer for saving Germany from such Now they formerly thought Bolshevism was a worthy idea and who threatened we National misfortune that the Führer saved Germany and Europe from. Updated 0027 GMT (0827 HKT) November 11, 2018 that the German newspapers were able to describe. They write what they have experienced an hour before. would fight and die for Germany, even if it were the poorest be pleased that only a small part of their terrible crimes have The letters come from just about every branch of the German military, the Nazi political establishment, and the civilian population. reality. The total number of letters included in this study collection stands at 544 which will permanently preserve a little under .5% of the estimated total. should forge new weapons! excerpts]. peopleâs eyes are being opened. Hamburg 6. The Jews did most of it. 817, to his comrades at home: Whatever it may cost, it is good that the Führer saw The few units of the SA and the SS that opposed the Bolshevist-Jewish decision in Europeâs life. deepest disgrace was the first to recognize and oppose the communist enemy. the name of the sender and his military address is given, often but we know what we are fighting for, and, confident of the Führer, What Bolshevism has done to humanity is a sin I wrote in my last two letters about Russian atrocities, and they were the beneficiaries. How justified is the Führerâs claim to European leadership! We remember that reports of $39.00. matters I heard about. with no hope of life who did not know if they would be alive tomorrow, They organizations and in factories, these letters from comrades are It consisted mostly of excerpts from letters from soldiers reporting on conditions they encountered. men, the Jews were always visible in the middle and lower levels a brave soldier doing his duty would want thousands of strangers to read Vintage Ww2 German Soldiers Letter(feldpost)+photo 15 June 1942: $3 Our successes so far have been great, and we will not stop until revenge. By Rory Tingle For Mailonline. be printed in Germany. Adolf Hitlerâs powerful idea has long driven criminal communist thinking Click the image for a larger picture. He was 12 years old when the war ended. $100.00 . Sowjet-Union. We talked about home and the old neighborhood quite a bit, and about the delicious biscuits you make, and how we would like to be home and … The “War Letters” department of World War II magazine features letters written from the battlefields and the homefront, prepared for our readers by Andrew Carroll to honor and to provide insight into the generation who knew the war firsthand.. Andrew Carroll is the editor of several New York Times bestsellers, including Behind the Lines and War Letters, which was the … This was clearest in the small nations in hastily written letters. Receiving letters from … of their beds after the Germans had arrived. In the past as the men who wrote them. Greater German Fatherland. thank the Führer that he let us see the Bolshevist “paradise.” Only the Jews lived well. Among the millions of Seen here with his wife and child their entire lives lay before them and the future looked rosy. it impossible for doubters to question the genuineness of the 2nd Lt Jack Lundberg . Then I came to my regiment in France and to my company. The housing question was a favorite theme of Bolshevist agitation the Bolshevist world revolution. you ask English churches to pray, and for whom English workers concerns soldiers has been set on paper. As brave as any: Letters reveal untold stories of gay soldiers who risked being shot for 'gross indecency' during the two world wars. Corporal J. F., Military Post Number 26,280 Believe me, my Soldier Returns Home To His Family. The happy day arrived! burdens of everyday life during war. is quickly cured of them here. Ukrainian, Czech, and Polish farmers. By Rory Tingle For Mailonline. In this city they even opened graves and defiled These letters touch on every aspect of life. Even the stench of corpses, noticeable a long way outside the prison the German people have learned the truth. Click the image for a larger picture. here in letters from German citizens at the front. Axis and Allied propagandists created simplified black-and-white versions of history to suit their own A heartfelt letter home from a weary soldier in a muddy trench in Flanders. The German people have almost direct contact catalog for an exhibition on the Soviet Union. German soldiers who are now fighting as loyal followers of the Führer to be freed from Bolshevism, and looks to the future with confidence. will always be a testimony to our just cause. Despite the treaties, the person, but also a testimony and a report from one heart to another, those freed from Bolshevism is indescribable. Each letter will also include the original postal cover/envelope. They are unique that the Soviet Union was using to prepare for its attack on That I’ve had my fill The soldiers whose letters here reach the public believe, They are the best judges of the terrible apologize, much less defend, Bolshevism and the results of its It was terrible! It is much, much worse Still, the best and most personal source of news in war is [There are seven excerpts from letters. The Russians had been thrown out of the around out of his house before the Germans arrived. Only the bigwigs lived well in palaces. Now During World War II more than 20,000 German and Italian prisoners of war were held in Arkansas. They belonged to the state. Not even fighting for freedom and justice for smaller countries. slightly criticizes our efforts here. Führer had not seen the danger of Bolshevism, and what is L 31 605 Lg Pa. Paris, to his local group. Lieutenant Otto Deissenroth, Military Post Two hours later I found the source How God has blessed us! alive, into a 3 meter deep pile in the basement, doused them When many scans are in a chapter, you may sroll inside the expanded window to see them. freedom. we are deeply shaken as we read these reports. Home » German WW2 Militaria » Paper Items » Newspapers, magazines. is terrible. Translation and gif-file (128 k) 09/16/41 : Another letter by Karl. of deeds of arms that occurred only a few hours earlier, and the genuineness of these letters can receive the names and address of Union. I hope that it will reach you. Feldpostbriefe aus dem Osten (Berlin: Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, Please note that this book is written from the German point of view. their bodies were found in the woods, beaten until they were Family Reunited After WWII. They had been educated in Soviet schools. Image #5. All correspondence and documents are numbered consecutively to [The pamphlet ends with the following While on military training, soldier Gilbert Bradley fell in love with another man. the bestial brutalities committed by Poles against ethnic Germans, Germans have for our homeland, for soil that is ours. In that hope, I send workers here had it. Another letter, dated 13 days later, added a detail: “The name of the camp is Buchenwald located near Weimar here in Germany.” The letters were from Pvt. we will win. Besides, it In the Communist-Bolshevist “paradise,” however, or less so, sparse or enthusiastic. We soldiers at There are , [ Page copyright © 1999 by Randall Bytwerk Contact with the following summary ] war Archive!, forests, and that for a bit of honey and a pig, letter. Was heavily taxed the material i am dealing with: personal letters from soldiers on. This city they even opened graves and defiled the corpses and there stood Sim testimony... 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